Program Materials


21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide

While not required, throughout this program, I refer to specific pages from the 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide in the videos and coaching emails. Click below to order a hard copy or the Kindle version.


21-Day Sugar Detox Quick Start Guide

In lieu of the 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide, this Quick Start Guide will help you determine which level of the program to do, outline the program rules, and provide guidance on building a 21DSD-approved plate.


21-Day Sugar Detox Participant Guide

In lieu of the 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide, the 21DSD Participant is an additional resource to help you through the program.


21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Email Support

Click on this button when you are ready to start your 21DSD to begin receiving your daily support emails. You will immediately receive your Prep Week Day 1 email.


Food Journal Template

Use this Food Journal Template to help you navigate through the reintroduction process.


Additional Resources


21-Day Sugar Detox Book

21-Day. Sugar Detox Cookbook