Episode 233: The Human Design Variables and Work
In this episode, I’m answering the question, “As a quad right, what should I do for work? I want to change too much.”
It’s no secret that I believe that Human Design doesn’t limit us in what we can and can’t do.
So, you’ll hear me share:
What “quad right” refers to
What parts of Human Design I’d look to, other than being a “quad right” for life direction
Questions to consider for an exercise in self-observation with non-judgment
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“Nothing about Human Design limits us. It tells you how to manage and maximize your energy – it’s your personal user guide. ”
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Hey there friend and welcome back to The Live Fab Life Podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura.
Before we get into today’s episode, I want to let you know that I have a new workshop for you, “The Four Pillars of Health for Projectors.” It’s a free workshop that you’ll find on my website – it’s on a popup that appears when you visit it. It’s also on a new tab that I added to the main navigation menu called “Free Resources,” where I’ll list any free resources that I’ve created for you, and you’ll also find a link for it on the show notes for this episode at www.livefablife.com/233 for Episode 233.
I recognize that we all learn differently, so you can consume the workshop visually, by watching the video, auditorily by listening to it, like you are this podcast, or if you prefer to learn by reading, there’s also an abbreviated PDF download, so be sure to check it out if you’re a Projector, or have a Projector in your life that you want to understand better and support.
Okay, onto today’s show!
We’re continuing to answer community questions today: "As a quad right, what should I do for work? I want to change too much!”
This is similar to the last episode, Episode 232, where I answered the question, “How can a Projector make a living in this world?”, in that my takeaways are the same, but I’m discussing a few different aspects of Human Design.
Okay, the bottom line to me is that, like the last episode, this question alludes to an indication of not having a full understanding of Human Design and how it works.
Human Design is an energetic framework for how we can each, individually, best use, or maximize, our energy.
The “quad right” part of the question refers to the Human Design Variables, which I believe are advanced topics in Human Design. If you're not yet familiar with the Variables, I did a whole bunch of episodes on them. I'll list them in the show notes, but for reference, Episodes 197-200, Episodes 204-206, and Episodes 208 are the foundational episodes introducing the Variables.
Human Design is an energy framework for transformation. It's how we can each, individually, use our energy to reach the best versions of ourselves.
Here’s part of a quote that I love, “Human Design brings us back to the potential of self-love, to having a love of life and the potential of loving others through understanding.”
Your Human Design is your roadmap on how to energetically do that.
It’s transformative, and the transformation starts with understanding your aura -- your Type and Strategy and then following your Authority. It all comes back to the basics.
Now, I’ve been practicing taking a functional approach to my own health and in my coaching, but the approach has become ingrained with my mind in such a way that I apply it to everything – including Human Design.
So, you start with your Type, Strategy, and Authority but peel the layer back and dig into nine energy centers. Why? Because you're Type, Strategy, and Authority is based on your energy centers and whether they’re defined or undefined.
So, a short answer to the question? Look to your Type, Strategy, and follow your Authority before you even look at your Variables.
And if you want to go beyond your Type, Strategy, and Authority, look to your G-Center. The G-Center is the center for love, identity, and direction in life.
You can also look to your incarnation cross. I haven't done an episode on incarnation crosses yet, but I have one or two lined up on that topic at some point this year.
Now, I’ll say this, I really advocate having a solid understanding of, and following your Type, Strategy, and Authority, but I understand the curiosity of your Variables – your Determination, Cognition, Environment, Motivation, and Perspective. I get it, and I think you should know what your Variables are and put some thought and work into integrating them, and again, listen to the past episodes on those topics.
But for questions like, “What should I do for work?” it’s an indicator that either there isn’t a full understanding of Human Design or it’s not practiced, and I'll get more into that in a little bit.
How much do you really look to your Type, Strategy, and Authority when making these life decisions?
It’s great to know and understand what your Variables are, but the first step is to turn to your aura, your Type, and Strategy, and follow your Authority, which is why I advocate for really understanding and embodying it.
That's why I restructured my Human Design Readings offering them in three levels:
Beginning: Type, Strategy, Authority, Profile Lines, Signature/Not Self
Intermediate: The Nine Energy Centers and the Incarnation Cross
Advance: The Variables because understanding the things covered in the first two levels will help you better understand the Advanced.
So, when it comes to “As a quad right, what should I do for work?”, the “quad right” means that all this person's Variable arrows point to the right. What does that mean?
Each of the Variables either has a left-pointing arrow or a right-pointing arrow. In my Human Design, the top left arrow in my chart points left and the rest of the other three arrows point right, so I’m not a “quad right” but three of my four arrows are right pointing.
In the Variables left pointing arrows indicate active and strategic energy, while the right-pointing arrows indicate passive and receptive energy.
To generalize, left arrows are observable energy, while right arrows are observing energy – kinda like being detached and not in the thick of it.
So, someone who is a “quad right” has all four arrows pointing to the right, meaning that they have passive and receptive energy when it comes to their Variables - their Determination, Cognition, Environment, Motivation, and Perspective.
Saying it out loud. I can see how this might feel limiting. First, this question came in a call for Projector questions for a Q&A. So, I'm assuming the person asking the question is a Projector and listen to Episode 232 for some myth-busting on Projectors and work, but on top of being a Projector, being a “quad right,” I can see how someone who may not fully understand how Human Design works might feel limited in what they can do for work.
The takeaway I want you to have from the last episode and this one is that nothing about or in Human Design limits us - says we can't do x-thing because of your design. Remember, Human Design is your roadmap and how you can best use your energy in the most efficient way possible.
What do I mean by this? Well, for example, I'm a Projector, meaning I have undefined Sacral energy, so lifeforce energy is consistently available to me. I used to run marathons until I overtrained and burnt out from doing it. If I wanted to run another marathon again, am I going to say, “No, I can't because I'm a Projector, and I don’t have a defined Sacral center?” No, I'm going to say that I’m going to train in a way that I haven't done before because if I want to run a marathon, I have to manage my energy in ways that I haven’t.
For me to maximize the energy that’s available to me, I need to do things differently than I did in the past because the way I did it before, didn’t work out that great for me – I was always injured or overtrained.
So, being a Projector isn’t limiting me, rather, it tells me that I need to get creative and do things differently than how others have always done them before. Instead of following all the traditional ways to train for a marathon, do something different because I need to train in a way that supports my energy so that I can better manage it and maximize my results.
This is the point I want to make - nothing about Human Design limits us. It’s about how you use and manage your energy and that’s what your Human Design does – it tells you how to manage and maximize your energy – it’s your personal user guide.
So, back to the question, “What should I do for work? I want to change too much.” Now that we've answered, “What is a quad right?” let's address, “What should I do for work? I want to change too much.”
First, how do you view work? In Episode 232 I talked about why it's important for Projectors to reframe how they view work because Projector energy is meant to be used differently than Sacral energy. Those with defined Sacral Centers, Manifesting Generators, and Generators make up about 70% of the population, so how society has defined how things are “supposed” to be done is very much aligned with Sacral energy.
But as we know, Projectors and non-Sacrals are different, so how they view work is critical. How have you been conditioned to view work? What is your relationship to work? What are your conditioned beliefs around work? How can those views and beliefs about work be reframed?
At the crux of the question, really is what should I do? You can insert anything here - What should I do for work? What should I do for fun? Where should I live? What should I do about my relationship?
All these questions involve making a decision. And what do we follow for decision-making? Do you remember? We look to our Authority. Our Authorities are the best ways for us to make decisions.
Since this question was asked during a Projector Q&A, I'm assuming that the person who asked this question is a Projector, which means that there are five possible Authorities for this person - an Emotional Authority, Splenic Authority, Self-Projected Authority, Mental Authority, or Ego Authority. I talked about the versatility of Projectors in Episode 223 and how there are five different possible Authorities for Projectors.
So, when trying to make the decision about what you should do for work, follow your Authority. When making this important life decision, follow your Authority.
Secondly, don’t forget that Projectors have a natural gift for being able to see the big picture, and Projector energy is best used as a guide rather than being a “doer” or “builder.” So maybe consider doing work that allows you the opportunity to do that.
Look for work opportunities where you’re going to be recognized, where you can off offer your input, and where you can lead and guide.
And then thirdly, don’t also forget to follow your Projector Strategy of waiting for the invitation. Your Strategy is the best way for you to move through life without resistance and for Projectors that Strategy is to wait for invitations.
So, when thinking about what you should do for work, here are some of the questions I would ask.
What are the options on a table? Are there options that you're trying to choose from? Or do you have a blank slate where anything is possible?
As my broken record goes, it comes down to self-observation exercise with non-judgment.
What do you enjoy doing? What are the things that you're good at?
- If you're not good at what you enjoy doing, can you become good at it? Can you take programs or courses to develop skills around what you enjoy doing?
Because remember, waiting for invitations isn’t a passive time where you’re just sitting around and waiting. You can be refining your skills and sharing what it is that you do. And if you want to hear more Projector invitations, listen to Episode 225.
I have two more things I want to say before I close out this episode.
First, I don't know the person who asked this question, so again, I don’t know if they have a totally clean slate where anything is on the table, if they're looking to start their own business, or if they're looking to work for someone else. But regardless, what I would consider when deciding what to do for work is who you’ll be working with.
How we like what we do has so much to do with who we work with. Much of our well-being depends on how we feel about our work and jobs, and a lot of that depends on who we work with.
If you're working for someone else, your relationships with managers, colleagues, customers, and clients matter, so, you need to like these people. If you don't and there's conflict or contention, well, that's what makes people hate their job. How people feel about their work, whether they love it or hate it, comes down to who they work with and their relationship with them.
If you peel that layer back even further, it’s about communication. I had an experience this week where it really hit me how bad adults are at communicating with each other. I had people trying to tell me something and ask me something in roundabout ways. I finally had to say, “What are you trying to tell me? What is it that you want me to do? How can I help the situation?”
I had to be direct and ask them because I can't read their minds. Do you experience this too? Or are you someone who expects others to read your mind?
I find that often conflict in the workplace happens when people don't know how to communicate with each other. This is just one reason, albeit a big one, why who you work with matters, who you interact with daily matters because it’s going to affect your energy, confidence, morale, and mental and emotional health - all of it.
Of course, we don't know the Human Designs of the people we work with, but I do believe that following your Authority will lend insight into that. I want to say that follow your instincts about people, but I have a Splenic Authority, which is the Authority about primal instincts, and not everyone has that Authority, so it’s not appropriate advice for everyone.
But follow your Authority, whatever it may be, and trust that it will guide you to make the best decision for you. And I firmly believe that your Authority will take into consideration what you know about who you’d be working with.
The second point I want to make before I close is to address the last part of the question where this person said, “I want to change too much.”
My friend, it's okay to change. You can decide on what you want to do right now for work, and you're allowed to change your mind and do something different later.
You might end up liking what you do, but maybe it's not enough, and you just want a change. Or you may end up hating what you do, and if that happens, please don’t think it’s a failure or you’re a failure.
I'm planning to have an episode on failure because I think there's no such thing as a failure but I'm also speaking as a 3rd Profile Line where my wisdom comes from taking risks and from trial-and-error experiments which means that my wisdom comes from failure.
While not everyone has a 3rd Profile Line, I do think that everyone can gain wisdom from perceived failures. I’m trying to say, don't be afraid to try things out.
If you really want to try to do something and some people in your life may think it's unconventional and not agree with that decision, if your Authority is telling you that it’s the right decision for you, right now, follow your Authority. Give it a try, take a risk but also give yourself permission to change your mind.
If it doesn't work out, you don't need to justify or defend your decisions to anyone. People who may have been against your decisions may say, “I told you so,” or you may be afraid that that’s what might happen but remember this - you don't control other people's opinions of you. Worrying about what other people may think and trying to please other people is wasted energy. It’s so not in alignment with Human Design You have no control over other peoples’ thoughts and opinions, so don’t waste your energy on it.
Just follow your Type, Strategy, and, Authority because it’s your truth; trust your process.
So, that’s my thoughts in answer to this question, “As a quad right what should I do for work? I want to change too much.”
I don't think being a quad right is the most important thing to consider when deciding what to do for work. When you're making decisions, follow your Authority, along with the energetics of your aura - your Type and Strategy. These are your first lines of consideration.
And then also it's okay to change. What does “changing too much” mean? Who defines what is “too much?”
I think this is an opportunity for exploration, and self-observation with non-judgment to think about how you came to form your beliefs and opinions on what is “too much change” and why it’s bad.
So, this is all I have for today. As a reminder, as I mentioned at the top of the episode, my new free workshop, “The Four Pillars of Health for Projectors is now.
You can find all the details on my website. It shows up on the pop-up when you first visit the page; there’s a new tab in the navigation called “Free Resources,” where I have it listed along with some of the other free resources that are available, and it’s also on the show notes for this episode which is at www.livefablife.com/233 for Episode 233.
And if you haven’t yet had a formal Human Design reading and if you haven’t yet dived into your design beyond things you’ve read on Instagram, Google searches, or even listening to episodes of this podcast, I highly encourage you to do so, because things available for the masses are generalized and there’s so much more about YOUR Human Design that’s unique to you! And it’s so much fun to dive into it, and I’d love to dive into your design together!
I offer three levels of Human Design readings – Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. You can look to see what's covered in each reading over at www.livefablife.com/services.
And if you want to be the first to be notified when my Projector-focused workshops are available, I have another link on the show notes where you can sign up to be notified.
As always, thank you so much for listening and sharing your time, your attention, and your energy with me. I sure appreciate it, and I'll see you right back here again next time.
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
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