Episode 281: Why Are People Interested in Human Design?
In this episode, we examine why people are interested in Human Design.
I share real-life reasons why clients I’ve worked with wanted to know about their Human Design and the problems they hoped it would help solve.
We look at various Types, Strategies, and Authorities and consider the costs and benefits of aligning and not being in alignment with our designs and how that shows up physically.
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“So yes, Human Design is about personal growth and development. But it’s not just about personal growth and development. It’s about removing tension, roadblocks, dis-ease, and discontent and finding freedom and feeling empowerment. It’s about feeling good and spreading that goodness to others. ”
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Hello there, friend. Welcome to The Live FAB Life Podcast. If this is your first time listening, I’m your host, Naomi Nakamura.
I’ve been excited because I’ve been getting questions about Human Design from people who have never heard of Human Design before or are brand new to it, and you know this is a topic that I obviously love to chat about!
There’s one particular question that’s stayed with me that I’ve been reflecting on for a couple of weeks. It’s a fantastic question, but one no one has asked before.
The question is: Why are people interested in Human Design?
So, I wanted to chat about it today because it’s such a simple but interesting question.
My initial response was a little snarky - Why are people interested in the Enneagram? Why are people interested in Myers-Briggs? To learn about ourselves and any blind spots we may have, to validate what we already know to be true about ourselves; it’s all about self-awareness, personal growth, and development.
And don’t worry, a friend asked this question, so my snarky answer wasn’t offensive, but I kept coming back to this question and decided to pull out my client files to see what people actually said.
Because when someone signs up to work with me, one of the questions I ask is what’s the problem they’re looking to solve.
The general themes of the responses to this were:
They feel overwhelmed They're struggling with confusion They’re frustrated with life They're tired and burnt out They're tired of feeling tired Their life are unbalanced, and they want stability, peace, and balance.
What’s interesting is that, for the most part, my clients are people who prioritize taking care of themselves and practicing self-care.
They do their best to eat healthy, work out, and move their bodies, and they try to get a good night's sleep - although it's a struggle, they meditate, yet they still feel overwhelmed, confused, and tired. Generally speaking, they felt disconnected from themselves.
They felt like they tried the typical things that weren’t working, so they were looking for something new to help them understand themselves better so they could understand the discontent in their lives.
In short, this is why people are interested in Human Design.
But let’s dig in a little deeper and take a look at how Human Design has helped a few clients that I’ve worked with.
There was the Manifestor who was afraid to step into their power.
Manifestors have big energy - when a Manifestor walks into a room, you know it! They are the unintended leaders. But my client struggled with this. In hindsight, she could see her Manifestor self in her childhood, but at the time we worked together, she was making herself small because she put down and made to feel embarrassed that she was being “bad” by being her true self.
There wasn’t anything wrong with her true self. Still, it didn’t fit other people’s ideas or comfort levels, so she was conditioned to behave another way, and it caused a lot of internal contention - she battled between the person she knew she was and the person everyone expected her to be.
There were the Generators and Manifesting Generators that I’ve worked with. I’m lumping them together because there was usually a common theme between them - feeling like their lives were being sucked out of them.
Digging in, it was obvious what the problem was - they were doing things that they hated - things that did not bring them any joy or make them happy.
Of course, doing what makes you happy is important for everyone. Still, it’s essential for Generators and Manifesting Generators because when they’re excited and happy, they ooze positive energy and enthusiasm. So much so that they create an abundance of positive energy that they share with the rest of us; it’s contagious - it inspires and uplifts everyone around them without them even trying. This is how Generators and Manifesting Generators influence others.
So when they’re not doing what they love, that positive energy that fuels them - and everyone around them - pitters out, and they feel like they’re dying a slow death with life being sucked out of their souls. Their words, not mine!
Imagine what kind of sadness, anxiety, and depression that causes, which then leads to things like stress eating, co-dependency, and insomnia.
A person who does what they absolutely love to do, day in, day out, who exudes positive vibes glows. I’m sure you know people like this - they’re infectious, and you can’t help but feel happy around them.
But when they’re down, they’re really down, and that down energy influences us too.
Now, speaking from personal experience as a Projector, I never knew how much I needed Human Design until I learned about it and my design - what it means to be a Projector.
Projectors have a deep need to be seen. Recognition is so important for Projectors, and being seen is validating. Now, the Projector’s Strategy is to wait for invitations, so what about the Projector who’s dishing out unsolicited advice? It falls flat, which leaves them not only feeling bitter - which is the Projector’s Not Self emotion - but it also leaves them doubting themselves, being gunshy about sharing their voice, and not believing that their point of view has merit or credibility.
This can lead to all kinds of internal turmoil, mental suffering, and even physical sickness.
But when a Projector is seen, an invitation is extended, and they can dish out their advice on how to make things better - well, again, speaking from personal experience, it’s the best feeling in the world. It feels GOOD. And we feel good; we want others to feel good too - and we want to hold on to that feeling forever!
I haven’t had a Reflector client that I’ve worked with long-term - yet - but I have done readings for Reflectors, and I have a lot of love for Reflectors. Their designs are completely open, and they’re vulnerable to influence from everyone! I only have two defined centers, and that alone feels like I’m constantly observing what’s my energy and what I’m picking up from another person so to have all nine energy centers undefined must feel like a lot.
I can see how Reflectors can feel confused, tired, and burnt out from it!
Guys - and that only covers Type and Strategy. Human Design Authorities are so, so, so important.
How about an Emotional Authority who feels the spectrum of emotions intensely - the highest of highs and the lowest of lows? Can you imagine how life can feel without understanding what it means to have an Emotional Authority? Maybe it was you!
Having a Splenic Authority myself and working with several clients who have Splenic Authorities, not having the confidence and trust to trust our instincts, well, it’s constantly questioning and doubting yourself, it's being indecisiveness - and these things resonate on a person's countenance It influences how we go about doing our business, our work, and how we take care of ourselves.
And for the other Authorities - Self-Projected, Ego, and Mental Authorities who are taught to follow their emotions, gut, or instincts - none of these things are correct for these Authorities. So, while they may eventually get the outcome they desire from their decisions, the path to get there may not be as smooth as it could have been had they followed their Authority.
So, whenever we act in a way that isn’t aligned with our Human Design, we open ourselves up unnecessarily to dis-ease and discontent, and we may not even know or understand where it's coming from.
It affects our sleep, so we take sleep aids, prescription medication, herbal remedies - anything to get a good night’s sleep. But if the actual cause of your dis-ease and discontent isn’t addressed and resolved - those remedies are simply band-aids, and they work until they don’t.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years is that humans are complex beings. Life can be complicated, especially when we feel like we’re in a constant battle with ourselves, not to mention others; well, it’s no wonder we’re confused, frustrated, tired, and burnt out all the time.
But we have tools - a huge one like Human Design - that can make life enjoyable simply by removing the obstacles that don’t need to be there by following our designs.
As I mentioned earlier, the people I have worked with are doing all the things we’re told we “should be” doing to be “healthy” - whatever that means. They care about what they eat, what they put in and on their bodies, they care about moving their bodies - they practice self-care. But they’re still struggling.
So, you have to put on your detective hat, start peeling back and layers, and get to the core of what’s actually going on.
So yes, Human Design is about personal growth and development. But it's not just about personal growth and development. It’s about removing tension, roadblocks, dis-ease, and discontent and finding freedom and feeling empowerment.
It’s about feeling good and spreading that goodness to others.
It’s about learning how to have grace and compassion for yourself (and others) and learning how to appreciate yourself, trust yourself, and love yourself.
This is why people are interested in Human Design.
If you don’t yet know what your Human Design is, check out my free training, “Healthy x Human Design,” which has some resources that will direct you into how to get your Human Design chart and explain the basics of it to you.
But if you are familiar with your Human Design, have you started digging into it? Start noticing what it feels like to align with different parts of your design and what being unaligned with it feels like.
Take a step back and peel back the layers to uncover the real sources of your stress. What’s causing discontentment in your life? Can you quantify that discontentment into what it’s costing you?
Is it costing you sleep? Is it taking years off your life? Sometimes, we get stuck in jobs that we hate, relationships that are not good for us, or, just in general, a place we don’t want to be in. And before we know it, years have passed by.
What are the things that are causing you stress, dis-ease, and discontentment costing you?
And what will you gain by aligning with and following your Human Design? Will it relieve or even remove some stress? Will it help you get a better night’s sleep?
As someone who has struggled with sleep on and off for decades, I know that a good night’s sleep can be life-changing. You can feel like a whole new person. For me, sleep has a direct impact on my productivity, and as a Projector, efficiency is everything to me.
Now, you might be someone who dabbles in Human Design. You might have looked up your chart and followed a few accounts here and there that post generalized tips for the different Types, Strategies, Authorities, and other parts of Human Design.
But have you looked at all of those parts of YOUR design and how they alchemize together to make you - you?
I’m a Projector, and you may be a Projector too. However, we are still so very, very different because there are so many different components to one's design and how they work together and alchemize - can you tell I love that word - is so insanely unique to each individual - it's fascinating. I find it fascinating.
So, suppose you haven’t taken a deep dive into your design. In that case, I invite you to order your Human Design Playbook, one of my customized Services where I curate a 60+ page book on your Human Design - from your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profile Lines to each of your nine energy centers, your active gates, the channels, and even your Variables.
You can find all the details on my website at livefablife.com or on the show notes for this episode at livefablife.com/281 for Episode 281.
This brings this episode to a close. As always, thank you so much for being here - for your time, energy, and attention. I’ll see you right back here next time! Bye for now!
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
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