The Live FAB Life Podcast

Your Blueprint for Balanced Living 

Your go-to podcast for real stories and practical tips to manage stress and optimize your energy through Human Design and Functional Nutrition.


The Live FAB Life Podcast is a weekly show on personalized wellness by Human Design and makes Human Design relatable with practicable and actionable applications in health, work, and everyday life.

With 20+ years in the tech industry and nine years as a health coach, I’ve seen firsthand the impact of stress, fatigue, and burnout.

In each episode, I share insights, tips, and personal stories about managing stress and optimizing energy using Human Design and Functional Nutrition. 

Whether you’re a professional feeling overwhelmed by your career or someone seeking practical self-care solutions, you’ll find actionable takeaways here.

Tune in for episodes that cover:

  • Human Design insights to understand your stress triggers

  • Nutrition tips to support your emotional and physical well-being

  • Personal stories of navigating stress in high-pressure environments

  • Simple, sustainable practices to help you thrive

Catch new episodes every week!


→ Gaining new perspectives and innovative thinking on the big picture

→ Engaging in intimate, honest, and authentic conversations about health, work, and daily life

→ Bringing Human Design to life through a unique blend with Functional Nutrition




Bio-individuality and Human Design

Episode 180

Using Human Design to Avoid Burnout

Episode 160

Your Human Design Authority - How Do You Best Make Decisions?

Episode 184

Episode 206

Your Human Design Motivation


Episode 233: The Human Design Variables and Work

In this episode, I’m answering the question, “As a quad right, what should I do for work? I want to change too much.” 

It’s no secret that I believe that Human Design doesn’t limit us in what we can and can’t do.

So, you’ll hear me share:

  • What “quad right” refers to

  • What parts of Human Design I’d look to, other than being a “quad right” for life direction

  • Questions to consider for an exercise in self-observation with non-judgment

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Episode 232: How Can Projectors Make A Living in This World?

In this episode, I’m answering the question, “How can Projectors make a living in this world?”

You’ll hear me share:

  • My thoughts on what’s possible for Projectors

  • The Human Designs of three well-known people who are Projectors, insights into their designs and how it's reflected in their careers

  • How the way I earn a living aligns with my design as a Projector

  • Knowing what I now know about my design, what I would look for in deciding how to earn a living in this world.

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Episode 231: Time Management for Projectors

In this episode, I’m answering the question of how Projectors can manage their time when running a business, studying, and/or doing a lot of other things! You’ll hear me share:

  • Why it's important for Projectors to reframe “time management”

  • How to rethink time management beyond managing time versus priorities

  • What areas of your Human Design to consider, beyond your Projector Type, in creating a system or routine that works best for you

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Episode 230: Energy Management for Projectors Working for Someone Else

In this episode, I’m answering a listener's question on how can a Projector manage their energy while working for someone else as they’re always feeling drained small, and drained.

As a fellow Projector, and someone who’s had a 26-year (and counting) career working for others, I share my personal experiences, anecdotes I’ve picked up over the years, and questions for personal inquiry in doing an exercise in self-observation with non-judgment.

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Episode 219: How to Establish Boundaries with Diane Sanfilippo

It's one thing to talk about boundaries, but it's another thing to establish and uphold them because let’s be honest - it can be a hard thing to do.

So in this episode, I invited my friend, Diane Sanfilippo, to join me for a conversation on how to set boundaries.

Diane is a certified nutrition consultant. She’s the owner and founder of Balanced Bites Wholesome Foods, a New York Times bestselling author, and the co-host of the Full Plate Podcast, a new podcast talking about anti-diet culture, mental health, & boundaries. She’s been helping people establish boundaries for years, both in real life and on her social media platforms. 

You’ll hear us talk about:

  • How Diane naturally embodies her Human Design

  • How she came to help people with boundaries

  • Why boundaries are a good thing

  • The different levels of boundaries

  • Practical tips that you can try today to set boundaries

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Episode 215: Finding My Voice: Vulnerability in Communications

Continuing my ruminations on how we communicate, in this episode I share my recent experiences on feeling vulnerable in ways that I communicate.

You’ll hear me share:

  • My recent insights from a Morning Pages journaling practice

  • Self-observations on why some content platforms feel safer than others

  • How my journey into conscious living began and the hardest person for me to vulnerable with

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Episode 214: Finding My Voice: Messaging Versus Tone

Having a Defined Throat Center, I’m meant to share my voice and speak my truth.

While I’m very clear on my message - my points of view and approach, over the past few months I’ve been struggling with ambiguity over what tone to express it in.

In this episode, I share:

  • My story in detail with this struggle

  • How it directly affected the creative blocks I’ve encountered

  • What practices I’ve been doing for creative recovery

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Episode 208: My Human Design Motivation & Perspective

How are you motivated? What are the intentions that compel you to act?

As introduced in Episode 206, in Human Design, your Motivation is what, at your inner core, makes you take action.

In this episode, I share my reactions to the Need Motivation, Fear Transverse Motivation, and Novice Trajectory from my own Human Design, and reflections on the role they’ve played in my life thus far.

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Episode 206: Your Human Design Motivation (and View)

How are you motivated? What compels you to act - to take action?

Continuing our exploration of the Human Design Variables, in this episode, we take a look at Human Design Motivations.

You’ll hear:

  • What’s Motivation in Human Design

  • Where Motivation fits into the Human Design variables framework and how it corresponds to the other Variables

  • The six kinds of Motivations, their Transverse Motivations, and their Trajectories

  • And we take a brief look at the View Variable

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