Episode 236: On Having An Ego Authority with Anna Lois Davies
In this episode, I’m joined by Anna Lois Davies, a 3/5 Ego Manifestor.
Anna is a Human Design & Business Alignment coach & consultant who is breaking down the boundaries of the binary way of business. She blends Human Design with brand & business strategy so conscious founders & entrepreneurs can find alignment, connection, and abundance in the way that they are uniquely designed to do so.
You’ll hear Anna share:
How she came to Human Design and how it’s influenced her life personally and professionally
What’s an Ego Authority
What’s her decision-making process as she follows her Ego Authority
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Mentioned in the Episode:
Episode 194: What Having an Emotional Authority Feels Like? with Sandy Yang
Episode 195: What A Sacral Authority Feels Like with Brent Reichenberger
Episode 196: Following Your Splenic Authority with Victoria Jane
Episode 201: Exploring A Self-Projected Authority with Nadia Gabrielle
Episode 202: On Being A Reflector & Following A Lunar Authority with Tanya Reyes
Episode 207: On Having A Mental Authority with Janelle Turner
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“The Ego Authority is all about energetic exchange. It’s about asking yourself, What do I want to do? It kind of sounds selfish. People can mistake it for selfishness. If you have Ego Authority, it feels like you’re being selfish. If you haven’t done the work and the acceptance around, no, this is just actually how I make my decisions.”
Read the Transcript:
Naomi Nakamura: Hello there, my friends. Welcome to the Live FAB Life Podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura.
I have a really exciting interview to share with you today. For those of you who have been listening for a while, you know that over the past several months, I have been doing a series, interviewing other Human Design practitioners who have different authorities, wanting to hear from them, what their authority is and how it resonates for them and what is their process for following their authority. Because I can share with you what it's like to have a Splenic Authority, but I can't tell you what it's like to have an Emotional Authority or a Sacral Authority or a Self-Projected Authority or an Ego Authority.
Several listeners have reached out multiple times, asking me, hey, have you ever done an episode on Ego Authority? Or when is it coming? Well, my friends, it's here. I'm really excited to share this conversation I had today with Anna Lois Davies. Anna works with soul-led women and helps them get clear on who they are and what their magic is. And then she helps them energetically align to it, using human design so that they can bring awareness and connection and abundance, not just into their business, but into their life.
So, you are going to hear Anna and I have a conversation about how Human Design came into her life. I always love hearing how this happens for other people. She shares what influenced human design has had, not just on her personally, but also professionally. She shares with us what an Ego Authority is and how she felt when she first learned that this was her authority.
She shares how she follows her Ego Authority, and what is her exact process for making decisions, both large and small. And all of this requires a deep level or a deep sense of self-awareness and self-trust, and Anna shares how she's able to cultivate this into her life. I really, really, really loved speaking with Anna. This is the first time that we've had any live interaction together. It's the first time that we've met. And it's just another example of how good things can come from social media. I found her when she showed up on the Discover tab on Instagram and we really hit it off and connected immediately. And it goes to show you that when you connect with the right people, whether in real life or online, good things can happen. So, with that, let's get to the show.
Hello, Anna, welcome to the show.
Anna Lois Davies: Hi, thank you for having me.
Naomi Nakamura: Thank you for accepting my invite. I have been doing a series, going back to last year, where I have interviewed someone, another Human Design practitioner who have different Authorities, just to hear from different people, what their Authority feels like in them. And I've had listeners ask me, are you ever going to do one on Ego Authority? I'm like, yes, but I'm waiting for the right person. I was thinking about it. When this episode comes out, it'll be five years of this podcast. I think about 5% of the guests have been people who have pitched to me, because I'm really selective about who I have join me here. And I randomly found you on Instagram. You showed up on my Discover page and I clicked on it and I thought, you know what? I think she needs to be my Ego Authority person here.
Anna Lois Davies: I feel very privileged.
Naomi Nakamura: So, please introduce yourself and tell us who you are and what it is that you do.
Anna Lois Davies: So, my name is Anna Davies and I do Human Design with business alignment. So, I am currently going through an identity crisis of whether I'm a coach, a mentor, a strategist, a consultant, because I'm kind of all...
Naomi Nakamura: You're all of it,
Anna Lois Davies: I'm all of it. And so what I'm trying to portray to people is, that I'm just going to guide you into the best way that you can do your business as per your human design. My bread and butter is brand marketing. And having run my own business now for two years and setting things out and coaching my clients through building their own businesses, has been this real passion. And to bring the element of Human Design into it has not only exploded my own business, but has helped explode others.
And before I even brought Human Design into my business, I had a friend who came on to my content and would say, it's like you are a human design coach, but you are not. This is way back when, because I always have talked about the balance of energy and strategy.
And so, my mission is just to, the mission of my existence, this is how I describe it. The mission of my existence is to share the message that we are all so beautifully unique and that is our power. And it filtrates into my business mission into, I want to lead a movement of people who are seeking to break free of the confines of this singular narrative, this cookie cutter way, and this almost forceful way of doing business. And stepping away from that and actually really taking themselves, and bringing themselves, into their business in a way that honors them full autonomy and allows them to move from their truth, rather than somebody else's projection or somebody else's truth of what has worked for them in their business. And as we know, and as you know, it doesn't work for everyone.
Naomi Nakamura: It does not. You talked about, you don't know if you're a coach or guide and all that. I think, as a business coach, when you bring in human design, you quickly learn that it's not going to just be about business. It's going to be so much about life, work and everything else that comes along with it. So those lines get blurred. And that's why we can't silo ourselves, just to say, well, this is just for this and this is just for this because it all connects together.
Anna Lois Davies: Absolutely. And that's kind of where I'm currently at and it is that I'm just classing myself as a guide, but I offer consultancy and I offer coaching and there's lots of different ways to work with me in different capacities. And it depends on what I'm willing to put out at the time as well. Because as a Manifestor I have lots of ideas and if I do it once I might not do it again.
Naomi Nakamura: Exactly. Exactly. Well, I will say that your branding and your marketing is so spot on because I am somewhat, I have a cognition of where my cognition is outer vision. And so, those things matter to me. And like I said, you popped up on my Discover tab on Instagram and it definitely caught my eye. I mean, it's all spot on. I love everything that you do.
Anna Lois Davies: Thank you, I really appreciate that. And yeah, big parts of my human design are always about the aesthetic. It has to feel good for me. And also, I want to stand out. I'm a Manifestor, I'm here to do things differently. I'm here to be the first. And I feel like there's a lot of Duman Design content, which is so beautiful and so helpful.
But I was speaking to my client before we jumped on this call together and this podcast, and I was saying how a lot of my design comes from reading editorial magazines because I have undefined Head and Ajna, I take undefined Head mainly, but I take inspiration from everywhere else.
So, I will read magazines and I'll say, "Oh it's in a Chanel advert." And I think, wow, this looks like a piece of art to me. And how can I then take the way that this text has been layered, the way that this image has been blurred slightly. How can I replicate that in my way? And in my branding, through my brand strategy and through my mission? To be really pungent, to really stand out there, and it seems to be working quite well.
Naomi Nakamura: I love that. I also have undefined Head, undefined Ajna and I know exactly what you mean by that. So tell us, what is your human design type strategy, authority, profile lines, all of it?
Anna Lois Davies: Okay. So, I'm a 3/5 Ego Manifestor and my Incarnation Cross is the Right-Angle Cross of the Vessel of Love. And yeah, I love it. I love everything about my Human Design, which is quite rare to say, not everyone likes their Human Design. They just...
Naomi Nakamura: No, not everyone does. And when people tell me that, I feel for them because I get it. When I first learned that, I really thought that, oh, I was a generator because I have my things to do list and always wanting to get things done and then learning that I was a projector. And having no context of what that meant, I was like, oh really? But then...
Anna Lois Davies: I think you find that though, don't you? And a lot of [inaudible 00:08:28] do try and we live in a generator's world. So, all of us that are not generators are going to feel as though we are generators because it's the world we live in. But I have found that as well, a lot with my clients who are projectors, they have kind of been conditioned into thinking that they are one and when they discover that they're not, and they're actually a non- [inaudible 00:08:46] being and they're allowed to rest, they're like, ah, yes.
Naomi Nakamura: It's like being seen for the first time.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah. It's like this big old sigh of relief and just being like, ah, thank gosh for that.
Naomi Nakamura: Well, I have to tell you, I find Manifestors a bit intimidating. I'm sure you get that a lot. Come to find out, I have quite a bit of Manifestors in my life. Some of them know a little bit about human design, some of them know nothing about it. And the commonality I think is that you all have very commanding presence.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah. I have found that and noticed that and I'll be fully transparent. I haven't actually, I haven't left the house much since I discovered I was a Manifestor, which is because of the pandemic, but also just other situations with family, where I'm currently shielding a parent who's poorly. So, I'm still kind of being really careful. So, I haven't actually gone out and felt my Manifestor power in a way where I have done before. However, that being said, I have recognized previously that I tend to command a room when I walk into it. And I feel egotistical saying that, and big-headed saying that, but it's just, I know that my aura is repelling. I know that it's bold. And I know that I stand out. I'm also a redhead. So, of course I'm going to stand out as well in a crowd, which is also fun. But yes, I definitely feel that.
Naomi Nakamura: But you know what I love about what you just said? I've said three times now, how I came to find you because you're on my Discover page on Instagram, but your visual marketing is very neutral color. Whereas Instagram is very, aesthetics is like the pop and everything, but that stood out to me. So your aura is coming through, even though you're not physically in the same presence as other people.
Anna Lois Davies: And it's interesting you say that because I love neutrals. I mean, I wear mainly black and white clothing, very neutral palette, do not wear color at all. Don't actually like color because I like my hair to stand out. And I feel like my hair is even a representation or a kind of physical manifestation of that boldness. And I do feel though, it does stand out and it's like one of those things that I'm really grateful I have. Because it's just the neutral stuff against my hair as well is really poppy, which is great. But I appreciate this.
Naomi Nakamura: No, I feel like it's very on brand for you and this is the first time we're actually even having any live interactions. So, tell me how do human design come into your life?
Anna Lois Davies: So, I think a lot of people who find Human Design can relate to this, but I've kind of been on this never-ending journey of consciousness, improvement, self-development. And I have this real fire to know all I need to know before I die. To constantly be digging deeper into, okay, how can I figure out this? And I have this real passion for knowledge. And so, essentially I came across it, I think a couple of years ago now. And I started originally saving things on Instagram, looking on Pinterest, trying to dive into it.
And I had a reading last year. And then, through that reading, the person who provided the reading, then did human design reader level one training. And I took that training and I ran with it and I did one-off readings for a little bit. And then I thought, hold on a minute, brand marketing and business is my bread and butter. I love it so much. How can I integrate the two? And so I started to really dive into that and that's kind of how I've ended up where I am today. And I can wholeheartedly say, I am obsessed with Human Design and how it impacts business. I love it so much.
Naomi Nakamura: I'm with you there, obviously. What kind of impact has it had? Obviously on your business, it's transformed your business into this whole nother level, but beyond that, what kind of impact or how transformative has it been on your life personally, just learning about this? I'm sure so much of it are things about yourself that you already knew, but what kind of impact has it had on you?
Anna Lois Davies: It's funny because this is going to get a bit vulnerable and this is not my normal. I'm not normally...
Naomi Nakamura: It's okay. This is a safe place.
Anna Lois Davies: Thank you. Yeah. No, I appreciate that. And hopefully people maybe can relate to this. So I, as a young woman who went to school in England, an all-girls school, who had red hair, and if you know about that here in England, we get teased for our lovely ginger locks. And so for a large part of my life, I've stood out like a sore thumb. And that's typical with Manifestors, as I've now come to realize. But there were lots of things, where I didn't have lots of friends because some people like me, some people didn't like me and if they didn't like me, they really didn't like me. And that was fine for me because I was this very much a lone wolf, going off and doing whatever it was that I wanted to do. Kind of flitting around friendship groups, didn't really have a solid space to be with people.
And really that transpired into then, people pleasing later in life and having no boundaries at all and really not coming from a sense of truth or it was just... I did everything that everybody wanted me to do, and I never had any autonomy on what I wanted to do and who I was. And so when I discovered human design, and through a lot of self-development work that has brought me to this point, and a lot of work on myself, having the understanding that I am a Manifestor. I have a repelling aura, and there's also so much more to me that will maybe get onto, but there is so much that lined up with my Human Design chart that actually said to me, eh, this is fine. This is just who you are. And so for me, it's been this huge acceptance and confidence now to just move from who I am.
My boundaries are so solid to have boundaries highlights on my Instagram page, so that people know I'm not going to be available to you all the time. And actually what it's felt like is, I haven't actually told anyone this, so I'm going to tell you and all the listeners. But, what it feels like now, is how it felt when I was a child. It feels like I've come home to that person. And I'm now nurturing that person and bringing that person back into the 31 year old body I currently reside in. So, I'm bringing that person back. I'm allowing that person to be all they wanted to be before they got told all these horrible things.
Naomi Nakamura: Before you were conditioned by the world. And I think what you just described is, and I am not an expert in this at all, but is inner child work?
Anna Lois Davies: Hundred percent. Yeah, absolutely. And it is. And it's just bringing this sense of understanding and acceptance. And I always say, it's like this big sigh of relief and it's also this permission slip to just go off.
Naomi Nakamura: It's freedom.
Anna Lois Davies: Absolutely. Absolutely. So, it's been so incredible on a personal level. And then with business, it's just, my business has exploded. The last few months have been the highest revenue I've ever had. I went from 400 followers in April to 4,000 in August. It has gone wild. And it's because I'm truly embodying everything that I am now. I'm not holding back on anything. I'm ridding myself of the things that are not in alignment with who I truly am. I'm setting the boundaries and doing the work, but I'm also unapologetic. And I don't have to, I still check myself, making sure that I'm in alignment, and obviously that's a daily practice. The founder of Human Design, the creator took seven years. And he was a Manifestor as well, which is amazing. But he took seven years to integrate his design. And I feel like once you're on this journey, you're never going to get off. You're never going to get off. And it's just a magical ride of [inaudible 00:16:28].
Naomi Nakamura: Well, because once you learn it, you can't unlearn it.
Anna Lois Davies: No, that's the thing. Yeah.
Naomi Nakamura: So, you have a 5 in your design, a 5 profile line. You are a Manifestor and you have this Ego Authority. That is a lot of power, my friend.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah. It feels powerful. And because when I use my defined throat to speak, it punches right into the heart of people, which I didn't even realize I had. I didn't realize I made such an impact on people. And so now it helps me be more unapologetic because I know that the people on my fractal line, or who are on my wavelength, are going to connect to me and they're going to meet me on the way that I am in where I am at, into my true alignment. And it's going to be that big, old punch of the gut, but in the nicest way possible.
Naomi Nakamura: Well, for those who aren't familiar with the Ego Authority, will you please tell us about it?
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah. So it's actually really rare. Like, it's super rare.
Naomi Nakamura: It is. And like I said, it's the one authority I have not had an episode on. I've asked other people who have interviewed with their authorities, who they're all human design practitioners. I'm like, hey, do you know anybody with an Ego Authority? And some of them actually didn't, some of them did make some referrals. Like I said, my splenic instincts just did not [inaudible 00:17:40] no, that's probably not the right person, but I'll keep them in the back of my head. But as soon as I saw you, I was like, oh, I think she's the ones to have a conversation with. So, it's very rare.
Anna Lois Davies: It is so rare. It's 1% of the population has Ego Authority. It's the rarest authority type. And there are two different types. There's Ego Manifestor and Ego for Projectors as well. And they're slightly different, so I'll just explain the Manifestor one. But it's kind of like the rare among the rare because as you know, as well, Manifestors are the second rarest energy type. We've got our good old Reflectors that there are fewer of them than us. But yeah, the Ego Authority really is all about energetic exchange. It's about really asking yourself, what do I want to do? And it kind of sounds selfish. People can mistake it for selfishness and sometimes it feels like it's selfish in yourself. If you have Ego Authority, it feels like you're being selfish. If you haven't done the work and the acceptance around, no, this is just actually how I make my decisions.
But in order for us to be able to show up as our best selves and really follow through on something, we have to want to do it. It has to be kind of this exchange of energy for us to feel like we can go off and do it. So it comes with other things as well. Being able to speak things into existence, being able to give voice to our desires and the things that we are really wanting. Because what happens is when we start talking, and it's similar to kind of sounding board authority, is when we can kind of think about, okay, this sounds right. I can hear it back and I made the decision when I'm talking. And I had this earlier today, actually I'm currently figuring out where I want to move in the world for a short period of time.
One place was Mexico, one place was Bali, one place is Amsterdam. And I was talking to a friend and we [inaudible 00:19:27] know each other. And I was just speaking as I was talking out all of these things, I've made the decision by the end of the voice. I didn't need her opinion. And that's the very important part to Ego Authority, is we're not seeking opinions or permission when we're talking, we're just asking you to hold space for us and to listen to us so that we can then make our decision. And so there's that element to it. And eventually I made the decision to go to Bali, which hopefully will be next month, which is exciting.
Naomi Nakamura: That's very exciting.
Anna Lois Davies: Exciting and daunting. But I have lived in Australia for a year, so I've already moved halfway around the world, so I can do it again. And I want to do it. So that's the thing. It's all about want. If you think of Ariana Grande's song of, "I see it. I like it. I want it. I got it." That is literally Ego Authority. And so it's about then being careful with your commitments, not over promising, asking yourself, okay, what am I getting out of this? Does it feel enough for me to do this? Do I have the willpower? Because you know, the ego center is interchangeable between heart and will center. Whether or not you have the willpower and the determination to carry out what it is that you are wanting to do. And so with that then comes this need for balance and for rest and understanding that you can do the work, but it also has to come with rest. And when I say work, it's more about output. It's not about business or job. It is just about the output.
Naomi Nakamura: The energy output.
Anna Lois Davies: Exactly. Yeah, the energetic output. So, I rest a lot, which has been wonderful. But also something to really wrestle with because we live again, like I said earlier, in this generator world where it's nine to five hustle, you know, there's very much bro culture, especially for business owners and entrepreneurs. Very like, I've got to be up at 5:00 AM. And I'm like, no honey, I will get up when I want, because that's who I am. Yeah, so it's learning that actually as a Manifestor who has Ego Authority, when I want to do something and I've rested enough for my creative urges to come through. And if I have that want, and I know that the energetic exchange is there, I can work very quickly and I can make a really big impact in a short space of time. So it's kind of like comparing this hustle culture, got to get up at 5:00 AM, to the four hour work week. That's kind of how I [inaudible 00:21:49] it.
Naomi Nakamura: What was it like or what were your thoughts when you learned that you had this Authority?
Anna Lois Davies: First of all, I was like, oh, well, nobody really talks about this because it's so rare. So it was quite hard to find out even more information about it, but it was just this big permission slip to just let go of any judgment that I had about needing rest or wanting things. And it was about actually allowing myself to want things and not stopping myself from having the things that I wanted or the desires that I had and removing any idea that I was selfish in any way. And that's not to say that I never felt selfish, because again, as I mentioned earlier, I was a people pleaser. So I did what everyone else wanted and I didn't want to cause any problems. But it helped me remove that good-girl mentality. Oh, she's a good girl, she doesn't cause any problems
Naomi Nakamura: She's going to conform.
Anna Lois Davies: Exactly. And so it really helped me step out of that and it helped me move away from what I felt I should do and the way I should have been behaving and really just step into, no, this is who I am. I'm a baddie, I'm happy about being a baddie and I'm going to be there and I'm going to show up. And now that I've stepped into this so much more, this is why I feel like I've grown, not only as a person and with relationships and the people who I've now friends with because it has brought so many wonderful opportunities and relationships, but also in business it's made me so magnetic and has brought so many opportunities, such as this wonderful Podcast. So, it's been great.
Naomi Nakamura: What was your process like in learning to follow your authority and really discerning when it's something that you actually want versus, this is something I should want?
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah, such a great question. And I think it starts with listening to my voice. Because I can tap in and make decisions through hearing what I'm saying out loud. And so oftentimes, I would speak to a friend or voice note and sometimes it actually helps me to just voice note myself.
Naomi Nakamura: That was going to be my question. Do you ever just voice note yourself?
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah, I do. Yeah, I do. Not as often as I necessarily feel like I should be doing. Oh, I don't like that word should. But I feel like I could improve on the voice noting myself, but at the moment I have such a wonderful group of people who truly understand me. And it's great when you have friends that know human design. So, that's kind of the first protocol and I also kind of think, does what I want bring me what I desire? And that's a way I step into it, and also, do I have the motivation and the willpower to actually execute what it is that I am doing? So it's kind of trusting what I want or what I needed and just kind of recognizing, okay, what have I felt in the past 24 hours that I've wanted or needed going through this process?
Have I spoken about it? Have I voiced it? Do I trust the voice? Do I trust that's what I need or that's what I wanted? Have I taken, as a non-emotional being, cause I have an open soloplex, have I taken on feelings and emotions of other people? Have people projected their concerns or their worries onto me in some way with an open spleen center? Have I taken on fears and is that impacting my decision? Okay, no. So, how can I release any emotional energy or release any fear that has come through? And actually, how can I ground myself in that? And asking that question, do I want it? Cause that's all it is. Do you want it? Have you got the energetic capacity to execute it? And if so...
Naomi Nakamura: And that defined heart center gives you the stamina to commit, to follow through with your commitments.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah, exactly, exactly. It is that kind of absolute determination. And it's interesting because I never recognized it before, until people have reflected it back to me that they feel much more like they can get on with stuff, which makes me a great person to work with, I think. And that's what's been told to me, because it's like they feel energized and they feel ready to go because of the determination that I offload onto them.
Naomi Nakamura: I think there's also an unconscious level of trust. Cause even those in my life who have a defined heart center, I've observed... And again, some of them know nothing about their human design, but they gave me their information, so I looked it up. So, I'm always going, observing their design for them. But those in my life who have defined heart centers, I've noticed that I've had, and again totally unconscious level of trust with them, because they always follow through on their promises.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah. I love that reflection. And I think, yeah, we do. It is also known as the heart center, so it's all about leading with love and mine is connected to my G center. So it's all about this solid sense of identity and purpose and helping other people find that in themselves with love and then having the determination to go off and do things. And then, obviously a few days later, holding them accountable because that's what we do.
Naomi Nakamura: You have really interesting design. 3/5 Ego Authority, Manifestor, Defined G-Center. See, I don't have a defined G center and right now I have this, my curiosity is piqued on those with defined G centers because I don't know what that's like. It's so interesting to me.
Anna Lois Davies: I'm very grateful I have it, I will admit. Because I have a friend who doesn't have it and she's always like, "oh, should I go here," searching for her purpose.
Naomi Nakamura: Or looking for validation from others.
Anna Lois Davies: Yes, yes. And outside things. Whereas for me, I love how it is connected to this determination, because I can be like, no, I know what I want. I know who I am. I'm going to go and get it. And it is that simple for me. So, I am really grateful and I do feel very happy that I have that, because it makes me be able to do what I want to do and be determined and be this big... Carry my movement and be this big impact on the world. And so, yeah. It's wonderful.
Naomi Nakamura: I think everything you described is amazing, but I also think it takes deep self-awareness and deep self-trust. And regardless of whether you're a Manifestor or not, those things can be really hard for anyone, especially when they're still new and learning about human design or just now stepping into conscious living. Were there any things that you did along the way to help you learn self-trust and build self-awareness? Was there journaling? Coaching? What were the things that helped you along the way?
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah, I do a lot of EFT tapping. I find that to be the best tool to actually feel the shift in energy. And I do that a lot with my clients as well, just to really create that transformation. But I regularly do EFT tapping for myself. Other things, I think, I've had coaching before, but being the low morph that I am, I'm just constantly on YouTube. I'm constantly trying out...
Naomi Nakamura: I was going to say, I don't think a Manifestor would really need a lot of coaching.
Anna Lois Davies: No, I don't. And I think the thing I find frustrating about coaching sometimes, is that if it's not including human design, people just try and put me into a box and I'm very, very different. And we all are very different, and so that's why I literally think it's so important to have this understanding of how we are naturally designed so that we can reflect this back to our current coaches and say, hold on a minute, you know, this isn't how I behave.
I have a session tomorrow with somebody who doesn't know Human Design. She's had a reading with me. She's had a session with me. She doesn't know Human Design. So, I just sent her a message because we are skill sharing and I sent her a message saying, look, this is how I'm going to be in the session. I might be full of ideas and I might talk at you a lot. And that's how I make my decisions. And I just kind of informed her that this is how I am designed and this is how I'm going to, perhaps be in the session, just so that she has an insight. Okay, I'm now prepared for this session with Anna and I can come at it in a way that's going to be really helpful for her. So that was important for me. But yeah, I do everything myself. I'm very hyper-independent.
Naomi Nakamura: I can see that from your design
Anna Lois Davies: Super independent. So, I'm very much one-line energy as well. Go down the rabbit hole, like have to have all of the answers to everything. One of my imposter syndromes is to be the expert in things, which is really interesting as well, because it's not necessarily part of my design, but it's a big part of... A lot of my energy is first line as well. So it's interesting to think that, okay, that's how I figure things out. But I'm constantly learning. I'm constantly growing and I thrive off of it. I take Wednesdays off, as they're my education days. I have Wednesdays to myself so that I can go. And whether it be that I go to the museum or whatever, like I'm going to the Victoria Albert museum on Friday, to go and see the Fashioning Masculinities Exhibition, because I just want to learn more about men's fashion.
Naomi Nakamura: Oh, fun.
Anna Lois Davies: So cool. Plus Harry Style's clothing is going to be in there and I'm just going to press myself up against the window.
It's the closest that I'm going to get. So I like to... That's interesting to me, that's one of my passions. I started off my career in men's wear. And so I really find it fascinating. But on the flip side of that, I also have a two day Wealthy Women Energetic, this incredible mentor that I'm attending her two day workshops, across the weekend. And then in another heartbeat, next weekend, I'm going to the local village down from me. And they're having this spiritual day where there are going to be lots of different types of practitioners there, people that do astrology, people that read tarot. And I just constantly like to expand my horizons. It brings me joy and it's one of my passions. And I like to know everything, all the time, so that I could also better my experience for my clients.
Naomi Nakamura: I'm a 1 / 3 myself. I literally cannot watch TV without Wikipedia at hand because I will be looking up the most random things of whatever comes on. But I was thinking about this all week. As a one line, I got really irritated with a friend of mine this past week because she tried to school me on something that I know she had not done any research or anything in. And then she told me, she's like, well, you're just a know-it-all. And this is a really good friend, so we can have these conversations and just like, I'm a one line, of course I might know it all. And she doesn't know anything about human design, but I also realized that I'm like, why did I feel so offended? And I said, because I know I've put so much effort into studying and learning this. She hasn't put any in. And it just really irritated me when I'm like, not everyone's a one line. Not everyone feels this compelling need to do that. But when you talk about your wanting to learn everything, it completely resonates with me. And I mean, even things that I'm like, I don't even want to learn about, but I have to look it up and I have to know about this.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah. And I think that's the difference, isn't it? That the one line it is this, I have to, cause it fuels you. It's what drives you. It's building those foundations so that you have them to springboard off. And I think for me, it's bringing this leadership energy in, so I can be the best leader. So I can be the best that I can.
Naomi Nakamura: I think it goes hand in hand with your third line, as well, about just needing to experience things.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah, and experimenting with lots of different things, which has been a journey. And I'm very jealous of my six line friends.
Naomi Nakamura: I said the same thing to a friend of mine. I'm like, I'm really jealous that you have a sixth line. And she's like, well, why? I said, because you get to be on the roof at some point, whereas this just continues for me.
Anna Lois Davies: I'd be on the roof now if I was a sixth line. I'd be in my wisdom phase, but I'm not. Getting this third line till I die, which is fine. But I also feel that was a huge part of acceptance for me, because I have not taken the traditional path. I have never been in a corporate role for more than 18 months because I chop and change. If I don't like it, I change it. And I think that also feeds into my Ego Authority. If I didn't like it, it had to go and I would change it. And people...
Naomi Nakamura: Well, and if you stayed doing it, you would hate it. It would become an energy drain for you. And then, what's your life going to be? You're going to hate having to get up and go about your day, every single day.
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah. Yeah. And that was the thing. And I think people were jarred by the fact that I did that and I chopped and changed and I didn't have this traditional, what society tells us to be, in terms of... I did go to university, but then after that, I just ping-ponged across different sectors in business. One day I was working in [inaudible 00:33:42], the next day I was working for the forestry commission, which is our governmental department to look after the forest. So, you know, she's done it all. But I've learned from all the experiences, you know, and that's what I can bring to people, is such a diverse range of experience and skills. And I love it. I love experimenting. It's fun.
Naomi Nakamura: It is, because there's no such thing as failure.
Anna Lois Davies: No, exactly. It's all lessons learned, isn't it? So, and it's all wisdom that we curate moving forward. So it's magic. Yeah. I really my [inaudible 00:34:11]
Naomi Nakamura: So, tell me, how can people connect with you and learn more from you and work with you?
Anna Lois Davies: Well, it's Anna Lois Davis across all platforms really. Instagram and TikTok [inaudible 00:34:21].
Naomi Nakamura: I don't have it. I haven't ventured onto TikTok at all.
Anna Lois Davies: ... Dabbling. It's been fun. It's an experiment for me. Yeah. So, the main place I'm existing at the moment is Instagram. And it's literally Anna Lois Davies. And Davies is spelled D A V I E S, so I always have to reiterate that fact.
Naomi Nakamura: That's your website as well?
Anna Lois Davies: Yeah. So, it's just www.annaloisdavies.com. It's simple.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. And I will have links to all of it in the show notes.
Anna Lois Davies: Amazing. Thank you so much.
Naomi Nakamura: Thank you so much for joining me here. You have an open door to join me whenever you would like. And I so enjoyed our conversation and meeting you and getting to know you.
Anna Lois Davies: It's been amazing. It's been so much fun. I really, really enjoyed it. And thank you for having me.
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
Connect with Naomi on: Instagram
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