Episode 254: Aligning Your Business to Your Human Design with Anna Lois Davies
Joining me in this episode is returning guest Anna Lois Davies. Anna is a Human Design Guide and business consultant for soul-led women. She helps them find clarity on who they are and what their magic is, then, using Human Design, helps them energetically align with it
Anna first joined me back in Episode 236, where she discussed having an Ego Authority.
This time Anna joins me for a collaborative conversation on a variety of topics, including:
The nuances of Human Design and how it’s influenced how we curate our businesses in big and small ways
Why coaches need coaches
Why, as a fellow Human Design guide, her Aligned Business Blueprint has been an integral resource for my business
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“We only get one life; we’re here for a very finite time, and it’s so important that instead of just doing it the way things have always been done, you actually decide how you want to do it, what’s right for you - that’s the most important thing to me and a big part of my purpose and values.”
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Naomi Nakamura: Hello there, my friend. Welcome back to another episode of The Live FAB Life Podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura and I'm excited to welcome back to this show, returning guest, Anna Lois Davies.
Anna is a Human Design guide and business consultant. She works with soul-led women helping them to find clarity on who they are and what their magic is, and then using Human Design, helps them energetically aligned to it.
Anna first joined me back in Episode 236, where she talked about what it's like to have an Ego Authority, which is a rare authority to have.
Today, Anna joins me for a collaborative conversation on a variety of topics, including why coaches need coaches, what’s her Aligned Business Blueprint, and why as a fellow Human Design guide, I find it immensely help for myself. I share in quite detail how it helps me in my business, and we also talk about the nuances of Human Design and the impact that all the little parts of our design hves in our business and our life.
As a heads up, we recorded this episode when Anna was in Bali in Indonesia, where the internet connection was a bit spotty. We were even interrupted by monkeys who visited her from the nearby Monkey Forest! So, bear with us but keep listening because there's so many gold nuggets that we shared in our time together. And with that, let's get to the show!
Hello, Anna, welcome back to the show.
Anna Lois Davies: Thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here.
Naomi Nakamura: I’m so excited to have you back!
For those who are hearing Anna for the first time, Anna was on a previous episode. I think by the time this episode comes out; it would have been about eight months ago. Yeah, it's been eight months, and you came on and shared all about what it’s like to have an Ego Authority. It's such a unique Authority to have and you had so many wonderful insights.
But recently, you’ve been so much help to me! I was a little bit worried about how you would feel about me reaching out and asking if it would be okay if we work together for a little bit. It was such a fabulous experience for me, and I think that’s one of the many things we can talk about today.
But there’s a lot of things we can share that might be helpful to others, especially those who do the same type of work that we do. That was a long-winded opening.
For those who maybe haven't heard your previous episode before, can you please introduce yourself to us and tell us what you do?
Anna Lois Davies: Yes, absolutely. Well, first of all, thank you. I honestly, I love it when people reach out. My defined Ego is like, “Oh, yes, somebody wants to talk to me!” Yeah. So, I really, really appreciate it, even though technically, I'm an initiator and that's what Manifestors is do.
But hello, everyone, I'm Anna, I'm a 3/5 Ego Manifestor. I am a Human Design brand and business consultant, coach, strategist, all of the things.
I work with conscious and open-minded founders and entrepreneurs who are searching for a deeper connection within their business strategies, rather than cookie cutter style, copy and paste versions that we've become so accustomed to in the online world.
I feel so passionate about the world of energetics and blending it with strategy in order to actually work from your own power your own magic, who you are, and bringing that into your business so that you create a more aligned way of doing things and can tap into the most authentic magnetic version of yourself.
I'm really, really passionate about it, because also, I think when we feel better about ourselves, we do better. When we feel more authentic, when we feel more aligned, we become more magnetic, because it's just natural. So again, long-winded, but that's kind of a bit about me and what I do.
Naomi Nakamura: Well, I love what you do. I’m going into my 8th year of coaching, and in the beginning, we don't know what we don't know. I spent a lot of time learning from those who teach, for lack of a better description those cookie cutter ways from thought leaders who have massive followings who teach online business.
The reality is their strategies don’t work for everyone. They're very much centered in the Generator or Manifesting Generator way of doing things, which is wonderful for. But you’e not one of those, I’m not one of those.
Since learning about Human Design, I’ve evolved to where I’ll only take advice from someone who is familiar with or has some type of background with Human Design, because I think it’s truly a deeper understanding of individuality and what we all bring.
Anna Lois Davies: 100%, I completely agree with you. Those incredible coaches and creators have their place in the world. For me, I just don't resonate with it anymore. It feels very hustle culture, it feels very kind of one-sided, it feels very one dimensional, and it doesn't take into account the person behind it.
So, the way in which I do business is human first, it’s human led. Who is the human behind all of this, that allows you to create a business in a way that supports you, rather than pushes you into the shoes of another where you feel as though you're having to do something and that you should be doing something, instead of wanting and feeling good about doing certain things. And you're so right, it's so nuanced.
Naomi Nakamura: It is so nuanced. I was looking at my episode list, and in the very episode before the first time you came on the show, was a solo episode on how I aligned my business to my Human Design, as a Projector.
I no longer offer group programs. I did before because they require so much energy. If anyone is listening who isn’t a coach or guide, or not in business for themselves, but you’ve participated in someone's group programs for anything, it takes an unbelievable amount of energy to support a group through a group coaching program.
I've done it before, and it's been great experiences but it's not something that I honestly wanted to do on a repeatable basis. I restructured my offerings to other things.
But even doing that there were still parts of my business that I struggled with. It was about a year ago, I did a bunch of episodes on finding my voice. As you know, Astrology is part of Human Design, but in no means am I an Astrology expert - at all.
I have a natal reading every year on my birthday. I know my chart says. I know what Mercury is. Mercury is our communication style. I worked with my friend who does my annual natal reading, and she really helped me figure out a lot of things about my communication style and how to use my voice.
But there’s still missing pieces. So, when you started talking about your Aligned Business Blueprint, which we'll get to in a little bit, it really hit the missing pieces of what I was looking for.
So, I wanted to have a conversation with you today about: One - what is the Aligned Business Blueprint, and how nuanced it is when it comes to business.
There's so many different parts of business. The way you help people with Human Design is so different from the way I help people with Human Design – it’s all very nuanced.
But I also want to chat about feeling apprehensive about reaching out to you and seeing how you would feel about me doing an Aligned Business Blueprint for me, as someone else who works in the Human Design because I've had positive and some challenging experiences myself working with other coaches. In addition to all of that, also on how those of us in this space support, guide, and coach others, and how we shouldn't feel that we don't need those things for ourselves.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah, for sure. I think firstly, as non-energy beings, we have that connection.
So, even though we're not the same energy Type, we still have loads of similarities within our own charts.
When we look at the body graph, you're really open. I'm really open, which is so interesting, especially when it comes to business because, holy hell, you feel like you're the biggest failure in the whole world if something doesn't work. Guess what? It's just your 3rd line testing stuff out. Why?
But yeah, when you first asked and bought the blueprint, I was excited. It's a chance for me to get to guide you through the way in which I translate the system that we've been provided with into what I feel is my magic, which is the way in which I provide my services.
I’ll admit, it's also quite daunting to have somebody who does know a lot about Human Design. There's that monkey mind being like, “You don't know as much as them, they're deeper into their experiment.” All these things that come up on the shadow side, things that test you.
But at the end of the day, I didn't force you to buy the blueprint, so for me, I was like, “Anna, get over yourself, she's chosen to do this, put your absolute all into it,” as I do with everything that I provide to my clients, because excellence is one of my values.
So, I was like, “It's gonna be fine” and actually have the email from you; when it came through, I was just like, “Oh, my gosh!” I couldn't believe how much of an impact I could have on you, as somebody who is well-versed in Human Design. I was thinking, “Maybe she'll know all of this”, but to have you come back and reflect to me that actually, there was some huge light bulbs go off for you, it's a reassurance that I’m doing something that is so aligned for me and who I am as a person. And to have it work out the way that it did, I think it was so powerful.
But the second thing I want to say is, even though you know so much about Human Design, people who are in this industry, then we feel like they know so much about messaging, or there's so much about tone of voice or finding your vision and your mission, or the ways in which you can show up and be visible. There's always going to be different layers, it's an onion, there's so many different layers, and there's so many different ways to come at it. That's the beauty of differentiation, everybody is different. There's always going to be somebody else's view of things and that’s powerful because even that tiny change, a tiny thing that somebody says, it can really shift the way….
Naomi Nakamura: Exactly what you said. Sometimes I just hear someone say one sentence, and it changes everything for me. I grab my phone or a piece of paper and write it down. It literally could be something that I hear someone say on the radio, or on Instagram that literally has nothing to do with what I do, but the way someone describes it, I'm like, “That was so profound.”
Anna Lois Davies: And isn't that exactly what I've been trying to say for like months now.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah, I had someone who I did a reading for a while ago, and this person is way more experienced with Human Design than I am, meaning that they had been in Human Design for many years prior to me. I was quite intimidated to have a session with this person. When we started the session, I said, “I have to tell you, I'm a bit intimidated that you decided to have this with me, I've only been doing this work for a short while in comparison to you.” And this person said, “You know, I get a lot out of hearing from people who are new to Human Design - it's a breath of fresh air and they bring a whole new perspective”, which was a lesson to me because it is so true -- not that you're not well versed or that you're new, but just to hear someone else. You're a manifester, you have an Ego Authority, you have a 5th Line, and you live in a whole other part of the world. Your perspective on things is different than mine and I just love hearing how things may be interpreted differently than me.
Anna Lois Davies: I think, just to kind of touch on one thing, is lived experiences are a huge part of the way in which we then translate our impression of Human Design and put it out there.
For me, so much of my life has made sense now that I've come to the language of Human Design. But my lived experiences helped me express the way in which I'm a 3rd Line or the way in which I have lots of cycles and creative urges.
I can actually bring my experiences and the way in which I've found that to be true and help other people see it in a way that they might not have thought of, because they haven't had the same experience as me.
It's super powerful when you also have somebody that's a Human Design reader or coach, somebody who's aware of Human Design, but has a different kind of way to use it.
I don't mind talking about the way in which Human Design affects life or relationships or friendships or family, but for me, my passion is branding, marketing and business strategies, building a business around the idea of having it be supportive and sustainable so that you can have it long-term rather than a quick fix, hustle, go-go-go culture that will burn you out.
I’ve always been the black sheep of the family. I went to an all-girls school; I stuck out like a sore thumb. I felt so kind of different to everybody else. It wasn't until I started to use the language of Human Design and be like, “No, actually, I'm really special. The things that make me different are the things that people love about me.”
I need to step into this more and own it so much more, and the people who love me, find me. That's literally what's happened because I’m not afraid of standing out like a sore thumb. I encourage others, I encourage my clients, I encourage my audience to stand out like a sore thumb in the best way possible, so that they can meet the people who open their front door line, which to put in layman's terms is on the same wavelength.
Put yourself out there, just go for it, because the more you do that, the more you'll build this gorgeous community of people who just genuinely love you and want to hear all the things that you have to say.
Naomi Nakamura: I have an Outer Vision Cognition, so I’m stimulated visually which is why I love Instagram as a platform. I'm very selective about the accounts that I follow because they visually have to do something for me. That’s literally how I found you - you showed up on my Discover page and your imagery spoke to my Outer Vision Cognition. It represents your energy, especially as an Ego Manifestor. It, it really does speak out in the best possible way, in terms of the fonts that you use and the way that you use them, your colors, which are very neutral colors with a pop of color -- all of those things very much stand out to me. I'm very attracted to accounts that do that.
Anna Lois Davies: Thank you so much. I take a huge amount of pride in my design work. I'm not a graphic designer. I'm not trained in graphic design, but I absolutely love it. I've always loved editorial fashion; I've always loved architecture.
Naomi Nakamura: Uh-oh -I think I'm losing you. For those listening, Anna is on the other side of the world right now in Bali and she warned me that she might be having some internet challenges. So, hold on while we get that corrected.
Anna Lois Davies: Amazing. Sorry about that. It's so scary when you're just traveling the world from your laptop, trying to find good spots for WiFi.
At the moment, the Balinese people are preparing for a day of silence. It's really famous, and one of the most ancient traditions in the whole world. It's a day where everything shuts down and I mean everything.
The electricity goes off, the airport is closed, the Wi Fi is off. They reroute all of the flights. They don't have the flights go over the island.
Naomi Nakamura: That's wild.
Anna Lois Davies: It’s amazing. So that’s tomorrow, but today is the parade, which goes through the streets. So, it's kind of a really weird time in Bali at the moment, but it's so amazing. It's such a beautiful tradition that happens. I'm getting actually to look at the parade later and I can't wait. Tomorrow is a complete day of stay in your room and be quiet.
Naomi Nakamura: Well, that sounds amazing, but also what an amazing thing to experience while you're there.
Anna Lois Davies: I know and I didn't actually even realize that was going to happen, but I'm very excited to be a part of it and to have it where I'm staying. I've been here for about well, almost a month and I've become really good friends with the staff and the family that runs this place. I'm excited for them. They're so grateful that I'm being a part of their culture and getting to see that side of things. So, I'm really excited. But tomorrow, there's going to be absolutely nothing on, so I thought we got to get this done, but the Wi-Fi is notoriously temperamental.
Naomi Nakamura: No worries. I was just saying that I feel that your essence totally comes through in your visual branding. As someone who has the Outer Vision Cognition that really speaks to me.
We've been talking a lot about how we worked together, and you provided me with one of your Aligned Business Blueprints. If you don’t mind, can you share people what that is.
Anna Lois Davies: Absolutely, the way I kind of describe it is imagine having your personal Human Design chart broken down into your brand business and marketing strategies in one document.
So, you can start to move to this place of alignment rather than the generic strategy, which is kind of what we've been talking about.
So, what I do is I create a 40+ page strategy document, through the lens of your own Human Design, your personal Human Design. It's a really detailed guide. The reason I created it was because I wanted to have something that I could provide to people that they could go through themselves.
First of all, I read through the information that has to do with Strategy, then I read through the information that has to do with the way in which their energy works for that Strategy, or vice versa. It's your business guidelines by design.
So, if you can imagine having your personal Human Design chart broken down into your brand's business and marketing strategies, the ways in which you're best designed to put yourself out there to create your brand, to do the behind the scenes of your business, to share your message, and just be the most authentic version of yourself within your business, rather than coming from this kind of standard generic strategy that we're all so used to.
I decided to create this in a way where I provide information based on the Strategy side of things, as well as then your bespoke energetic blueprint, as per your Human Design.
It goes on to get you to put the work in It's not just an information dump, there's actual work in there for you to reflect upon - questions in each section to get you to be able to start to actually implement and embody the knowledge that you've then discovered.
So, it's a 40+ page document depending on your energy Type, how many channels you have, what your gates are, so on and so forth.
It takes you through Energy Type, Authority, Strategy, Energy Centers, Gates, Channels, Profile Lines, so on and so forth. We go into a little bit of the Variables. It's a really in-depth document that then goes through brand foundations, which I like to call “magic”, offers messaging ways in which you communicate ways like creating copy, content styles, behind the scenes, etc.
Naomi Nakamura: So, when I received mine, I went through the whole thing and I took notes - if you’re wondering when you get it, this is how I've integrated it.
I took notes in sections. I have a section for things that I pulled out that were reminders for me about my brand energy. This is kind of like my to-do list.
But there are things they pulled out from it that I want to incorporate into my website Home and About pages on my website, because that's where we communicate our brand energy. Our Home page is the first thing people see about us, and the About page about who we are.
And then a lot of things about what I have to offer - how I can craft my offers. I pulled out all the good information you shared with me in there and then I pulled out a bunch of stuff I put into a bucket called, “Content Creation Strategy”, which is something I'm good at but I also struggle.
When it comes to the podcast, there's never a shortage of ideas, but when it comes to social media, well, I'm less consistent because there's an algorithm there that I don't have control of. So, if I were to rank and prioritize where my energy goes, that's on the bottom of my list.
But at the same time, I do have some creative blocks there around strategy that way. And so, the things that you shared really got my ideas flowing about that, as well as the kind of content to create. And I realized there's many different social media platforms, but I only use Instagram. I don't use TikTock, I don't use anything else.
With the way Instagram has evolved, there are now options. You can do a single post, carousel, reel, stories, videos. I have an undefined Head Center, which means I’m never short of ideas, but I can get really overwhelmed by all of the ideas that I have.
And when I get overwhelmed, I go into paralysis-mode where I just do nothing. I compare it as to walking - I don't know if you have Sephora in your area, but it’s a massive beauty store. I compare the overwhelm to walking into Sephora. There's so many options that I literally turn around and walk out because it's too much.
And that’s one of the things that I struggled with - that and what is my unique language to storytelling is.
This might sound a little strange, having a podcast now for 5½ years, but there are things that I struggle with in storytelling, depending on what context I'm telling it in.
So, my Aligned Business Blueprint was really, really, really beneficial to me for those two - my language of storytelling and the types of content to create.
And then one thing that really surprised me that you put in there that I took for granted was, what do I need? How do I need to be supported? And how am I going to get that support provided to me?
Anna Lois Davies: I love such beautiful reflections.
Naomi Nakamura: So, if anyone is contemplating about, “What is this Aligned Business Blueprint?”, or “I know my Human Design, what do I need this - I help others learn their Human Design” well, this is how it helped me.
Anna Lois Davies: Amazing. Like we were saying earlier, it's so impactful, even just look at your business because I think the thing for me is, a big part of what I like to do is consultancy work.
So, I'll always go in and see where there might be a little bit of misalignment and be able to identify that and then share that so that there's a kind of tiny sidestep and they feel supported and then it feels easier and more aligned. It feels more authentic.
Being able to take in your Human Design as a whole, break it down, but then also look at your business as a whole and break it down.
I have so many different types of people who come to me for the Aligned Business Blueprint. I've had a photographer purchase it and she's a Projector. So, there's so much within her design that actually lends so beautifully to what she is doing to help support her more deeply with regards to her supporting her clients, and then also building out her business, in terms of being visible.
There's so many parts of her design that I'm excited to write about and excited to share with her so that she can see that she's on the right track. She really is, but there are some tiny things that she can do that may not feel tiny, but the small changes that she can make can really elevate and push her out there even more in a way that feels good.
I think this is the key, it has to feel good otherwise, you're not going to do it. I mean, that's at least how I feel.
Naomi Nakamura: You're absolutely right. And as non-energy people, I think I'm pretty sure I wrote this in our email communication before you did my blueprint, I recall telling you that I just feel exhausted about having to think about these things over and over again; to try and figure it out in my head because again, undefined Head and undefined Ajna centers.
I'm exhausted. I don't want to waste my energy thinking about this anymore. I want that validation from someone who has an outside perspective, who can look at my design, and who has the expertise and understand what I'm trying to do and say, “Here are some things I think that can help you that can relieve some of that undefined Root pressure that you might be feeling and also, ease some of that overwhelm.
This is how I chose to manage my energy. This experience is part of energy management for me.
Anna Lois Davies: That's basically saying it doesn't matter how far along in your journey you are, there's always going to be people that you can kind of go to or seek out or that find that will support you in the capacity that you need for that time in your life. I think it's super important.
I know for myself that sometimes I just need somebody to listen to me for an hour so that I, as an Ego Manifestor, can talk and talk and talk and hear myself but also have the support of somebody else to say, “This is what I'm hearing you say that you want to do” and just to reflect it back to me so I recognize. “Ah, okay, this is actually what my heart desires.”
Naomi Nakamura: And for me, as a Projector needing recognition and validation, that combined with all the other parts of my design - the 48-16 channel which is the only channel in my design is where I can also be holding myself back as well.
I did an episode on that channel, and I didn’t expect the amount of feedback that I got from people who came out of the woodwork saying, “I listened to that episode. I have that channel and you made me feel so seen.” I had no idea that doing that one episode would have that kind have impact on people.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the 48-16 channel, it's called, “The Channel of Talent.” It's the gift of doing things repetitively till you become an expert on it.
But there's a lot of self-doubt there, there's a lot of not feeling that you're prepared enough or that you're good enough. I also have a 1st Line in my design where I have this thirst for knowledge, yet, I need to be careful about being stuck in that, because at some point, there needs to be enough learning, and time to start doing things.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely.
There's where we're defined, and our chart is where we're consistent. So, we know that energy the best. That's step one and we can really support others in figuring out how that energy feels, what it looks like, and how to actually manage and work with it.
Then, where we're open is where we're susceptible to everybody else's energy where they're defined. It kind of comes and goes, and it’s the second stage of Human Design and the way in which we can start to integrate it or get to navigate it. That's where we're having to decondition from.
I have a completely open Solar Plexus - no definition whatsoever - fully open. So, I feel everybody else's feelings, times 10.
I’m often the mediator, because I can really see, and this has happened a lot in my family, especially last year when we had a family sickness. So, kind of navigating the emotions around one person in my family being ill was so intense, but I was able to kind of bring all of the emotions together, understand them, navigate them, process them, and then reflect back and allow other family members or friends to be able to understand, “Oh, okay, this is a different perspective.” It's because I've had to do that my whole life. So, I've been able to work through that decondition, from knowing that if I'm feeling a certain way, it normally doesn't belong to me, it's not my feelings because I'm neutral.
When I'm by myself, I'm completely emotionally neutral. It's really fascinating to me how we can get even deeper into design. That's something else that I'm building at the moment, which is my academy, which takes what we're talking about in the blueprint to a deeper level, and sections out each of the parts of the blueprint and provides another layer. I'm excited about that. I'm excited.
Naomi Nakamura: That sounds amazing.
Anna Lois Davies: Thank you.
Naomi Nakamura: When can people expect it to be available? Not to put pressure on your…
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah, I mean, I'm putting pressure on myself. I was saying tonight because I have defined Ego, I like to be in competition with myself. Essentially, I’ve been setting timers to get this done because as a Manifestor, we have cycles, and creative urges.
This creative urge has been pushing itself out of me, for I'm gonna say like 18 months. It's been a long slog of wanting to get this out there, but the timing wasn't right.
However, now, having been in Bali for six weeks and just having this kind of downtime, being on a completely different side of the world from everyone else, and my clients, my one-on-one stuff, I've had time and space to be able to put my magic on paper, so to speak and get this created for my audience.
So, to answer your question, I'm anticipating on having it done by the end of this month, the start of next month, but I do have a waitlist available to those who are interested in it.
So, if you want to kind of be the first to be notified and receive a little bonus if you sign up to the waitlist, then definitely kind of get yourself on it because I've said before I'm an Ego Manifestor. I'm creating exactly what I wanted, but I'm also a Need Motivation. So, I'm creating what is needed as well.
I'm creating what I need for other people to understand. It's gonna be a really diverse shop. I suppose I'm calling it the Energetic Business Academy, but it's an open shop of mini courses, masterclasses energy type bundles, deconditioning, tools, toolkits, and so on.
So, for us, so it's going to be big, it's going to be a lot, but you can kind of come in and just see where you're at and pick what you desire in the moment.
Naomi Nakamura: I love that and be sure to send me over the link to the waitlist, and I'll include it in the show notes for this episode.
Anna Lois Davies: Amazing. Thank you so much. Thank you.
Naomi Nakamura: Well, you know, you shared something that I'm curious about when you talked about having a completely Open Solar Plexus center, the center of emotions and how you're able to navigate the emotions of your family dynamics.
I'm curious - was there a shift in perspective of that, upon learning about Human Design versus how you processed emotions before that?
Anna Lois Davies: I've always struggled with understanding my emotions and one of my biggest, I suppose, things that I wanted to learn was emotional intelligence.
Before I found Human Design, I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t identify an emotion I felt. Oftentimes, I was confused as to why I was feeling the way I was feeling because there was no reason for it. I realized, after receiving the language, and wisdom of Human Design, I was like, “Oh, it makes sense now, because I have a completely Open Solar Plexus.
So, for me, I've always been really good at helping other people understand their emotions, but I've never been able to do it myself but that’s because the emotion was never really mine. So, it wasn't something that I could tap into and resonate with.
I suppose we could kind of say that in school and throughout my jobs, I was always known as “Agony Anna” because we have an “Agony Aunt” column that used to be in the UK where people would write in with their problems and it was basically guidance. The Agony Aunt would reply in the newspaper, and say, “Thanks so much for your question. This is what I think.”
So, that everyone used to call me “Agony Anna” because I would do the same for them. I would be that pillar of support for people who were really going through stuff. So, it kind of just gave me another language or another layer of understanding of my kind of magic with open or undefined centers.
You really have to decondition from the way in which you've been taught to behave because I think that's the thing - you believe that thing belongs to you, and it doesn't. So, trying to navigate that and discern what’s yours and what isn't is very, very important before you can go on and provide guidance.
Naomi Nakamura: This is so critical to understand, especially when it comes to business because I've always said that the biggest experience and experiments with personal growth is starting your own business.
When you talk about the openness of people's designs, your design is very open, my design is very open, and when there's a lot of openness, there's a lot of possibility for conditioning.
As we talked about, having your own business, or even if you're not employed for yourself, but you have a job, you work in business, there's a lot of the way things are, “supposed” to be done, the way things are expected to be done, the “normal ways” of how things should be done and a lot of that, for those who have a lot of openness in their design, where you’re undefined or very open, there's a lot of conditioning that happens there. That's why something like the Aligned Business Blueprint, and the work that you do is really, really helpful in terms of not just business, but also for just your own personal growth and awareness.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah, I absolutely agree.
My work focuses on business first, but as a natural result of the work that we do, it impacts your life massively - they go hand-in-hand. You can't do the work for your business and not have it impact your life and the way in which you live it.
You only get one life, we're here for a very finite time and it's so important that instead of just doing it the way things have always been done, that you actually decide how do you want to do it, what's right for you - that's the most important thing to me and a big part of my purpose and values that I can identify with my chart as well, having a look at Venus and my Incarnation Cross and things like that - deeply caring for people.
It's so important to me that not only do I care, but I translate it into something that is detail driven. So, whenever you come to my work, there will be a lot of detail to make sure that I'm providing that care as well as information so that you can actually go away and do something with it.
Naomi Nakamura: Amazing.
So how can people connect with you, reach out and perhaps order a blueprint for themselves?
Anna Lois Davies: I’m predominantly on Instagram, much to my kind of dismay. I would love to be off it eventually, but all in good time.
Instagram is the first port of call to tap into my work. There’s a lot of free content there that will really support you. So, @annaloisdavies.
That's the first place, then my website at www.annaloisdavies.com - very straightforward, very simple. That's where you can find the blueprint and sign up to the waitlist for Energetic Business Academy or if you want to work with me one-on-one.
I have a couple of options for that as well. I’m on Tik Tok, and restarting my own podcast. I'm lazy. I'm all over the place, but all in good time because I am a lone wolf at present and do everything myself.
Naomi Nakamura: And a non-sacral, so I know how that goes. Energy management's everything. I mean, even whether you’re a Generator or Manifesting Generator, energy management's everything.
Anna Lois Davies: Absolutely. And the belief that we need to get things done yesterday is very much conditioning behaviors. So will your own timing.
Naomi Nakamura: Exactly.
Anna Lois Davies: And if it means that I do a podcast from my bed, because I'm in rest mode then that's fine by me, because that's the most natural way for me to be doing it. There's so many ways you can leverage your design to make it easy. Make life and business easy.
Naomi Nakamura: Absolutely. Well, thank you so much for joining. I so enjoyed our conversation.
Anna Lois Davies: Thank you so much for having me. It's always such a pleasure to come and chat. I really really love it. So thank you again.
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
Connect with Naomi on: Instagram
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