Episode 292: Profile Line Pairings: How Your Profile Lines Work Together for Health

The Live FAB Life Podcast Episode 292: Profile Line Pairings: How Your Profile Lines Work Together for Health

This episode explorex the synergy between the two Profile Lines in Human Design and how they influence your overall health and well-being.

In addition to understanding the individual lines, it also focuses on Profile Line pairings and how they can lead to greater health optimization and emotional balance.

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When you embody your Profile lines, you’re embracing who you are and the natural ways in which you learn and become wise.
— Naomi Nakamura

Read the Transcript:

While I spend a lot of my personal time observing if and how I follow my Strategy and Authority, I spend an equal amount of time noticing how I naturally follow my Profile Lines.

I recently did an audit of the past episodes, and I realized that I’ve only done one episode on Profile Lines – a huge ratio imbalance to the amount of time I spend thinking about it.

So, let's talk about it today! Profile Lines are your personality. They’re your learning style – the unique way that you gain wisdom.

There’s six Profile Lines which I introduced in Episode 193. But we each have a pairing of them and today I’d like to discuss how your Profile Lines influence your health and your approach to wellness – both the individual Lines and how they’re paired together.

If you're not familiar with Profile Lines, the first number is how YOU see yourself, and the second number is how the world - how others - see you.

In case you haven’t listened to Episode 193 yet, let's start do a brief rundown of each of the Profile Line.

The 1st Line is known as “The Investigator. Those who have a One Line feel safe and secure when they’re armed with information. They extensively research and have a deep knowledge of the things they’re interested in.

And for them to feel safe about their health decisions, in addition to following their Authority, they need to have the facts and know everything about their options in order to trust and have confidence in them.

Those with a One Line won’t blindly take someone's advice. I’m raising my hand because I have a One Line so I’m speaking from personal experience. We listen to what’s being presented and then go off and do our own research on it.

This is exactly what happened when I first heard about Functional Nutrition. I was familiar with Functional Medicine, already working with a Functional Medicine doctor, but then I heard about Functional Nutrition on a podcast. Intrigued, I wanted to learn more, so I looked up the guest who was interviewed in that podcast episode. Her approach made complete sense to me – it was science-based, very straightforward, practical, and action-oriented. I’m not one for abstract-thinking or fluff so everything about it felt substantive and spoke to me.

It focused on blood sugar regulation, digestive health, stress management, among others as the root cause of many chronic health issues.

I ended-up enrolling in the training, which was rich with information on anatomy, how the human body functions and mapping it in a very sensical way to ancient and holistic healing.

In fact, the program has so much information, enrollment for the year-long program spanded two years because that extra year was truly needed to absorb everything that was taught.

I enrolled and ended up repeating the program twice – so I spent four years deeply immersed in it. That’s One Line Energy.

The same thing happened when I found upon Human Design – or rather, when Human Design found me.

I heard about it through a friend but wasn’t really interested in it and didn’t think about it for a couple of years. It came around again and this time I was intrigued. I did a little reading, had my first Human Design Reading, but I wanted to learn more.

So, when the opportunity came around to learn about Human Design and become a certified coach for it, I jumped at the chance and haven’t looked back since. One Line Energy!

The 2nd Profile Line is called “The Hermit” because people with 2nd Line Energy need alone time. It’s necessary, not optional. The alone times allows space for internal reflection to process things. This time is healthy for them – it helps them to regulate their nervous system and allows them to recharge.

The challenge for some people with the 2nd Line is establishing boundaries to protect their alone time. It’s a challenge for some, especially those with young children, or people aren’t comfortable in being alone in their own thoughts. But it’s healthy for them to do so.

The 3rd Profile Line is called “The Martyr.” People with the 3rd Line are experiential – they learn best by trying things out for themselves – it’s learning by trial and error.

People with this this energy like to experiment to understand what works for them, what doesn't and how it might impacts their long-term well-being.

This is my other Profile Line – I have the 1 / 3 pairing. Not only do I have a need to deep dive into things, I take things a step further and try them out myself.

I think this is why, unlike some people, I don’t mind elimination diets, tracking apps or challenges. I approach them with a “what’s possible” attitude, meaning, “if I do this elimination diet, or track my habits, or do this one-thing for 30-days – how will I feel on the other side of it? What will I learn or figure out?

After a 4-week elimination diet, will I know what foods work for me and what I’m reactive to? How will I feel after not eating certain foods for that long?

If I use this tracking app, will my awareness about this one thing be heightened? Will it help me develop this habit that’s going to improve my health? And, will my health, in fact, improve?

If I do this thing for 30-days, how will my body feel, function and look like after that?

If I follow this training plan to a tee, how will I perform?

What’s possible? This is 3rd Line energy. And I find myself naturally doing these things without even thinking about it.

Earlier this summer, I had Covid for the first time and it wiped me out. I was sick for a full two weeks and was left exhausted and depleted. It then took me another two weeks to start to regain my strength.

I was anxious to get back to my workouts but mindful not to push myself but needed some intentional movement. So, without even thinking about it, I decided that I was going to commit to doing 30-days of yoga in July.

July has 31 days, so I graced myself a one-day leeway. I was really curious to see how much my flexibility and strength would change after 30-days and how my nervous system, i.e. stress load would feel.

I followed my Splenic Authority to guide me in what kind of yoga I did every day, and what level of intensity I practiced in, but I did meet my goal with all positive outcomes.

So, naturally, my first thought was, “What challenge can I do in August?” 3rd Line energy.

If you’re curious, my August experiment was 30-days of meditation, something I enjoyed practicing but had never been consistent with it. I did a short 5-10 min meditation every morning, and then a longer 10–20-minute meditation and bedtime. Not only did I feel more focused, I also felt calmer, and best of all – slept a ton better than I had been doing all summer.

Now that it’s September, I’ve challenged myself to do core work every day – again, to see how my core strength can be improved and what’s possible if that happens. Will my back feel better? Will my posture improve? Will running feel easier? The possibilities are endless!

The 4th Profile Line is called, “The Opportunist.” People with the 4th Line flourish when in community. Their relationships mean everything to them, and they have a gift for building relationships.

So, a person with the 4th Profile Line might be someone who needs a lot of support from their network. This could be from social groups, group exercise classes, working with a coach or being in a group coaching program – they thrive when in community with people because they have the personality for it and learn through others.

The 5th Profile Line is known as “The Heretic”, which is a name I find odd, but whatever.

People with the 5th Line are problem solvers. People see them as karmic mirrors of themselves and see them as someone who can help them solve their problems. These are natural leaders who have a lot of influence.

A perfect example of 5th Line energy is my friend Lori, who joined me in Episode 051.

Lori is a registered nurse who specializes in bariatrics. She’s also a former bariatric patient herself and she’s a guide for this community, not only sharing her personal experiences but also her professional expertise. Classic 5th Line energy.

The 6th Profile Line is known as “The Role Model.” People with the 6th Line have, likely unknowingly, been playing the long game for a long time, and their wisdom has evolved with hindsight.

Because their journey has been long, they naturally transform to become the role model the wish they’d had in their early years. They’ve learned how to take care of themselves, and it’s reflected in the practices they have in place today.

Now, we all have two Profile Line and earlier I shared that my Profile Line pairings are 1 / 3.

I didn’t – at least I don’t think I did – cover Profile Line pairings in Episode 193, so I want to talk a bit about them today because how Profile Lines pair together creates a unique dynamic.

There’s three categories of Profile Line pairings.

First are Personal Profile Lines and the pairings in this category are:

• 1/3: The Investigator/Martyr • 1/4: The Investigator/Opportunist • 2/4: The Hermit/Opportunist • 2/5: The Hermit/Heretic • 3/5: The Martyr/Heretic • 3/6: The Martyr/Role Model • 4/6: The Opportunist/Role

People with these pairings are here to first discover something about themselves and be in their own process - it's inward looking.

The second category of pairings is called Fixed Profile Lines. People with this pairing are here to bring their others along for the ride – along their journey with them.

There’s only one Fixed Profile Lines pairing - the 4 /1, which is The Opportunist and The Investigator, which is different and shouldn’t be confused with the 1 / 4 pairing. It’s a unique expression of this energy.

The third category of pairings is called Transpersonal Profile Lines. People with these pairings have an impact of others.

The pairings in this category are:

• 5/1: The Liberator/Investigator • 5/2: The Heretic/Hermit • 6/2: The Role Model/Hermit • 6/3: The Role Model/Martyr

It’s interesting because the inverse 2/5 is inward looking, where was the 5/2 is outward looking.

So, I have an assignment for you – identify your profile line pairings and what category they fall in. How aligned are you to that pairing and how can you leverage it to optimize your health?

I have some practical tips for each Profile Line that you can act on today:

1st Liners: you have to deep-dive into research-based health practices. You’re probably well familiar with Dr. Google, WebMD and Wikipedia. You might even have books you’ve read and podcasts, like this one, that you regularly listen to. Embrace it – don’t feel embarrassed about it – dig in and learn everything you can about Chinese medicine, holistic practices, gut health, Paleo eating – whatever your interests are - this is perfectly natural for you.

2nd Liners: Prioritize alone time to process what your body's needs are. Without it, it can be challenging to differentiate your needs from the needs of those around you.

3rd Liners: Be willing to try new things – new foods, new workouts! Be willing to fail - embrace the trial-and-error process to find out what works for you! The lessons learned from the experience are priceless!

4th Liners: Cultivate your health through community. What communities can you join that will support you along the way? Group coaching programs? Working with a coach like me? How can you leverage your relationships – your network - to find the support and solutions that you need?

5th Liners: Share your experiences and learnings with the world. In doing so, others will see you as someone who can guide them on their journey. This is supportive of your own journey too.

6th Liners: Prioritize your health and trust the long-term process that you're in

Remember – Profile Lines are your personality and learning strategies so don’t forget about following your Strategy and Authority. They all work hand-in-hand.

There’s a lot of conditioning that can happen around Profile Lines.

When I first started working as a health coach back in 2015, Facebook groups were really in. So, like many other health coaches, I created a Facebook group. And I hated it – I did not enjoy having it.

It was draining – I constantly felt pressured to be there – to create content, to do Facebook lives, to answer questions and respond to comments ASAP. I did not enjoy being in community and felt bad about it – that I wasn’t a good health coach, that I was doing something wrong – but…I don’t have a 4th Profile Line.

Before that, before I became a health coach, that I joined a SIBO FB group as a member. If you’re not familiar with SIBO, it stands for Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth and if you want to learn more about it, listen to Episode 087 where I shared my experience with it.

Long story short, SIBO is not fun to have - it's very uncomfortable. It’s one of those conditions where you really have to advocate for yourself to get tested for it and then the proven medications to eradicate it.

So, I joined a SIBO FB support group that I honestly don't even know who led it. But there were thousands of people in it which should have been a red flag from the beginning. These groups tend to be hot messes with the blind leading the blind, poor information given, information taken out of context – you get the idea. Shortly after joining it, I immediately knew it wasn’t for me. I knew it wasn’t going to be a helpful resource – for me. It wasn’t supportive energy for me – not a 4th Profile Line.

A little while ago, I worked with the client, who had a 2 / 4 Profile Line pairing. She was a working mom with young kids and was feeling very disconnected from herself. What immediately stood out for me was that she didn’t have any alone time, between family obligations, children, and work colleagues.

She didn't have the separation to recognize her own needs versus the needs and desires of everything and everyone else around her. We worked together to help her address the immediate health challenges she had but also to help her find balance between alone time and space she needed as a 2nd Profile Line, to observe, to process what she was feeling in her body and what her body was communicating with her, with the her 4th Profile Line of being in community nurturing her relationships with her family, friends and colleagues.

Profile Lines can be key to finding balance in your health journey. But there may also be some conditioning around them from taking on personalities and practices aren’t in alignment with your design and natural to you.

So, again, your homework today is to identify your Profile Lines and your Profile Line Pairings. What do they mean and how do they or can they be applied to your daily life?

When you embody your Profile lines, you’re embracing who you are and the natural ways in which you learn and gain wisdom – become wise.

If you'd like to learn more about Profile Lines and how they work with your Type, Strategy, and Authority, I invite you to check out my program, Human Design Essentials.

And if you want to get personal and explore what your Profiles Lines mean specifically to you in the context of all the other parts of your Human Design, order a Human Design Reading with me. I create your Human Design Playbook, which is a PDF of a deep dive into your design and send it to you with your own personalized podcast episode where I break it all down for you.

I'll include links to these things in the show notes, as well as everything else mentioned in this episode at www.livefablife.com/292, for Episode 292.

I love Profile Lines – I love talking about them and I love how I felt so seen when I learned all about mine. With the amount of time, I spend observing my Profile Lines, it was long overdue to have a another conversation on them.

And now our time together this week has come to a close. Thank you for being here with me, and I’ll see you right back here again next time. Bye for now!

Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.

She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.

She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.

Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!

Connect with Naomi on: Instagram | Pinterest


Episode 293: Work Stress: How Human Design Can Help You Find Balance


Episode 291: Understanding Stress Through the Lens of Human Design Types