Episode 223: The Versatility of Projectors
By nature, Projectors are intuitive, resourceful, and also, multi-faceted - there are many layers to us. We’re complex people, and with that complexity comes versatility. In fact, did you know that Projectors are the most versatile of all the Human Design Types?
Expanding on Episode 222 on what’s great about Projectors, in this episode we discuss:
The three different categories of Projectors
The five different kinds of Projectors
A breakdown of the Human Design body graph chart that determines each kind of Projector
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Mentioned in the Episode:
Episode 185: Exploring Human Design Motor Centers: Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Heart
Episode 194: What Having an Emotional Authority Feels Like with Sandy Yang
Episode 190: Subconscious Capacity & Listening to My Splenic Authority
Episode 201: Exploring A Self-Projected Authority with Nadia Gabrielle
Episode 207: On Having A Mental Authority with Janelle Turner
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“By nature, Projectors are intuitive and resourceful but also multifaceted. We, Projectors, have depth – there are many layers to us. And with that, we’re also complex, and with that complexity comes versatility. ”
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Hello there and welcome back to The Live Fab Life Podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura.
Today I’m continuing with answering the Projector questions that we weren’t able to in Episode 217. Although now that I think about it, I’m not really answering a specific question today, but rather, I’m expanding the conversation from Episode 222 which answered the question, “How to like being a Projector when it sucks to have a penetrating aura?”
We talked about what it means to have a Projector aura in that episode, and why I think it's awesome to be a Projector. Today I'm talking about the versatility of Projectors.
Projectors make up about 20-ish percent of the population, which, in the grand scheme of things, is not a lot of people, making us quite unique.
By nature, our aura, Projectors are intuitive and resourceful but also multifaceted. We, Projectors, have depth – there are many layers to us. And with that, we're also complex, and with that complexity comes versatility.
What I mean by this is that there are different kinds of Projectors. There’s three categories of Projectors, and in those three categories, there’s five different kinds of Projectors.
In comparison, there are only two kinds of Generators and Manifesting Generators - emotional or Sacral. This refers to the different possible Authorities available to them. Those with a Sacral Authority are sometimes referred to as “pure” Generators or Manifesting Generators because they’re Sacral beings with undefined Solar Plexus centers. So as Sacral beings, with a Sacral Authority, sometimes they’re referred to as “pure” Generators and Manifesting Generators. But that’s not the focus of our discussion today.
There are three kinds of Manifestors, meaning, there are three possible Authorities for Manifestors to have. There’s Emotional Manifestors who have an Emotional Authority, Splenic Manifestors, who have a Splenic Authority, and Ego Manifestors, who have an Ego Authority
But there are FIVE different kinds of Projectors and that's what makes Projectors so versatile, so multifaceted, and complex. As I mentioned, the five different kinds of Projectors are grouped into three categories.
There’s the Classic Projector, Energy Projector, and Mental Projector. And we’ll go through each one, in just a minute.
And the five different kinds of Projectors come from the five different authorities that Projectors can have.
So, let's go through each of these and what they mean.
The first category of Projectors is Energy Projectors. These are Projectors who have an undefined or non-sacral center, which of course, all Projectors do. But Energy Projectors have a defined Motor Center, which not all Projectors do. The Motor centers are the Root center, the Solar Plexus center, and the Heart center. The Sacral center is also a Motor center, but no Projector has this defined – if they did, they would be a Generator or Manifesting Generator, not a Projector.
With a defined Motor center, Energy Projectors naturally have extra energy, which may require them to manage their energy differently compared to other Projectors, who don’t have a defined Motor center. And if you want to hear more on Motor centers, listen to Episode 185.
The second category of Projectors is the Mental Projector. Mental Projectors are those who have defined centers from the Throat center and above, which means they have a defined Throat, Ajna, and/or Head center. The other centers below the Throat center are undefined or open.
As you’ve likely guessed, Mental Projectors have a Mental Authority. Unlike Energy Projectors, they don’t have extra energy from a defined Motor center. Rather for them, it's their environment and surroundings that are especially influential for them.
Mental Projectors also follow their Authority when they’re able to talk things out. Verbalizing is critical because they need to hear things spoken out. It really doesn't matter who they’re speaking to, or if they’re even speaking to anyone. Just being able to hear themselves brings them clarity in decision-making, even more so when they’re in an environment that feels good to them.
I'm not a Mental Projector I would imagine that differentiating between overthinking and following their Authority has to be tough. I would think that it probably gets easier over time as they practice self-observation with non-judgment but experimenting and learning sounds like a wild experiment – at least it would be for me. I bet seasoned Mental Projectors when they’re able to recognize the differentiation between overthinking versus following their Authority, are people with a very deep sense of self-awareness!
I think it's also worth noting that because Mental Projectors only have defined centers from the Throat center and above, the other six centers below the throat are undefined and/or open which leaves them open to vulnerability and conditioning, as there’s a lot of opportunities there to be influenced by other energies external to them.
Of course, by nature, Projectors, in general, tend to have a lot of openness in their designs, but I think that's it’s something that's unique - that Mental Projectors have openness below the Throat center.
The third category of Projectors is Classic Projectors. I’m a Classic Projector. We don't have any defined centers above the Throat center, so our Ajna and Head centers are undefined and/or open, and we also don't have any defined motor centers.
Whereas Energy Projectors have undefined and/or open Root, Sacral, Heart, Solar Plexus, Ajna, and Head centers.
So Classic Projectors are those who have a Splenic or Self-projected Authority.
One thing that I want to point out is that, like Mental Projectors, Classic Projectors are vulnerable to conditioning, or influencing the Motor center energies.
I talked about this in Episode 189 when I shared what it was like, in hindsight, to grow up as a Projector surrounded by Generators and Manifesting Generators. I was exposed to a lot of that Sacral - Motor center energy. I think that this is where all Projectors but particularly Classic Projectors are vulnerable to conditioning.
So, those are the three categories of Projectors.
And within these three categories are the five kinds of Projectors, based on their different possible Authorities.
There’s the Emotional Projector, who has a defined Solar Plexus center, giving them an Emotional Authority.
All Human Design Types, except for Reflectors, can have an Emotional Authority. They are governed by their emotions. So, they need to wait for times when they’re not so emotional to make decisions. We call these moments, “in-between emotional waves.”
So, it's important for those with Emotional Authorities, but for the sake of this episode, Emotional Projectors to be able to differentiate the calm moments in between emotional waves, to have clarity in making decisions. They need, to wait for those moments, which means Emotional Projectors require a whole lot of extra patience, right? Because not only do they need to wait for invitations, but they also need to wait for emotional clarity.
If you want to hear more about what it's like to be an Emotional Projector, listen to Episode 194 where I was joined by Sandy Yang, who is a friend and a fellow Human Design coach.
The second type of Projector is the Splenic Projector. These are Projectors who have a Splenic Authority, which is me!
If you’re a Splenic Projector, you have an undefined Solar Plexus center, an undefined Sacral center, and a defined Spleen center.
Only Projectors and Manifestors can have Splenic Authorities because Manifesting Generators and Generators have defined Sacral Authorities, and Reflectors don't have any defined centers.
For Splenic Projectors, we rely on our instincts and quiet moments of knowing that guide our decision-making. If you want to hear more about Splenic Projectors, listen to Episode 190, where I talked about subconscious capacity building and listening to my Splenic Authority, and Episode 196 where I was joined by my Human Design mentor and friend, Victoria Jane, who is also a Classic Projector.
The third kind of Projectors is the Self-Projected Projector. These are Projectors who have undefined Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Spleen centers, with a defined G-Center.
The Self-Projected Authority is only possible for Projectors. So, you won’t find a Self-Projected Manifestor or a Self-Projected Manifesting Generator, Generator, or Self-Projected Reflector. There’s only Self-Projected Projectors.
The defined G-Center makes this Authority all about having a strong sense of self because the G-Center is all about self-identity and direction.
For more on what it's like to be a Self-Projected Projector, listen to Episode 201 with my friend and mentor Nadia Gabrielle.
The fourth kind of Projector is the Mental Projector, which we’ve already talked about earlier. If you’re curious about Mental Projectors, as I was, listen to Episode 207 with Janelle Turner, a fellow Human Design coach, and Mental Projector.
The fifth kind of Projector is, I don't know if this is the appropriate name, but it’s the Ego Projector.
These Projectors have undefined Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Spleen Centers with defined Ego centers. This kind of Projector is rare. I personally haven’t met an Ego Projector yet, nor have I had a guest on the show with Ego Authority. I’ve had a few people referred to me, but it hasn’t happened yet, though it is in the plans.
So, there you have it – 3 categories of Projectors with 5 different kinds of Projectors.
So, as you learn about what it means to be a Projector, because either you are one, or you have one in your life that you want to understand a little bit better, or you’re trying to learn how to embrace being a Projector, know that we’re insightful, resourceful, multi-faceted, complex and versatile.
I do think there’s a bit of adjustment to accept and embrace being a Projector, even if some or all of it resonates with you because let’s face it - we live in a Generator and Manifesting Generator world – heck, even to a degree a Manifestor world. So, even if you are well-versed in your Projector design, take some time to reflect on this, and appreciate it, or perhaps renew your appreciation for your Projector-ness.
Realize that even amongst us Projectors, there are still nuances that make us unique, amongst each other, not including all the other aspects of our Human Design that makes us so unique. It's all a part of the awesomeness of being a Projector!
Thank you so much for hanging out with me today. And stay tuned for more Projector-focused episodes to come.
And if you’re interested in being the first to hear about some Projector service offerings I have in store, visit the show notes for this episode at www.livefablife.com/223 for Episode 223 and sign-up to be notified when they’re available!
I’ll see you right back here again next week. Bye for now!
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
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