Episode 201: Exploring A Self-Projected Authority with Nadia Gabrielle
Human Design teaches us to embrace our individuality and that includes how we best make decisions. While some of us are guided by our emotions, others are guided by intuition. To know what approach is best for you, look to your Human Design Authority.
We’re continuing our series of exploring each authority by hearing from individuals who each represent one of the seven different authorities.
In this episode, I’m joined by returning guest, Nadia Gabrielle. Nadia first joined me in Episode 179 on Subconscious Capacity Building, one of her areas of expertise as she merges her with her decade-plus years of business experience in brand building, design thinking, service design to serve wellness creatives and those in the self-development space.
Nadia incorporates Human Design into her client work, which means she’s well-acquainted with all aspects of her Human Design, including her Self-Projected Authority.
You’ll hear Nadia share:
What is a Self-Projected Authority
How she experiments with and is led by her authority
How she balances her authority with her Type and Strategy (i.e., aura mechanics)
What it’s like to have a defined G-Center (the center of identity and direction)
How she uses incorporates her Human Design into how she runs her business
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Mentioned in the Episode:
Episode 179: Subconscious Capacity Building with Nadia Gabrielle
Nadia’s Service Design School & Subconscious Capacity Service Offerings
Episode 184: Your Human Design Authority - How Do You Best Make Decisions?
FREE GUIDE: Your Human Design, Discovered
Connect with Nadia Gabrielle:
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“If you’re just trying to make a decision, you’re trying to click into your authority, yeah, it will be helpful for you to have a sounding board. Have a trusted confidant to talk things through. But in the end, the process is yours. It will be up to you, to understand the frequency, and hear that for yourself. ”
Read the Transcript:
Naomi Nakamura: Hello there my friends, and welcome back to the Live FAB Life podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura. I am so excited for the guest that's joining me today. Returning to the show is my friend, Nadia Gabrielle. Nadia first appeared on this show in Episode 179, talking about subconscious capacity building. Gosh, it was such a great episode. If you haven't listened to it yet, please go back and listen to it. But if you haven't yet, to introduce Nadia to you, Nadia is a guide and a mentor for business owners, and also non business owners.
She merges her business background in brand building, design thinking, service design, with her decade plus years of experience, and working in the creative wellness and self-development space. Nadia uses conscious strategic tools, and subconscious capacity building, to help her clients set themselves up for success, in their lives, and in their businesses. By providing support at points where strategy and capacity meet.
She is the creator of Service Design School, something that I took that has been superbly transformative in my life, and in my business. Nadia returns to the podcast today, as part of my series on the different authorities in human design. We've had guests on the show sharing about having an emotional authority, a cycle authority. I've had my mentor join me, where we had a conversation on our splenic authorities. Nadia continues this series, joining us today to talk about what it's like to have a Self-Projected authority.
It's so insightful. If you're not familiar, the Self-Projected authority is specifically for Projectors. It is all about those who have a defined G center, and a defined throat center. I have a defined throat center. I have an undefined G center. I find it so fascinating to talk with someone who has a defined G center, because the G center is all about identity, and sense of direction. The people who have this defined for them, they know who they are, and they know what direction they take.
Nadia and I have a great conversation, exploring the differences there. She shares with us how having a Self-Projected authority has really guided her in her business, but also in her personal life. Also how it shows up in the work that she does with her clients, who also have this authority. As a special treat, she actually put this question out to her community, and got a lot of questions back. So we also go through some rapid fire questions. There might be something there that might resonate with you specifically. It's such a wonderful interview, and with that, let's get to the show.
Hello, my friend. Welcome back to the show.
Nadia Gabrielle: Hello, thank-you so much for having me.
Naomi Nakamura: I had such a wonderful response to the last time you were on. It led to me sharing a solo episode on how your work has impacted my work, and my life. I'm so excited that you're back here, because I think, well first of all, from a behind the scenes perspective, you're dream guest, where you actually help me put together what we're going to talk about. We have such great conversation. Selfishly, I'm just excited to chat with you, and to reconnect with you.
Nadia Gabrielle: Thank-you so much, and absolutely same. I love your service design setup. It's absolutely impeccable, for all of your guests. I'm quite a structured person, my entrepreneurial archetype, so that is my love language. For someone to be like, "Okay, let's figure this out."
Naomi Nakamura: Well I had a great teacher in service design.
Nadia Gabrielle: You're too kind. I'm so glad. We just started chatting before we recorded, and we just got into it. Because we always do have the best conversation. Thank-you for having me again.
Naomi Nakamura: I've been doing this, I guess this kind of miniseries, where I've been having guests on who have different authorities in human design. I'm a splenic authority. I've coached people with all different authorities. I can tell them what it means, and ways that they can go about experimenting with it, and implementing it and following it. But I thought, how great would it be to have a guest on for each authority? You can really share what your experience is like, and how you follow it, and how you welcome it into your life.
With that, I'm sorry, I jumped ahead. For those who don't know you-
Nadia Gabrielle: No, it's great. I love this idea so much. I think I've told you before, I think it's genius. As you have found as well, when you do work with people on their design, there are just certain things that you have not experienced. When someone with a splenic authority, or an emotional, I can say, "Yeah, this is what I read in a book. This is what I have seen in clients. These are the patterns I've been able to make out." But I have not experienced this in my own body. You have that point, right? That you get to. "This is what I imagine it's like." When you're [crosstalk 00:05:44]-
Naomi Nakamura: Exactly. Exactly. Well, as you share with us your type strategy and authority, will you also introduce yourself, for those who maybe haven't listened to your first episode before?
Nadia Gabrielle: Yes, of course. I'm Nadia Gabrielle. I'm the creator of Projectors Invited, which, if I remember correctly, that's how you and I connected.
Naomi Nakamura: It's one of my most favorite accounts on Instagram. Not just because I'm a Projector.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah, so I am a Projector, as with Naomi. In my work, I work with business owners and individuals on their strategy and capacity. If you're interested in that, our first episode dives super deeply into that. I do every single client's Human Design chart before I work with them on their business, on their personal life. Just to make sure that I can guide them, in a way that actually serves them, and I'm not conditioning them in the wrong direction even more.
Naomi Nakamura: I think that is huge. I'm sure we talked about this the last time you were on. But I started side hustling, and starting my own business five, almost six years ago. Of course you're going to naturally gravitate to who are the thought leaders, and those who have the bigger audiences in the space. But a lot of times, their methods and their strategies aren't necessarily for you. You're going to feel that disconnect, and you're going to feel like you're always searching for something else.
For me, Human Design really filled that gap. There's not one way to do things. I think it is wonderful that you are providing business coaching, as well as other types of coaching, with this approach in mind. Because I think it's everything.
Nadia Gabrielle: It's everything, because then you're not in that corner, where you're constantly going, "Why isn't this working for me? But this is working for everyone else. What am I doing wrong?" Then you just keep going with that, and before long you're like, "Well I guess I'm not cut out for this-"
Naomi Nakamura: Exactly. I've had so many friends have that experience.
Nadia Gabrielle: That's not good, right? Not everyone is cut out for entrepreneurship, for sure. It's not for everyone. But I think if the desire is there, and if the spark is there, then it would be very sad for someone to be discouraged, just because they're trying in a way that does not benefit the way that they're designed to do things.
It's super important to me, and service design as well, I find that, I mean you've been through Service Design School. The framework is one thing, and there has to be some sort of structure. But the structure needs enough flexibility to hold up for all types, for all strategies, for all authorities. For all different energy configurations, right?
Naomi Nakamura: Oh, it's so true. I've experimented in my entrepreneurial journey, about creating a community. What does that mean? What does that look like? I've gone down the route of, for example, Facebook groups. They are not for me.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah.
Naomi Nakamura: There's a certain energy that you have to put out, that comes with supporting something like that. I just don't have that.
Nadia Gabrielle: That's great, right? That's great that you know that. Now you don't have to wonder, "What if? Should I be doing that?" I think there's so much power in making the decision once, where you look at something, maybe you try it out. Where you just go, "You know what? This is not going to be me." I'm the same way. I have no motors defined in my chart.
I have to be so discerning with the things that I do, and there are so many things that people ask me for. They're like, "Oh, this would be great, and this would be great." I agree, all of those things would be great. But I cannot be the person to do all of these things, because I need to direct my energy in one direction, maybe two, and then be really, really good in those things that I do. Yeah, you're not going to see a Facebook group from me.
Naomi Nakamura: That's why Service Design School is so wonderful. Because it doesn't tell you, "You need to do this. You need to do this." It really teaches you how you can create a framework for yourself, keeping your clients in mind.
Nadia Gabrielle: Your energy, your own, right?
Naomi Nakamura: Yes.
Nadia Gabrielle: The entire first module is, "Who are you? How do you work? What works for you? What is your home frequency?" All of these things, I think need to be taken into account. In a way that's still structured, so you don't get overwhelmed. Because that's another thing I see a lot. Where you sit down at your desk, you're like, "Oh, how do I do this?" There is a structured, step by step process [crosstalk 00:10:07]-
Naomi Nakamura: There is.
Nadia Gabrielle: ... so much freedom.
Naomi Nakamura: But I was going to say, that first part you talked about, about, "Okay, who am I?" Until you actually go through it, you might not realize that that might be the hardest part of the whole program. How you bring in Human Design and astrology, it really is innovative.
Nadia Gabrielle: I'm so glad I'm gearing up for the next cohort. I'm already excited.
Naomi Nakamura: I'm excited. So, you're a Projector. What kind of Projector are you?
Nadia Gabrielle: I'm a Classic Projector. My authority is Self-Projected. As with all Projectors, my strategy is to Wait for the Invitation.
Naomi Nakamura: You've shed a little bit on how that's influenced your life, both professionally and personally. Any specific highlights, or anything you want to share there?
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah, so much. My design just informs everything at this point. Everything I do in my business, from how I set up my services, like we just said. From how I price. I always think Projectors need a little bit of a different pricing approaching. Taking into account our auric mechanics. It informs how I manage my energy, how I structure my workday. How I break down and batch my week, the tools I use, everything.
Then of course, in my personal life as well. As I always say, and everyone's tired of it. But I think it always comes back to aura. Having that aura piece, knowing I'm a Projector, has A, given me tons of understanding for dynamics that I have found myself in, in the past. Which is helpful, and I find is healing, and is very educational. Then B is informing the dynamics that I now consciously enter into.
I always tell me clients, especially my Projectors, start with the aura. You can spend years there, right?
Naomi Nakamura: Yes.
Nadia Gabrielle: 80% of the questions that I receive when I do a Q&A, or emails and stuff, can be answered by looking at the auric mechanics. I find there's so much there. For Projectors, I have an aura themed class, on Projectorsinvited.com, that goes into this in depth. I just really recommend diving into the aura first. I find it's a piece that people like to skip over, in favor of maybe some more glamorous seeming parts. People are like, "What are my money phases?"
Naomi Nakamura: I agree, 100%.
Nadia Gabrielle: I'm like, "Let's talk about your aura first." Because what I've seen, in my experience, 80% of your return will come from that as a Projector. That's what I experience.
Naomi Nakamura: Speaking as a fellow Projector, I wholeheartedly agree. Because I think so much of the society that we live in clearly is not set up for Projectors.
Nadia Gabrielle: No, no. It's-
Naomi Nakamura: So everything you learn about it feels and sounds so foreign, when you first hear about it. But at the same time, it also feels like coming home.
Nadia Gabrielle: It really does. I find that there are two levels to this. On the personal level, you have to, it just clicks. It just feels like, "Oh, okay. Now I'm in the right template here." But then also, on the collective level, when we look at the trend of Projectors stepping into more of a leadership role going forward, we can only do that when we're correct. Which is a human design-y way of saying when we're in alignment. We cannot guide any generators, any manifesting generators, when we ourselves are not calibrated towards that alignment.
I just think, "Yeah, it serves everyone." It serves everyone, for us to take to heart our strategy, and these auric mechanics and dynamics and pieces.
Naomi Nakamura: Just as a bit of a side note, I actually have noticed that people may find out their type, and then they quickly want to go to the more, like you said, the sexier sides of human design. It's like, "What is my cognition? What is my digestion?"
Nadia Gabrielle: "How should I eat?"
Naomi Nakamura: "How do I determine my niche? How should I eat?" I'm like, "I really feel that you don't have a solid understanding of your type strategy authority. Let's spend some time there." I've actually structured my offerings, so that the only bookable service on my website, that people can book, is that foundational reading. I offer those additional services on those more advanced topics, but only after those have had that foundational reading.
I've had people come to me, who have been really well versed in Human Design. But when I explain why, they get it, and they understand it. We have that first reading. They are literally like, "I've never thought about my type strategy and authority in that way." It really is meaningful for them.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yes, I agree. It is the basis for everything, right? When you have a crumbly foundation, it's going to be really hard to build on that sustainably. I just think, let's take the time. With myself as well, I find I'm still really focusing on aura dynamics at this point. There are few things that I find more interesting, and more fascinating. Because once you dive in, you can see that playing out. You can see it in other people's relationship dynamics, and your own. You look into your past, look at your past workplaces, past relationships. Oh my god, do you know?
Naomi Nakamura: Yes.
Nadia Gabrielle: There's so much there. You can start making out these patterns. You're like, "Oh, maybe in my next dating situation, I'm not going to do that anymore. It hasn't worked out for me."
Naomi Nakamura: They really need to wait for the invitation more.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah. "Historically, this didn't go great." Start making these connections, and really applying. Because in the end, as we say, or as the name says, it's mechanics. This is going to play out the same way. It's just mechanics. It's not personality. The players get switched out. There's different people. But the mechanics are the same, when these auras come together. That's why I really wanted that aura class on Projectors Invited. It's my first class that I put on there. It's one basics one, or essentials one. Because we need that. It's the first thing. Then everything else, we can build on that, and we can do the more glamorous things.
Naomi Nakamura: Exactly. As I shared with you before we started recording, I have been doing, I guess you could say this series, having guests on who have different authorities. As I shared, I can tell people what their authority is. I can give them suggestions, or tips, or recommendations on how they can experiment with it. About bringing it into their lives, and helping it guide them. But it's a lot different than actually experiencing it, and living it for myself.
I've had someone as an emotional authority on. I've had a cycle authority, and a splenic authority. I had another splenic authority join me, just to give people two different perspectives on how we experience that. Then here we are, we have you as a Self-Projected authority. I've actually coached, and done readings for people with this. I share with them what it is, and their tips. They look at me, so I know they're very excited for this chat that we're having. But can you explain to us, what is a Self-Projected authority?
Nadia Gabrielle: Yes yes yes. Self-Projected authorities speak from the G, which, diamond shaped center, in the middle of the chart. The yellow one, right in the middle. As a Self-Projected authority, you will have your G center defined, and you will have your throat defined. In my experience, your throat center doesn't really have much of an agenda. It's more like the vessel. In the defined throat, there's pressure for that expression to come out.
First thing, Self-Projected authorities, stifling your voice is about the worst thing you can do. Because the voice, the expression always, always wants to come out through the defined throat. Then we look at, where are you connected to the throat? For me, it's the mind and the G. The G in particular speaks. That's the place where I have the direction. Through the throat, we express what the G knows. Again, it's not the agenda of the throat center. It's what's connected and coming through the throat from the G, that diamond shaped center.
Naomi Nakamura: I am so excited, because I have an undefined G center. I am so curious about, what is it like to have that defined?
Nadia Gabrielle: You know what it's like? It's like you're that person that's like, "Guys, come on. Follow me, I know exactly where we're going." You're that person.
Naomi Nakamura: It's that sense of direction.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yes, you just know. There isn't much shape shifting in your direction, and in your identity. Really quite settled. It's helpful, and then also of course I have lots of clients with undefined G centers. There's so much beauty in that as well, right? Where I find especially, I work with so many service based business owners of course. Especially if they do one on one services, I find that my undefined G clients, they're the ones that are really able to intuit what the other person, what their client needs, in that one on one setting.
I'm sure you find that for you as well, right? As soon as you're in a room with someone, on a call with someone, you know. Because you can feel into them, because you're permeable, if that's the right word, in that. You can feel into the essence of the other person. Be like, "Oh, this is what they need. Okay, cool."
Naomi Nakamura: I so relate to that. I so relate to that. When you learn, it's funny, because when I do readings for people, and I tell them what their type is, sometimes, and it surprises me a little bit, sometimes people are disappointed. I'm like, "Why are you disappointed? This is awesome." What was it like for you, that your authority was a Self-Projected authority?
Nadia Gabrielle: It was great. It's fun. It's been fun to learn about it. I didn't put myself under any pressure. It was just like, "Okay, cool. Let's see how this works." In many ways, I'm still in that process. I'm just not stressing about it. I'm just living my life. When I'm faced with a decision, it's cool, because I have this extra tool that I can use, and that I experiment with. Which is what I do. But I've never experienced that kind of disappointment or anything.
Naomi Nakamura: The reason I also ask, is because it's not a very common one.
Nadia Gabrielle: No, it isn't.
Naomi Nakamura: There's not a large population of people with this authority.
Nadia Gabrielle: It's really not. But we're very loud. You wouldn't think. We take up our space.
Naomi Nakamura: What was your process? What was your experience like, in learning how to welcome this, and learning how to experiment with it, and how to let your authority guide you?
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah, great question. In my experience, this is a bit wild, but it's almost like an elimination process. Of learning the frequencies of the undefined centers. Which, any Self-Projected Projector will have lots of undefined centers. Just coming [crosstalk 00:21:09]-
Naomi Nakamura: That's what makes you you.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah, and really learning the frequencies of these undefined centers. Then identifying where your expression comes from in the moment. This is what I recommend to all my clients with lots of undefined centers. Even non self-projected. You know this. These centers tend to get chatty, right?
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah.
Nadia Gabrielle: There can be a lot of chatter going on. There's your undefined heart over there. It's like, "Oh, am I doing that? Should I be delivering more?" Let me lower the price a little-
Naomi Nakamura: "How do I compare to other people?"
Nadia Gabrielle: Exactly, "But they're doing this." Then there's your undefined root over there, that's wanting to get everything wrapped up, so that there's finally peace. Or a solution of peace. These voices can get really loud, and they can take over. So the-
Naomi Nakamura: Yes, coming from someone who has an undefined head, and undefined-
Nadia Gabrielle: Right, same. We have to, and that's why I find this elimination process to be helpful. Because then you can go, "Okay, cool. I hear that, and I can identify that. That's not my G. That's not my truth. That's just some outside voices coming in, being loud." The more you can hear yourself, and attune to the frequency, the more you know. "Is this the true frequency of my G speaking? Or is this my undefined centers just running wild? What's that I'm hearing?"
Then with practice, you'll know. It's like when you put the cap on a bottle of Coke. Which is great, because this is a health focused podcast. We're using a bottle of Coke. A bottle of kombucha. When you put the cap on, and it's not quite right. But then once it's on right, and it clicks, and you just know, "Okay, now it's on right." It's like that.
It's not by the content that you hear it, but really by the frequency of the voice. It just changes, and I can see it again and again with my Self-Projected Projector clients. I can hear when they speak from the G. It's like, "Okay, yes. Right there. Right there, we have it." It just clicked, and now we're actually hearing their inner GPS. Then of course, I have a lot of experience with this, from working, I have a lot of Self-Projected Projector clients as well. But then anyone can just train themselves with practice, and with time, to hear that.
For me, and I'm sure it's similar for you. Or you can tell me if it is. I always want my Self-Projected Projector clients to just talk, talk talk talk. Then bit by bit, we're getting closer. Sometimes it's almost like an emptying process, where we have to get the chattiness out of the system. Out of the undefined heart, or the head, or whatever it is first. But then if we keep going, we'll get there, and it will click.
Naomi Nakamura: That is one of the tips that I share in my readings, for those who have this authority. That speaking things out will really help them find clarity. Whether it's, they're speaking to themselves, or speaking into a voice recorder app on their phone, or speaking to someone else. It really doesn't even matter, if you're speaking to another person, what that person's perspective or opinion or feedback is. It's really, again, the expression of your throat.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yes, and the frequency. That is your process, regardless of what's going on around you.
Naomi Nakamura: When you talk about practical ways you've developed the frequency, what are some of the practical tools or methods that have helped you? With the understanding that other people may have things that helped them. But what specifically helped you?
Nadia Gabrielle: I love talking about this. As you know, this is literally all I'm interested in. Taking these really more abstract ideas, from a chart, that when you look at it, I'm sure many of your listeners maybe are at that point. When you look at it, and it's like, "I don't get it."
Naomi Nakamura: "What does this mean?"
Nadia Gabrielle: [crosstalk 00:24:57]. Yes.
Naomi Nakamura: There's literally no way of interpreting any of it.
Nadia Gabrielle: It's also kind of ugly. They're going, "What is this?" It's all these colors, and taking these abstract ideas from that chart, that makes no sense when you first look at it, and applying them in real life. That's what I live for. We take this. How can we use this? How can we make things easier on ourselves?
In terms of how I've integrated that Self-Projected authority, and I'm still in the process of doing so obviously.
Naomi Nakamura: Well I think it's a lifelong process for everybody.
Nadia Gabrielle: Oh, for sure. For sure. For me, I run my main business. Then I run Projectors Invited. I find that in everything I do, my voice comes through very clearly. There's no other way that I know to do things. I use that predisposition, so to speak, that I have. What I have available to me, in terms of my design. I use that in my communication.
What does that look like practically? As Self-Projected Projectors, as we said, we want to express what the G knows. That again, the throat itself doesn't have much of an agenda. That's the content. That covers the content. The direction from the G. You tap into that through the process that we outlined earlier. Now for, say practical real life business communications, we've got the content. Now let's look at the form. How do you express?
For that, I really like to look at the throat gates. Which, for any SPP, Self-Projected Projector, there will be some definition there. All of the throat gates bring a different nuance of expression. It's like, you'll know this, Naomi, better than I do. With the spleen gates, right? All of the spleen gates deal with fear to some extent. But they're different balances of fear that they cover. Same thing with the throat. It's all about expression, and the different nuances. By diving into those, you can get a really good feel for how you're designed to express yourself.
I find this so helpful in business. I'm extremely aware of my own configuration, let's call it. I find that the more that I lean into it, the more desired or wanted my voice is. One example is-
Naomi Nakamura: It's naturally creating that invitation.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yes, because you're in your home frequency, right? You're broadcasting from what you have. My one example would be, as I have gate 56 defined in my throat. With that comes a gift for language, and a gift for storytelling. Anyone who has this, you'll have that gift for using device of story to bring wisdom. Bring knowledge, bring inspiration to other people. Using your own experiences. Using what you know, what you've lived through, what you've seen. Weaving that into stories.
That is something way before I learned about Human Design. Now as well, people tell me all the time. They're like, "Wow, the way you put that just now, just made everything click." Or even on Projectors Invited. I make memes [crosstalk 00:28:12]-
Naomi Nakamura: But they're so good.
Nadia Gabrielle: Thank-you. I get DMs from people that are like, "Oh my god, this one meme just taught me more than this entire Human Design course that I was taking." There's something that was delivered. That's one thing I know, that I have a gift for bringing a point across, in a way that can be easily, for me personally, that's just my personality, often playfully. It will be received in that way, so I lean into that 56. Because it's one of the gifts that are consistently activated within my expression. For someone else, that might not be the way they express themselves. They-
Naomi Nakamura: I actually just pulled up my chart. I don't have Gate 56.
Nadia Gabrielle: No, you don't have it?
Naomi Nakamura: I don't.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah, right? Exactly. Then if someone else tried this, it might fall flat.
Naomi Nakamura: Right.
Nadia Gabrielle: This is really important, and why I think it's wonderful to have this information in business, in a more practical way. Because you need to be expressing, from what I call your home frequency, for it to land. That's just one example. Each of the throat gates comes with its own gift. With its own quality, its own frequency. I find that when you leverage that, you can just see in tangible ways, right? More people will be drawn to you. More people want to learn from you, work with you, read your newsletter. Whatever it is.
Naomi Nakamura: Energetically, it's a different feeling when you are operating from what's in your design. What's true to your design.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah. Again, I keep saying home frequency. That to me is just, I'm plugged in. I'm clicked, right? I don't know how else to say it. But it's what I love. It's what I love doing with my Projector business clients. When we look at writing copy, or general branding questions. Writing an Insta bio. Or business communications. "Okay, what's the configuration we have? What are the gifts that we can leverage? Where has there maybe been a bit of a disconnect, where this person was expressing themselves in their business, in a way that maybe doesn't come across as authentic, and then it just doesn't quite land?"
Naomi Nakamura: Like you said with Projectors Invited, even in the way that, what you post on Instagram, and I guess the way in which you write your caption? It all comes into play. I don't want people to overthink this. But I think once you try something from within your home frequency, you will see how you were not doing things in your home frequency. Then you'll feel the difference there.
I think until you try doing something from that perspective, you're not going to necessarily know how it feels to not do it from that way.
Nadia Gabrielle: Exactly. That's why, what were saying in the beginning, right? You can take all the courses from all the people, telling you, "First step this, then this, then this. Then post on all of these days, and say these things, then say these words." It might still not land. That's where the gift of home frequency comes in.
I'm teaching a class on this. It's not a Human Design class, this one, actually. You've taken this, actually. It was in service design. You know the entrepreneurial-
Naomi Nakamura: Yes.
Nadia Gabrielle: That to me is also just a different way of expressing it. But it's also a home frequency. Doing business, communicating from where you're clicked in. It will be in Service Design School in 2022 as well.
Naomi Nakamura: Exciting.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah.
Naomi Nakamura: I have a question for you, with regards to the G center. Because the G center is all about, in addition to direction, identity. I find that, I guess my sense of identity takes on a different, I guess it changes depending on who I'm around. Not just physically, but who I let into my space. In terms of who I might follow on social media, or how I might be influenced by coaches and teachers like yourself. How does that show up for you?
Nadia Gabrielle: In terms of, as someone with a defined G? If it's the most-
Naomi Nakamura: Yes.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah, it's different.
Naomi Nakamura: I would imagine so. I'm so curious, because I only know my way.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah, exactly. The way I would explain it is, there's a sense of self that is unshakable. Where, of course I deeply admire people, I can taste other people's frequency a little bit, and energy. But I still know where my own is. I did theater, and all of those things. I remember having this conversation with my theater director. She was like, "You know, when you play other people's roles every day, sometimes it's hard to find yourself again at the end." I was like, "No, I don't have that. I don't know what you're talking about."
Naomi Nakamura: I love that.
Nadia Gabrielle: There's just really a definition of, "I know who I am. I know where I'm going." But yeah, with my undefined G clients, there is really that, just the way you described it so beautifully, there's a sensitivity to environment, and-
Naomi Nakamura: There is, and-
Nadia Gabrielle: It's so important for you to be in the right. Right environment, right people. Also, ruthlessly edit.
Naomi Nakamura: I was going to say, it's really helped me realize that for myself, as having an undefined G center. In fact, I only have one activated gate. Boundaries are really, really important for me.
Nadia Gabrielle: Mm-hmm (affirmative), it's everything. Because otherwise, sometimes it's a little bit like a shape shifting chameleon quality. Where if you're around people that maybe are not good for you, there will still be that emerging, almost.
Naomi Nakamura: Yes. Yes.
Nadia Gabrielle: Because there is that permeability. Each center has its shadow, and its light. Defined has its beauties, and it's more shadow expression. Then same for undefined. We aim to be in the light. If the shadow rears its head, that's fine as well.
Naomi Nakamura: I just had this thought, just a few minutes ago, when we were talking about Service Design School. You were saying that the first part of it is learning who you are. I just said, "That's the hardest part." I'm like, "Well yeah, I have one activated gate in my G center."
Nadia Gabrielle: That's so funny. Very-
Naomi Nakamura: You were probably like, "It's not that hard."
Nadia Gabrielle: I was like, "That's actually the easy part." That's so funny. Yeah, totally didn't pick up on that. That is so funny.
Naomi Nakamura: You have crowdsourced your Instagram community, about questions for those who have this authority. Why don't we go through them?
Nadia Gabrielle: Yes. I asked on Projectors Invited, had a little question box, and got some questions from the people. Let's just go through them, rapid fire. Okay. First one. "Does journaling help? Or do I have to speak out loud?" I would say building on what I've said before, I would speak out loud. Just so you can get familiar with the nuance. With the frequency of the voice, and the frequency of the different centers. I think to practice, I would get in the habit of speaking aloud.
People do this different ways, right? You said before, voice memo yourself, recording yourself. I never quite got into that. Into recording myself. Because I don't know, I'm never going to listen to that. I don't have time to listen to all my chatting. I speak to click into the frequency, and that's when I know it's coming from my G. Then I have my answers. But I suppose if you're practicing it, it would be helpful. You could do that, and you could listen back. But I've never done that.
Naomi Nakamura: From my perspective, I do have a defined throat center, but I have an undefined G center, but I have a defined spleen. The expression, I mean I have a podcast, so yes, expression is-
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah. You're like, "This needs to come out."
Naomi Nakamura: ... definitely necessary for me. Maybe this is the undefined G center. I go through phases of journaling it out. Whether that be typing it in an online journal, or handwriting it out analog style, in an actual notebook. Or sometimes I do use the voice memo. But it's never consistent for me.
Nadia Gabrielle: But then, do you listen to what you recorded?
Naomi Nakamura: Sometimes.
Nadia Gabrielle: Really? Okay.
Naomi Nakamura: Actually, what I do is, I speak it out. Then I transcribe it.
Nadia Gabrielle: Oh, I love that. So then you have everything written, in front of you.
Naomi Nakamura: Actually, that is my process for my solo episodes. Because if I plan it out, I feel like I miss points that were coming up in my head. Which, out of my spleen I guess, instinctually. If I speak, there are things that come out of my mouth, that I'm like, "I don't know where that came from, but it's good." It captures it that way. Then I transcribe it. Then I go through, clean it up, and that's actually my process for solo shows. But as I'm writing copy-
Nadia Gabrielle: That's so cool. I like that.
Naomi Nakamura: Maybe that is a good tip for people with a defined Spleen.
Nadia Gabrielle: I think so. I think also, having your notes app not far from you at all times, is a fantastic-
Naomi Nakamura: Yes, yes. I think I have over 500 notes in my Apple notes app.
Nadia Gabrielle: Which is so overwhelming. I'm one of those people, really a Marie Kondo style minimal. I don't like having too many pictures on my phone, too many notes, so I'm completely-
Naomi Nakamura: Oh.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah. I'm aiming for under 100 pictures, which [crosstalk 00:37:16]-
Naomi Nakamura: That is remarkable. When I have 7000.
Nadia Gabrielle: I know. People have 20,000 pictures, and I don't know, I'm just the same for across, in the apartment, I just don't like too many things. I like for things to be very ... I'm always constantly editing, but I do use the notes app all the time. All the time.
Naomi Nakamura: Okay, next rapid fire.
Nadia Gabrielle: Next one. There is no such thing as rapid fire.
Naomi Nakamura: I was going to say, this isn't really rapid, but what's the next one?
Nadia Gabrielle: Okay. This one's interesting. This person said, "For me, it's one of the most difficult authorities. Do you agree?" To that I would say, first of all, it doesn't matter. We are not right, your experience is your experience. But for me, I have to say, I find it to be one of the easier authorities to work with. Because Self-Projected is in the moment. I know that clarity, and however fleeting that clarity might be, because part of it being in the moment also means that it can change from moment to moment.
But I do know that clarity is available to me in the moment. I find that neat, and helpful. Because I know that right now, clarity is available. I don't have to wait a week, or a lunar cycle. All I need is my voice, and the understanding of that frequency. I hope this was helpful. I don't know-
Naomi Nakamura: Well I think, and I actually discussed this exact question when we did the episode on splenic authority. I said, I feel like conceptually, I understand emotional authority, and I understand that following your gut feeling. I even understand waiting for the lunar cycle. Those are concepts that I think are very emotional and sacral. There's a lot of people with that. I think those, conceptually, are easier to grasp than spleen, or self projected, or mental. But I think the more you get into following it, it becomes more familiar.
Nadia Gabrielle: I think so. That's why I love this series that you're doing, Naomi. I think it's genius. I'm so excited to have this resource, to point my clients at. Like, "Oh, Naomi has a podcast on this. You could just listen to that." Because it's so helpful to hear this from someone who has it. I did a podcast with Janelle on Chatting Human Design. She was talking a bit about Mental Projectors. I was fascinated, just listening to her. "Oh."
Naomi Nakamura: "Is that what it's like for you?" It's the same thing I hear about your G center. I'm like, "Oh, that's what it's like for you?" Because I don't know what that's like.
Nadia Gabrielle: It's helpful, right? For us to have these conversations. Because we all have people in our lives that have different authorities, different ways. What I did with one of my clients, she has three kids. The three kids and her husband, they all have defined sacrals, and she's splenic Projector. There's a lot, right? There's a lot going on-
Naomi Nakamura: That's a lot.
Nadia Gabrielle: What we did was, "Let's go over all of these," right? We had time, so we went over, really the charts of every child, and the husband. We went, "Okay. How is this person best loved? How is this person best supported?" For her, she was also splenic, actually a Splenic Projector. For her, we wrote them down. I think she said she was going to put them on the fridge. I hope that she did, because it's helpful for her family to know.
One of the things we said for her, for example is, "If you want to support Mom, when she makes a decision, even though it might not make sense, let's just go with that." Because the spleen doesn't explain itself. When you have that, I think understanding these nuances, and listening to maybe the other podcast episodes that are not your authority, but authorities of people you love, it's going to be so helpful. Because then you know how you can support them, and how you can be helpful in their process.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah, I'm not a parent. I don't know if you are.
Nadia Gabrielle: No, I'm not. No.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah, I think Human Design is this extremely powerful parenting tool, that can really be explored a lot more. Perhaps we'll do a future episode on that, who knows?
Nadia Gabrielle: Oh my gosh, I think you should 100% do that. All I know, I really want kids, if that's in the cards. All I know is, I'm going to by on mybodygraph.com so fast after delivery.
Naomi Nakamura: You're like, "What are we doing here?"
Nadia Gabrielle: "What do we have here? What are we working with?" It's going to be an MG, and I'm going to be feeling in over my head. I grew up in a family of defined sacrals.
Naomi Nakamura: So did I, and I did a podcast episode on that too.
Nadia Gabrielle: It's fine.
Naomi Nakamura: I'm like, "There's a lot of de-conditioning I need to do there."
Nadia Gabrielle: Oh goodness. I mean, there's a lot there. But yeah, I really agree. Knowing your child's design, what a game changer, right? Being able to meet them in that way. Not just, other things as well. "Okay, maybe this person does have an indirect light tendency. So yeah, let me just [crosstalk 00:42:21]-" Naomi Nakamura: Being a night owl is okay for them. Don't make your kid go to bed at 7:30. It'll make them so unhappy. Even though you want to go to bed at 7:00.
Nadia Gabrielle: Even though I'm on the couch with a book at 6:00.
Naomi Nakamura: Exactly.
Nadia Gabrielle: That's my vibe. But yeah, no. I think having the understanding. Or just knowing, "This person needs to really power themselves out before they go to bed." Whereas I'm just trying to reserve the energy that I have-
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah, do what you've got to do.
Nadia Gabrielle: Exactly, yeah. "You go do your thing over there, and I'll just be here, reading my book." It's fine.
Naomi Nakamura: Well we clearly both have defined throats, because brevity is not our thing.
Nadia Gabrielle: No.
Naomi Nakamura: Our next rapid fire question?
Nadia Gabrielle: Okay. Yes, there are not that many left. It's fine. This was also important and interesting. "How to get comfortable with taking so much space to ramble to people." I thought about this one a lot, before I brought it into the episode. Okay, let me start this way. The way that I'm going to answer this is very, very much colored, as with anything I say, by my own experience. My business background, which as we've talked about, is in business, building, design thinking, service design.
Anyone who's been in Service Design School knows that in business, my main thing is always always always to be thoughtful with the people who are generously investing their time in you, and spending their time, listening to you, reading what you say. That's why you and I plan out our podcasts. Because I want to make sure that I am thoughtful and respectful of people's time, and that I can deliver something that's of high value.
I understand this question really well. Again, the question is, how do you get comfortable with taking so much space to ramble to people? I don't know if there needs to be so much rambling in Self-Projected authority. Personally, I think that there is a difference between being comfortable using your voice, and taking up space, and then there's rambling.
There are different situations, right? If you're just trying to make a decision, you're just trying to click into your authority, yeah, it will be helpful for you, as Naomi said before, to have a sounding board. Have a trusted confidant to talk things through. But as we said, in the end, the process is yours. It will be up to you, to understand the frequency, and hear that for yourself.
It can also be helpful to work with a coach, or a mentor, who understands your authority, and have them be your sounding board. You don't have to feel bad for taking up that space.
Now, if you're asking about business specifically, which, I don't know if this person was. But I got that idea. I think that Self-Projected authority is a process, and it's not necessarily a process that always needs to be outward. It can be-
Naomi Nakamura: Yes, no. I totally agree with you.
Nadia Gabrielle: Right? For me, the way that I do it, is that my decision making, my clarity finding, my self projecting, these are back end processes. That's also just my personality. There's nothing wrong with that not being the case for you. But I'm not necessarily showing up to ramble for two hours, to get to the one golden nugget. Because again, I want to be thoughtful. I know people are busy, and I want to respect their time.
I will do that in my own time. Then when I have the clarity, when I have the golden nugget, the gem that I want to share, that I know is going to be really valuable and helpful, then I show up, and I can be succinct in that delivery, or concise. So that I can be thoughtful with the people who choose to spend their previous time on me, which is something I never take for granted. I still think it's wild that people would listen to podcast episodes I'm on. There are only so many hours in the day. So I want to be sure that I can offer something, and they don't necessarily need to be part of that back end process. Does that make sense?
Naomi Nakamura: I think your entire answer is brilliant. First of all, if you need that external, that trusted person who understands you, or hire somebody.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah, exactly.
Naomi Nakamura: Then secondly, so much of it can be behind the scenes.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah, it doesn't mean that ... Right. I guess what I'm offering, as an impulse, is that you can do your clarity finding, your decision making, your self projecting, you can do that in the back end. It doesn't always need to be front end. Sometimes it is nice for it to be front end. I find, especially when it's maybe an educational experience, it can be really permission giving, for people with that same authority, who are maybe just finding their way into that. That can be great as well.
I think people will have their own way of doing this. But that's just an impulse that I wanted to give, and how I go about it.
Naomi Nakamura: You know what is funny? As you were speaking, this thought came to my mind. A lot of my clients who book sessions beyond that, I've given them a reading, they have been Self-Projected Projectors. A lot of times, we have their sessions about specific things that they're trying to focus on, or work through. I offer my insight. But a lot of times, they just work things out for themselves, just by speaking it. I just hold the space for them to do that.
Nadia Gabrielle: You hold the space, and you're trustworthy, right? They know that they can trust you. I find there's so much presence, in both senses of the word, both ways the word can be written, in that. Because you understand their authorities, so you can hold the space without offering. Because you know everyone else is going to be like, "Oh, you should do this, and this, and this."
Naomi Nakamura: Mm-hmm (affirmative), well and it's really helped me as a coach too. To understand when to offer, and when to just hold the space.
Nadia Gabrielle: Let them let it process. Same for me, again. That's why I love working with Self-Projected Projectors. Because it's really just, we'll talk. We'll talk, we'll talk. Or they'll talk. Then it's-
Naomi Nakamura: It just comes to them.
Nadia Gabrielle: ... moment. We have this process together as well. We're now in this together, and we understand the path, or the trajectory. It's just my biggest joy, to hear then, a client go, "Oh, Nadia. I think we got it." It's like, "Yes, we got it." It's great. Again, I find it such a fun authority to work with.
Naomi Nakamura: All right, one more rapid fire question.
Nadia Gabrielle: One more. "How long does it typically take to build up your Self-Projected authority?" Or I guess any authority. My first thought when I read this was, "I don't know." I would say maybe a few years to get comfortable with it, and to get to a point where you can trust that you have it available.
But the other thing is, this is just the authority you have. Even if this is day one, you don't have any less of a Self-Projected authority than someone in year seven, or year 17. You just use it today. Experiment. Have fun with it.
Naomi Nakamura: I think on some level, we all have been using our authorities long before we were aware of them.
Nadia Gabrielle: Exactly. You've had this design your whole life.
Naomi Nakamura: Yes.
Nadia Gabrielle: Yeah, I agree. Right, there's something to be said about consciously exercising it, like a muscle, and being able to rely on that. Having it be robust. But yeah, this is the design you've lived with all your life. Same as with your auric mechanics. You've had these all your life. When you look back now, through that lens, you're like, "Oh man." So yeah, it's not that you have to first grow into the authority. It's just what you have, and what you work with today.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. I find, and I've repeated this several times. Again, when I'm sharing someone's chart with them, especially if they're new to human design, there's not a lot there that I'm sharing, that's a surprise to them. It's things that, whether consciously or unconsciously, they've known has been a part of who they are. They either just haven't given themselves permission to explore it, or haven't been provided a safe space to explore, and to welcome it.
Nadia Gabrielle: Exactly, and that's why your work is so important. We talked a little bit before we started recording. It's just, isn't that the best thing you can offer someone? Permission?
Naomi Nakamura: It really is. It's why I love it so much.
Nadia Gabrielle: And why you're so good at it.
Naomi Nakamura: Well my friend, thank-you so much.
Nadia Gabrielle: Thank-you.
Naomi Nakamura: Thank-you so much for offering your time, and your experience, and your wisdom with us. How can people connect with you?
Nadia Gabrielle: You can find me on, well if you're a Projector, come over to Projectors Invited on Instagram. We have a lot of fun. Then Projectorsinvited.com where we have classes, and there's a blog. There's more to come, over-
Naomi Nakamura: And your newsletters are so fun.
Nadia Gabrielle: There's a newsletter, exactly. Thanks for reminding me. I totally blanked on all the other things I do. There's a newsletter for Projectors. Then my other platform, my business is nadiagabrielle.com, _nadiagabrielle on Instagram, and there's a newsletter there as well that's more like my personal musings, and recommendations, and fun things. That's me.
Naomi Nakamura: Well I love following both accounts. One, because you share so much of yourself. Two, because you bring humor to human design, on Projectors Invited. But three, you live in another country than me, and I just love seeing how other people live, and what's going on in your neck of the world.
Nadia Gabrielle: I love that too, although I feel like I'm not providing you with much content, because all I ever do is take walks every-
Naomi Nakamura: But for Projectors, that's what we like. If I were to do that, it would be, "Here's me crawling into bed every afternoon, for my daily afternoon nap." Which, I share that on weekends. Some people are like, "How long do you ..." They have all these nap questions for me, and I'm like, "If it's the weekend, there's no alarm."
Nadia Gabrielle: No, but that's good, right? Because it's also permission giving.
Naomi Nakamura: It is.
Nadia Gabrielle: It's permission giving. Yeah, same. When I do, I coined WFH, work from horizontal. People are like, "Oh my god, I can do that? What do you mean, I get to do that?" I'm like, "Yeah, you can do whatever you want." Especially when you work from home, of course. Then yeah, we get real specific. We're like, "Okay, let's talk about your setup. Let's talk about the best laptop stands." Bringing your-
Naomi Nakamura: I would argue that naps are part of working from horizontal.
Nadia Gabrielle: I mean, agreed. Agreed. There's a lot more there than we explore typically, because we think it has to be done a certain way.
Naomi Nakamura: Well again, thank-you so much. I will have links to all of your sites, and your social accounts, on the show notes for this episode. Thank-you so much again.
Nadia Gabrielle: Thank-you, Naomi, and thanks to everyone for listening. I hope this was helpful.
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
Connect with Naomi on: Instagram
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