Episode 197: The Human Design Variables
Did you know that there’s an element in Human Design connected to digestion?
As a Functional Nutrition Health Coach that specializes in digestive and gut health, when I heard this, I was so intrigued that I just had to learn more.
Just as Functional Nutrition recalibrated my thinking to going beyond the surface to look at what’s at the root of everything, I quickly realized that this is what Human Design has come to do for me as well. It’s a deeper way to look after my well-being beyond what’s just on my plate.
And the Human Design Variables is yet another layer of how Human Design sheds light on our health in literal and energetic ways.
In this episode, I provide an overview of what the Human Design Variables are, and it kicks off a mini-series where we’ll explore each variable and how they complement each other.
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Mentioned in the Episode:
Episode 182: Human Design Non-Sacral Types and Their Strategies
Episode 196: Following Your Splenic Authority with Victoria Jane
FREE GUIDE: Get to Know Your Human Design + 15% off a Human Design Reading
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“As a health coach, having adopted a Functional Nutrition approach, not just in how I live, and how I take care of myself, but literally in my way of thinking beyond health, beyond food, and looking for the root of things - to me, this is what Human Design does - it’s that next level, beyond what’s just on our plate. And so, learning about the Human Design primary health system and learning this perspective, I mean, it drew me to the point where I’ve shifted my health coaching to focus exclusively on Human Design.”
Read the Transcript:
Hello, my friends and welcome back to The Live Fab Life Podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura.
Today we’re gonna have some fun because I'm introducing you to the next level of Human Design.
But before we go there, let’s recap what the foundations are because although we’re going to get into to some advanced topics, I want to point out that you can't run before you walk.
And so, what you're about to hear may really intrigue you, as it definitely did me, I don't want you to lose sight on the fact that you still really need to lean into and follow your Type, Strategy and Authority - the foundations of Human Design because if you don't have that clear understanding and do that work, then, what we're about to talk about today, won’t be as clear, or possibly even effective.
So as a reminder, I’ve shared episodes on the foundation topics of Type, Strategy, and Authority; we've covered the nine energy centers, which by the way, determine your Type, Strategy, and Authority.
Now, I have clients who really want to get into the minutiae of their Human Design chart, which is fantastic - I think everyone should! But remember, that the nine energy centers determine your Type, Strategy, and Authority. So, start there, and then get into the finer details.
And by the way, when you book a foundational reading with me, we cover your Type, Strategy, and Authority, your nine energy centers, whether they're defined or undefined, and your profile lines, and select gates and channels depending on how much time we have left.
So, the foundations definitely drew me to Human Design. It piqued my curiosity. But it wasn't until I learned about the primary health system in Human Design that I was really hooked in.
As a health coach, having adopted a Functional Nutrition approach, not just in how I live, and how I take care of myself, but literally in my way of thinking beyond health, beyond food, and looking for the root of things - to me, this is what Human Design does - it's that next level, beyond what's just on our plate.
And so, learning about the Human Design primary health system and learning this perspective, I mean, it drew me to the point where I've shifted my health coaching to focus exclusively on Human Design. The idea that Human Design can shed light, or even have an impact on our health and our well-being in such a literal, and energic way? Well, that was something I'd never considered. How is this possible? How is the gap bridged? And what is this primary health system that I keep talking about?
So, when I say “the variables” in Human Design, this is what I’m referencing. It's the deeper layers, the advanced parts of Human Design. If you look at your Human Design chart, it's the four arrows that surround the head on your body graph chart. There's two arrows on the left, and there's two arrows that are in the right, and the direction that they points in, left or right, indicates what your variables are.
And so, there’s four different variables.
- Determination and Cognition
- Environments
- Motivation
- View / Perspective
And so, in this episode, we're doing an introduction to these variables, and kicking off another series, where an episode will be dedicated to each variable.
The idea behind the variables is that they’re different levels to - I guess you could say - our transformation, our growth, that can help us come into alignment so that we can use our energy to really fall into our genius and to live our lives in alignment and with more flow.
That kinda sounds fluffy, but basically when we know what our path is, we know what our design is, and we follow it, we can become live with more authenticity, with more freedom, versus following pre-conceived notions of what the world tells us life “should” look like, of what success “should” look like, of what work “should” look like, of how things are” supposed” to be is.
It's getting rid of the “should’s,” the preconceived notions, the external expectations that other people define, especially if they're not true for us.
It's a way for us to free ourselves from our conditioning, and just to be true to who we are. This is what I mean when I say we can live with freedom and empowerment, because when we can know what truth looks like for ourselves and we're able to live that, that’s how we feel empowered. And the variables are that next level of Human Design that shows us what our paths are.
Before I share with you a brief overview of each variable, I want you to keep this statement in mind. And I don't remember which Human Design teacher shared this is not, but I do make a point to say that this isn’t my quote.
I heard it somewhere and I'm quoting from one of the many teachers of Human Design and I wish I wrote down who it goes, but the statement goes like this:
“When you're in your correct environment, it sets up your perspective, so it's easier for you to be motivated and to nourish yourself correctly.”
Keep that in mind and I’ll repeat it before we close.
But let me say it again:
“When you're in your correct environment, it sets up your perspective, so it's easier for you to be motivated and to nourish yourself correctly.”
So, let’s talk about Determination and Cognition.
In Human Design, there are terms that have different meanings than the literal definition of the word. I believe this was touched on in the last episode, Episode 196, Victoria Jane, who is my Human Design mentor. We touched on how language used in Human Design can mean different things.
So, that being said, I've heard of Determination and Cognition referred to as “digestion” or “nutrition.” Obviously, we know what digestion and nutrition is in the human body (and if you don’t peruse through my legacy episodes where I have done a ton of episodes on nutrition, digestion, and gut health over the past 4 ½ years of the show), but in Human Design, your Determination is how your brain is nourished, how it takes information in.
When we say “nourishment”, of course, we think of food and how it nurtures our body, but Determination is how information, and to a degree food, nourishes our brain.
So, Determination is how your brain takes in nourishment.
And then your Cognition is your super sense.
So, when you eat according to your Determination, energetically, and literally, you feed your Cognition. This is your personal dietary regimen, your personal nutrition plan, according to your uniqueness, both physically and energetically.
Think about it this way. If your physical health is right, it frees you up energetically so that you can experience more growth, more transformation. But for that to happen, your body has to be right, in order to access your mental, your emotional, and I'd even say your spiritual energies, for you to reach your full capacity.
I've said this before, and I’ll say it again, Human Design is about body, mind, and emotional awareness. And this is the next level of how you can step into that. So that is your Determination and Cognition.
Next is your Environment. Your Environment, again, your energetic space, but also your literal environment, is the place, the space, where your body functions best, where it operates the best for you to operate at your highest potential. When we’re in our correct environment, that's where we can have more self-awareness.
When we're not in our correct environment, we can be vulnerable to conditioning because we're not in the place where we're best supported. We're not set up to have the correct perspective in life, and of life.
Then there’s your Motivation. And actually, Motivation is exactly what you think it is. It's what inspires you to act, but we all have different ways that we're motivated, right? And we'll get into what those different motivations are for each of us when we do an episode on Motivation.
And then the lastly is Perspective or it's also called View. This is where we can learn how we best manifest, as there's different ways of manifesting, some of us are meant to manifest one way, while others are meant to manifest another way.
But Perspective or View is about being in the right Environment and nourishing our brains so that we can set up ourselves to have the correct Perspective or to go in the direction that’s correct for us, so that we can be Motivated according to our design.
So, let’s revisit that sentence I shared with you just a little while ago:
“When you're in your correct environment, it sets up your perspective, so it's easier for you to be motivated and to nourish yourself correctly.”
And that my friends are the variables. They sound very simple, but there's so much there, so much, and I am still digging into it. I'm still learning and trying to figure out what my variables mean for me, how it all comes together with my Type, Strategy, and Authority, along with my Profile lines, along with the different gates and channels in my design. It's all so much and it's also so awesome.
So, now that I have you all excited about the variables, I want to remind you these are the advanced topics in Human Design. You still, always go back to your Type, Strategy and Authority.
So, until you have a solid understanding and that solid foundation of those three things, don't spend too much time on the variables.
We all have that curiosity; you're going to want to look up what your variables are and go ahead - it's fun to see what it means for you! But don't go down a rabbit hole too much if you don't have a solid grasp of the foundation of Human Design yet.
But I do want to share this with you because I think is cool. I think it's awesome. And I want you to have an awareness of it because this is the part of Human Design that really, really bridge the gap for me between health coaching and Human Design, and how I could bring it together and offer these things to people who want to learn and who want to apply it to their lives so they can live about it in a very unique, very aligned way. So don't forget about my free PDF guide, Get to Know Your Human Design” if you're still in the early stages of learning Human Design.
This guide walks you through the basics from if you've never looked at up your Human Design chart before; it tells you where to go and what you need to find it. It walks you through how to understand all the basic parts of it. And when you download the guide, you’ll get a code for 15% off a reading with me!
As always, thank you so much for joining me, I always appreciate your time and attention. And I’m excited to dive into this next level of Human Design with you! This series on the variables will take us through the end of the year, with a few more guest episodes trickled in, but I think it’ll really set the groundwork for some powerful, in-depth topics we can dive into, in the next year to come!
Have a great day and I’ll see you right back here again next week. Bye for now!
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
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