Episode 243: Projector + Generator / Manifesting Generator Relationships
One of the most incredible things about Human Design is not only is it a framework to gain insight into ourselves so that we can step into our personal power, but it's also amazing because it provides insight into how we can better our relationships with others.
In Episode 241, I highlighted the insights that Human Design Definitions can provide on relationships, and in Episode 242, I answered listener questions on how to navigate Projector + Projector relationships.
In this episode, I answer more listener questions on how Projector + Generator / Manifesting Generators can mutually support each other and optimize their relationship.
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“It comes down to understanding the other person’s design - having an awareness of it, being in tune with what their gifts are, where they might struggle, and how you can support them in ways that you want to be supported - put yourselves in their shoes.”
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Welcome back to The Live FAB Life Podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura.
Before we get to today's topic, I want to remind you that from now until November 2022, I’m offering 20% off a Human Design reading with me in celebration of the 5th anniversary of this show! And make sure you listen to the end of this episode for an announcement on new offerings I’m adding to Human Design readings!
Today we’re continuing to explore Human Design and relationships.
As I said in the last episode, Episode 242, one of the most incredible things about Human Design is not only gaining insight into us so we can step into our personal power but also gaining insight into how we can make our relationships with others better - because having meaningful relationships with others where both feel seen and supported is everything!
As I previously shared, we received several questions on relationships and Human Design for Episode 217, which was the Q&A episode, but we couldn’t answer because we just didn’t have the time. Since I talked about the connections between Definition, Hanging Gates, and Relationships in Episode 241, and then I talked about Projector + Projector relationships in the last episode, Episode 242.
Today I thought we would spend some time talking about Manifesting Generator / Generator + Projector relationships because it was another question.
So, essentially what I'm talking about is the Projector relationship with Sacral beings because Manifesting Generators and Generators have defined Sacral centers. We're going to look at how a relationship between these Types can nourish each other.
In the last episode, I said that I think that like-Type relationships, meaning Projector + Projector, Generator + Generator, and so forth, can be incredibly synchronistic because who better to understand your aura than someone with the same aura?
However, that doesn’t mean I don't think that relationships between different Human Design Types can't be harmonious. Still, I do think an awareness of the other’s aura and an attunement to it can be incredibly helpful because it gives you an added layer of understanding of who they are, what their natural gifts are, where they might be vulnerable, where they might struggle, and how to support them best. This kind of support can bring out the best in them, and when reciprocated, you can bring out the best in each other.
One of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever received, as clichéd as it may sound, is to “put yourself in the other person's shoes.”
Even though I’d heard it so many times before, it stuck with me because when I tried to see another person's perspective and “put myself in their shoes,” I found more understanding, empathy, and compassion.
It’s helped me to defuse anger and frustrations in challenging situations and approach my relationships with more intention and openness in how we collaborate and work together for the betterment of everyone.
Approaching each relationship, whether with a romantic partner, friend, or colleague, when you do so with this level of understanding, brings a softness and gentleness to the situation, which builds stronger relationships.
So, let’s talk about how a Generator and Manifesting Generator can build a supportive relationship with a Projector, then flip the switch and talk about how a Projector can be supportive of a Generator and Manifesting Generator.
We know that Projectors’ aura, is to see things differently, in ways that other people don't. Because they have such unique perspectives, they are guides with a natural gift of how things can be more efficient - how things can be made better. In this sense, Projectors have a lot of wisdom.
Yet Projectors’ can only make the impact they desire if they’re invited to share their wisdom, their perspectives, opinions, knowledge.
If a Projector shares without an invitation, they’re often perceived as arrogant or a know-it-all, or worse - are ignored, which is the worst thing that can happen to Projectors.
Asking or inviting a Projector to share their thoughts meets a deep need that they have to be seen and to recognized because recognition are invitations and when they’re extended, speaking as a Projector myself, it makes Projectors feel incredibly loved and validated. Think of it speaking their love language — that’s how important recognition is for Projectors. Recognition is how you can shower Projectors with love in a deeply meaningful way.
Not only will it open the lines of communication between you, you're also going to get a new perspective on whatever you’re asking them for their input on. You might see things in a way that you never considered before, so it’s a win-win for both of you.
If we know anything about Projectors it’s that they have undefined Sacral centers. You’ll never find a Projector with a defined Sacral center, because if someone has a defined Sacral center, then they’d be a Generator or Manifesting Generator.
And we know that those with undefined Sacral centers don't have constant, consistent access to the lifeforce energy that comes from the Sacral center. So energy management is critical for Projectors. It's important for everyone but it’s essential to Projectors’ well-being.
It’s a must for Projectors to prioritize and make time for rest and relaxation - it’s non-negotiable for their health.
And yet there’s a common trend with Projectors to hustle so they can keep up with the rest of our Generator-centric world. It’s a common conditioning we Projectors have, which only makes Projectors susceptible to burnout because they simply don’t have the energy to sustain the pace.
For a Projector to decondition themselves from this tendency is a total mind shift that they have to make - to accept that, “Hey, I can't keep up with others, and that's not a knock on me, it’s just not how I’m built.”
It takes a lot of work for a Projector to come to the mindset of, “It’s okay for me to move at my own pace and to take time for myself and to do whatever I need to do to rest and rejuvenate myself. I’m not being lazy, I’m practicing Projector self-care so that I don't burn out. By taking my time to rest and give myself permission to move at my own speed, I’m putting myself in the best situation possible so that I’m ready and able to put my best self when the invitations come.”
Generators and Manifesting Generators can support their Projectors by letting them know that it's okay to take a break. Support them when they need to rest because when a Projector rests, they’re prioritizing their mental and physical health. Help them release the need to keep up with others.
As a Projector who’s spent decades working in the tech industry where the pressure is always on to make things happen ASAP, it’s taken a lot of work to break that mindset and feel like it’s ok to pause, step back and take a break; to take a moment to breathe.
It's important for Projectors to come to terms with this non-negotiable for them and to figure out how to make space for this in their lives in ways that work for them. How to incorporate rest and downtime is never going to look the same from one Projector to another, but however it looks, it has to happen.
And it’s important for their Generator and Manifesting Generator partners to help them feel okay with this and give them the space to make it happen.
Remind your Projector of this need they have when they forget and help them build and uphold boundaries around this. Allow them time, not just to rest but also time to be alone so they can rejuvenate themselves.
Another way that a Generator and Manifesting Generator can deeply support their Projector is to help them recognize their value.
Projectors are different people, and living in a Sacral-centric world is like being a square peg trying to fit into a round hole.
As a Projector who’s experienced this, Projectors can struggle with confidence because we simply can't keep up with the expected pace that others keep.
In a world where we’re told to “Just Do It,” it isn’t the Projector’s strategy to initiate or respond - Projectors have to wait to be invited - to sit back and WAIT for the invitation. And who likes waiting?!
For most Projectors, we don’t know what invitations are because it’s not the way of the world - to wait to be invited.
All these things add to the Projectors not feeling confident in themselves because the Projector's aura is unique and so unlike what’s the accepted “norm” in the world.
As a result, Projectors don't always recognize their own value. But until self-recognition happens, it's hard for others to recognize their value and extend invitations if a Projector doesn’t recognize and value themselves.
So having a Generator and Manifesting Generator remind their Projector of their value and worth boosts their Projector’s confidence, which then boosts their energy and aligns their Projector so they can all reap the gifts that their Projector has to offer - and the results are deeply meaningful relationships.
Now let's flip things around and look at how a Projector can support Generators and Manifesting Generators.
When we think of Generators and Manifesting Generators, of course, the first thing we think of is that they’re Sacral beings because they have defined Sacral centers. That’s literally what makes them a Generator or Manifesting Generator.
But there's more to being a Generator and Manifesting Generator than that.
We tend to bucket them together as Generator / Manifesting Generator. Still, there is a reason that they are two separate Human Design Types because they have their own uniqueness that that makes them independent of each other.
So, let's talk about Generators.
Generators are all about doing what they love and NOT doing what they DON’T love. They generate more lifeforce energy when they do what makes them happy, what excites them, what they’re enthusiastic about.
When you meet a Generator, who's doing what they love, it’s infectious. The exudey joy and positivity that not only inspires, but also uplifts everyone around them. It makes us want whatever they’re doing, even though we may not initially have any interest in it.
Do you have any Generators in your life? What are they like when they’re doing what they love? What are they like when they’re not?
As a Projector, you can support the Generator in your life by encouraging them to follow their joy and do what they love. Support them in stopping doing what they don’t love. One of the worst things that can happen for a Generator is being stuck in a job or doing work they hate. Not even hate, that they just aren’t interested or passionate about.
For defined Sacral folks, it’s either a “hell yes” or a “hell no,” and if a Generator is still doing things that are “hell no’s”, well they’re gonna feel trapped, stuck, resentful - not happy.
So support the Generators in your life by encouraging them to pursue whatever it is they love, even if it's unconventional because by them doing so, it’s going to make their energy contagious. It’ll spread to everyone around them - and who doesn't want to feel that way?
For Manifesting Generators, what’s unique about them is that it’s perfectly natural for them to have a lot of interests. It’s not uncommon or unusual for Manifesting Generators to have a lot of different things that catch their attention, and they tend to have a lot of things going on at once. They’re great multitaskers and this is perfectly in line with their aura, so don’t make them feel bad for it.
It’s important to let the Manifesting Generators in your life know that it’s ok for them to change their minds about things; that it’s okay for them to let go of things they’re no longer interested in.
Support them in when they’re interests change and encourage them to let go of what no longer serves them, what no longer brings them joy.
Manifesting Generators can be judged for having too many interests, from jumping from one thing to the other. They can be perceived as being “flaky” or “taking on too much.” This isn’t the case at all - it’s part of their aura, so create an environment where they feel supported when this happens.
Hanging on to things that no longer serve them or not letting them pursue what piques their interest is what drains energy from Manifesting Generators.
I worked with a client who went to grad school and invested a lot in their education. But they got into the world and starting working in their field of expertise, they found that it wasn’t they wanted to do. But they felt trapped, that they shouldn’t make a career change to pursue what they actually wanted to do because they and their family had invested so much into their education. They felt like they’d let everyone down; that they’d upset their parents and disappoint them.
So if you having Manifesting Generators in your life, especially if you’re in relationships with one, support them and let know it's okay for them to change their mind.
For both Generators and Manifesting Generator, both having defined Sacral centers, they have the same Strategy, which is “to respond.” And in Human Design, the Sacral center is the gut, so its correct for them to follow their gut instincts - encourage them to do this.
“Listening to your gut,” is one of those commonly used phrases, just like, “put yourself in the other person’s shoes is.”
But “listening to your gut” when it comes to decision-making isn’t for everyone. It’s for those who have the Sacral center defined - Generators and Manifesting Generators. In following their Strategy, they follow their gut instincts in choosing what to respond to and how to respond. So support them in this, however unconventional their gut instincts may seem to you. It's their intuition, and they need to follow it.
Just as how Projectors need to be supported in “Waiting for invitations”, support your Generators and Manifesting Generators in responding to things however their gut tells them to respond.
To summarize, the best way to support the Generators in your life is to encourage them to do what they love and support them in letting go of what they don't love.
Support your Manifesting Generators in the variety of interests that they have. Don't make them feel guilty for it.
What it comes down to understanding the other person's design - having an awareness of it, being in tune to what their gifts are, where they might struggle, and how you can support them in ways that you want to be supported - put yourselves in their shoes.”
As announced in the last episode, I'm now offering Relationship Readings where you and another person can have a session with me, either pre-recorded or live on Zoom where we’ll go over the basics of each of your Human Designs, talk about where you might complete each other’s gates (if there’s any), and and how you can best support each other through your Human Designs.
You can learn more over on the Services section on my website or go to the show notes for this episode at www.livefablife.com/243 for Episode 243. I'll have links this and everything mentioned in this episode there.
And don’t forget, from now until November 9, 2022, you can get 20% off a reading with me, this includes Relationship Readings, using the code: 5THPODCAST20.
I think approaching and managing the dynamics in relationships through the lens of human design is fascinating. And I think doing so can create a lot more softness, compassion, and empathy in our relationships and how we feel and treat each other.
So with that, thank you so much for listening. I appreciate your time and attention, and I’ll see you back here again next time. Bye!
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
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