Episode 195: What A Sacral Authority Feels Like with Brent Reichenberger
Since diving into Human Design, I’ve held a fascination with the Sacral center - the source of life force energy. As a non-Sacral person, I’ve often wondered what that sustainable energy feels like and how does it feel to rely solely on your gut feelings to make decisions.
In this episode, I’m joined by my friend and fellow Human Design coach, Brent Reichenberger, a 1 /3 Pure Generator to enlighten me (and you) on what it’s like to have a Sacral Authority.
You’ll hear us discuss:
What is a Sacral Authority
How his Sacral Authority leads him on a daily basis
Differences we’ve both observed between being a Sacral vs non-Sacral being
And we even dive into our 1 / 3 Profile Lines
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Mentioned in the Episode:
Episode 182: Human Design Non-Sacral Types and Their Strategies
Episode 184: Your Human Design Authority - How Do You Best Make Decisions?
Episode 193: Human Design Profile Lines - What's Your Personality?
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“Human Design has given me a lot of grace. Just to realize that...Oh, there’s nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with me and there never was. I’m not broken. That is just my perception of myself, essentially. Not even just myself, my conditioned self. I realize now like, “Oh no.” Deep down, again, there’s nothing even to fix.”
Read the Transcript:
Naomi Nakamura: Hello there, my friends, and welcome back to the Live FAB Life Podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura. I am so excited to share today's episode with you. I'm joined by Brent Reichenberger, and Brent is a fellow Human Design coach. We met through our certification program. Like in the last episode, I've asked Brent to join me here to share and explore his Human Design with us.
Now, unlike myself, Brent is a Sacral being, meaning that he has a defined Sacral center. If you recall back in episodes, I believe it was 182 and 183 when I talked about the different types and strategies of Human Design, I grouped them by which ones had a defined Sacral center and which ones didn't, because it is such a huge thing. I can talk about what it means to have a defined Sacral center, but I really wanted Brett to come on and share what it's like.
He has it, he lives it. It is part of who he is. He shares so much great insight on what it's like to have that authority, what it's like to be a Sacral being. He just has so much additional insight that he shares about Human Design and about his design as well. I shared a couple of episodes ago, we talked about profile lines. Well, Brent and I, while we are very different in our Human Design types, and strategies, and authorities, we are both 1/3 in our profile lines.
We also talked about what that's like for us and how much that shows up for us daily. Like I said, so much of the show is really selfish and about my personal interests. This was definitely one of my favorite and most interesting interviews that I've done. So I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. With that, let's get to the show.
Hi, Brent. Welcome to the show.
Brent Reichenberger: Hi. Thank you so much for having me, Naomi.
Naomi Nakamura: I am so excited to have this conversation. You and I met, I guess, it was earlier this year in our Human Design coaching certification program. We just had some really interesting conversations in our group and I found everything that you shared so fascinating. I couldn't wait to continue the conversation.
Brent Reichenberger: Thank you so much. I'm smiling ear to ear right now.
Naomi Nakamura: Before we dive in, because there's a lot of things I want to cover, introduce yourself and share, first of all, how you got into design. And then, what is your design?
Brent Reichenberger: Okay. Well, let's see. How I got into Human Design. I drive a lot for all my jobs, and I listen to a lot of podcasts. I was listening to probably what a lot of us got into. It was To Be Magnetic Podcast. I heard Jenna Zoe talk about Human Design and something just pinged me-
Naomi Nakamura: Clicked.
Brent Reichenberger: Clicked, something like that. The funny thing is I went out and got the definitive guide to Human Design, the big black book that we read for the course. I bought that the second that I heard what this was, and then I set it aside and didn't really do much with it. Then a couple months later, maybe a year later, I started really listening in courses and reading more about it and I was like, "There is something to this." From there, I connected with Victoria on social media-
Naomi Nakamura: Who we both took approach.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Victoria Jane on IG. She is our teacher. She's our HDCC guide. I did the course because I got to Sacral yes. Now I'm deep in it.
Naomi Nakamura: Our journey into Human Design is not that different where, like you, I went and got that book as soon as I learned about Human Design. I don't know about you, but it's not the easiest reading.
Brent Reichenberger: No.
Naomi Nakamura: And so, I tried. I did learn a lot. A lot of it I was like, "Not quite sure what he meant here." But I actually first heard about Human Design like three years prior to that and, again, put it aside. And then, in the right timing, it came back.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. I mean, I feel like that's a through-line with this work and with this experiment in general. It really just comes to you when it's supposed to. It does feel like divine timing in a way. I looked into a little bit of all the stuff and I was like, "Okay." I read the things, and to be honest, I didn't know what I was reading. Literally, it felt almost like a completely different language. Now that I've actually lived a little bit of my design, I feel like it actually is a little bit of a new language. And so that's-
Naomi Nakamura: It is.
Brent Reichenberger: ... why I couldn't understand it right away because it didn't resonate with me yet. Now I read the book actually like, especially when we were in the... Like in HDCC, I would read the book again and I was like, "Oh, well, wait, it makes sense."
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. I kind of get it now.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah, exactly. As for my design, I am a 1/3 Pure Generator. I have a defined Spleen, which is interesting as a Sacral being, because-
Naomi Nakamura: Yes. I want to get into that.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Yeah. I've heard it described as very witchy, which I'm very into. But yeah. That's my design. When I first found out that I was a Generator, I think my first instinct was, "Oh." Because I think I have maybe a thing where I noticed that it was the majority of the population, essentially. I was like, "Oh, well, I'm not as special as I thought I was."
Naomi Nakamura: You are.
Brent Reichenberger: But I am. But that's actually what Human Design brings us, is differentiation. It brings us what is special about each of us. I mean, really, that whole like, "Oh, I'm not special." That's just conditioning.
Naomi Nakamura: Well, and I want to point out, so you are a 1/3 Sacral Generator. The whole reason I asked you to join me on the show is that I'm a Projector and I've actually found myself speaking to a lot of people who are Sacral beings, who have a defined Sacral center, which means they're either Generators or Manifesting Generators.
I just have this curiosity about, how is that different or what that feels like as opposed to someone like me who doesn't? I can't speak to what that feels like, because I don't. But so I want to hear that from you. But I want to say that even though we have very different types, and that is a pretty significant difference in our design, we're both 1/3 profile lines.
Brent Reichenberger: Yep. It's flawed.
Naomi Nakamura: And so, it's no wonder that we went and got this book, right?
Brent Reichenberger: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Naomi Nakamura: We wanted to experiment with it, and we take all these courses, and we want all of this knowledge and this experience. And so, again, that's just another flavor on top of the... And defined spleens. I really want to get into the combo of that defined Sacral center and defined spleen.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah, absolutely. I mean the 1/3 thing is you're absolutely right, because the one is the book itself and knowing that we want that deep, deep knowledge, and then the three is the buying of the book that we have no idea what it is. And it's like 50 bucks.
Naomi Nakamura: It is, and there's no Kindle version.
Brent Reichenberger: No, no. I mean, I'm glad that I got a physical version too. I just remember buying it and I was just like, "Wow, I mean, I know it's going to be important. I don't know why."
Naomi Nakamura: I had to give it a second thought before I pressed buy on a 50-dollar book.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Exactly.
Naomi Nakamura: That I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. Like, "This isn't for school. I don't know what I'm doing, but okay." So yeah, the 1/3 connection is... I know quite a bit of 1/3s, and it's just so fun to observe that in other people, because you understand like, "Oh, okay. It's not just me. I'm not the only one that just bumps into things and tries to figure things out as I go along," or like-
Naomi Nakamura: Get into the nitty gritty of something. Brent Reichenberger: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I love my one too. I love just deep, deep knowledge. I can go down a rabbit hole, like the best of them. So yeah. You're absolutely right. That's the way it is for 1/3’s, we just do things and then we figure out why later.
Naomi Nakamura: Exactly. And then, that's the why later we're like, "Oh, that makes sense."
Brent Reichenberger: Mm-hmm (affirmative). What I love so much about the 1/3, I mean, one is the biggest thing, is that we can't fail. Like even though we always... I know for myself personally, a big conditioning hurdle that I've had to go over is like, "Oh, I'm a failure because I didn't do this thing exactly right the first time." But also, to know that's not failure, it's just a lesson that we're learning, and it's literally just a tool for our arsenal that is going to be vast and wide by the rest of our life. And then-
Naomi Nakamura: [inaudible 00:09:54] to feel bad or like we failed is because someone else made us feel that way.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly.
Naomi Nakamura: Like we were holding ourselves to someone else's standard.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. And then, again, really just paying ourselves. It just gives me such grace, I think, is what really-
Naomi Nakamura: Like it's okay to be a know-it-all.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Naomi Nakamura: Because we're not know-it-alls about everything. We're know-it-alls about the stuff that interest us.
Brent Reichenberger: Right. The other thing that I was going to say too, is the thing about a 1/3 is nothing is by accident. If I just come across something and I get a Sacral response. Or if I get just like a ping, I know now to trust that because it will come back into my field or it will have something to do with my path in general. It's incredible.
Naomi Nakamura: Let's get to the Sacral center. Your Generator means that your Sacral center is your authority because you have an undefined emotional center. In general, what is it like? But then, also, what does that feel like in your body, that physical feeling?
Brent Reichenberger: Right. Well, it's a weird thing for me to describe how it feels because it's just how I am.
Naomi Nakamura: You don't know any difference.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah, exactly. I mean, and the same thing. It's really interesting that you're talking about that you want to know what it's like to have a defined Sacral. I want to know what it's like to not. And so, that's why conversations like this are so important because we can understand each other a little bit better. But okay, having a defined Sacral, it means I have a lot more energy than I give myself credit for.
It is really being embodied and really feeling just being in my body. I would say that the actual physical response, now that can vary. One, I'm definitely on an embodiment journey, let's say. And I think we all are right now. But when I get a Sacral yes, it's usually a warm expansion. It can also feel like I'm being pulled toward something. I definitely have the sounds, the "Uh-huh", "Uh-uh", or the "Uh" or the "Ooh, ooh".
That's actually a big one for me. I know that I'm really into something if I'm like, "Ooh. Yeah, yeah." So yeah, lots of sounds, which it's funny because they always talk about how we as children were discouraged from making sounds like that. "Use your words." I mean, I know I was. I definitely I've always made weird sounds. But yeah. I mean, just in general, what it feels, again, I think the key thing here is that I have so much more energy than I give myself credit for, like was-
Naomi Nakamura: Physical energy to things.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah, exactly. And also understanding that when I do have that energy, it needs to be dispelled. It needs to be moved out because if not, I have an open Ajna and I have an undefined Crown. And so, when I-
Naomi Nakamura: Open. Total open Ajna.
Brent Reichenberger: Totally open Ajna, so things get interesting. But, I mean, what happens though... A big example would be if I didn't really use my energy throughout the day, not so much an issue right now because I actually do quite a bit of physical activity now, but before that I would go to bed and my head would literally just spin for hours. As a child, actually, I would lay with my eyes closed and sometimes would not get to sleep for two hours because I still had so much energy.
Naomi Nakamura: You couldn't quiet that mind down.
Brent Reichenberger: No, because I didn't know what was going on. Especially like an adult, I was like, "What is wrong? Why am I so anxious? Why is every possibility in the universe playing out in my mind right now?" It's literally because I had so much energy in my body that my mind was trying to rationalize it. I think we, in the Human Design community, know that's usually a recipe for disaster when our mind tries to step in and take over.
Naomi Nakamura: No. You actually have... You just mentioned the work that you're currently doing actually expends a lot of physical energy. Can you talk more about that?
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Absolutely. I, at the start of the pandemic-
Naomi Nakamura: That's the defining moment in our [inaudible 00:14:29].
Brent Reichenberger: It really is. I mean, it's a really like a before and after. Right before that, in December, I had a friend who used to live here in San Francisco and she moved back to Kansas where I'm from. She was a dog walker here and she's a behavioralist and things like that. I had quit another job and I was doing a little odd things like delivering food and was not great for me. But it was just another job that I had. I was just telling her about how unsatisfied I was-
Naomi Nakamura: I wanted to get into that whole... The signature and not self. Yeah.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Oh, yeah. Basically long story short, she said, "Oh, you should talk to my old boss, and you should go walk dogs. I think you'd love it." I was like, "I don't know anything about that." She was like, "No, no, you learn on the job. You're going to be great. You love dogs." "Oh, you're right." Anyway, I talked to this person and lo and behold, I became a dog walker. It's one of those things where I always told myself, "I need to have a workout regimen. I need to be going to the gym. I need to be swimming. I need to be running."
Naomi Nakamura: It's all those I shoulds, I shoulds.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly, I should. And so, now I realize though, I was talking with my partner, and I was like, "I actually do a lot of physical exercise." Just even my phone has the step counter.
Naomi Nakamura: The steps.
Brent Reichenberger: I was walking like seven miles a day. So it's a lot of energy being expended. Again, at my one, I listened to a book about burnout, actually. They talk about how important it is to close a cycle that is set into motion, essentially from your fight or flight. We're all going through that every day. If you read the news, that can set that off. And so, I realized too how beneficial this job has been to help do that. Because again, the way you close those loops...
Because really, what it comes down to is your mind has gone into fight or flight, and that sets off your nervous system. When you are physically exercising, when you are moving your body, things like that, when you do those things, it closes those loops so that you're no longer in that cycle. That's what our ancestors would do when they were like fleeing a tiger. And so, this is the modern equivalent of letting out a breath relief when you are escaping from a tiger, and walking dogs, I guess.
Naomi Nakamura: Well, and I imagine, being that you love dogs so much, there's a certain amount of enthusiasm.
Brent Reichenberger: 100%. I mean, it-
Naomi Nakamura: Of which you're doing, which probably just generates more energy being-
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly.
Naomi Nakamura: ... that Sacral person.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. I mean, it's being around just unconditional love, to be honest. These dogs, they're so sweet. They wish nothing wrong for anybody. Like literally-
Naomi Nakamura: They love you no matter what.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. I realized, yeah, that not only is it expending that energy, it's also giving me energy because I'm doing things that I like, that I love, and light me up. It's also good... I know this is Human Design, but in my astrology, my north node is an Aries in the sixth house.
Naomi Nakamura: And that, the north node is where we're going.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. It's where we're going and where we are.
Naomi Nakamura: Aries is a lot of fire, right?
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. It's fire. It's also about embodiment. That's the big thing there. It's also in the sixth house, which is about daily work and literally small animals. It says, in my chart, I should have a dog or take care of a dog or a small animal, because it will help me learn how to take care of myself. All this feels quite aligned. It's really funny because at the beginning, right before the pandemic, February, I had a moment where I'm like, "Should I quit? I don't know. I think I love it, but should I go do something now?"
I just sat there and I checked in with myself and I got a, "No, stick with it. This is where you're meant to be." And then, literally, the pandemic hit and dog walkers, our work was considered essential. So I was able to have a job all throughout the pandemic, which a lot of people cannot say the same. I really do feel like, again, just divine timing on my side. Yeah.
Naomi Nakamura: You talked about before that, doing work that left you frustrated. When you are a Sacral being, when you're in alignment, you feel that satisfaction, and when you're not, you feel that frustration. Can you talk a little bit more about times you felt both?
Brent Reichenberger: Oh God. Yeah. Absolutely. I've had so many jobs. Let's see. For example, I worked for call centers, was a big thing for me. I quit a call center job that I quite liked, but I had some power dynamic issues, which is also a running theme and also in my chart. But I worked for T-Mobile for like two seconds. Actually, for about six months. On paper, everything was great because I did call center work.
I actually handled my other jobs. I handled escalated calls, which are literally that, "Can I speak to a supervisor?" calls. That was my job. It was literally my job to talk to people who were so horribly mad and to deescalate them and settle them down. And so, I did stuff like that with T-Mobile, but something just wasn't right. We're talking, I had an excellent benefits package. There was a movie theater in our call center. We can nap and all these things. So it's like on paper, it should be-
Naomi Nakamura: On paper, it was great.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. It looks great, but it was killing my soul. It felt awful. Every [crosstalk 00:20:23]-
Naomi Nakamura: Well, the energy you're taking in from angry people.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. But that's the thing. I did deal with angry people at my past job, and it wasn't something that I was passionate about, weirdly. It was this place that sold knick-knacks for lawns and stuff like that, stuff that I would never, ever buy, and it was my job to sell people these things and to deal with them when they broke. But I was okay with that, that work.
So it wasn't so much like the people, their energy. It was literally just something in me, it didn't click. Finally, they always talk about for Sacral beings, it's said that we should never quit if it's not in response. You shouldn't just out of the blue think and then quit as a-
Naomi Nakamura: Because your strategy is to respond.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. It's to respond. I mean, of course, I didn't know this then. I was just intuitively doing it. But I had a day that I had asked off, I asked off for my birthday. I wanted to go see my friends play in a band. I asked off two weeks in advance. I got the coverage, everything. And then, the day of, they were like, "Oh, that person can't do it so you can't go." And so, I was like, "No, no. I'm not doing this." I literally just walked off and I never came back, which is also-
Naomi Nakamura: How did that feel?
Brent Reichenberger: Amazing. Honestly, I had no plan. I had no plan, and I ended up working at other jobs that I didn't love after that either. But it felt so good to just say no to something that wasn't for me anymore. That's also a 1/3 thing, because the three, the nature of a three is to make and break bonds.
Naomi Nakamura: I was just going to say that's the bonds are made to-
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Made to be broken.
Naomi Nakamura: Or they're to be made and broken.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. It really did. It just felt right and I just knew. I was like, "I cannot. I will go insane if I'm there in that environment [crosstalk 00:22:14]."
Naomi Nakamura: This is a little bit of an off... Out of curiosity. You are non-emotional.
Brent Reichenberger: Right.
Naomi Nakamura: And you have the three line, bonds are made to be broken. Have you ever been perceived as someone who is emotionless or cold hearted because of that?
Brent Reichenberger: 100%. 100%.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. Same here.
Brent Reichenberger: People talk about how on social media and things like that is performative. We have to realize that when you are interacting with anybody, you're portraying a side of yourself. I would say also, too, this is before deconditioning, to be honest, because a lot of people perceive me as cold and heartless and things like that, I don't really feel that way anymore.
Naomi Nakamura: Same.
Brent Reichenberger: I don't really get that, when I tell people that now, they're like, "What?" [crosstalk 00:23:03].
Naomi Nakamura: Well, you probably still feel things very deeply.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Oh, definitely.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. But the perception by someone else who might be an emotional person, who maybe doesn't have a three line, the way they receive you...
Brent Reichenberger: Absolutely. The thing with the non-emotional, that was something, when I heard about it, I was like, "Oh, okay. There is something here."
Naomi Nakamura: Same. Same.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Because the question that's generally asked of us is, when you wake up in the morning, do you feel super happy or super sad, generally? I was like, "No, I don't."
Naomi Nakamura: I don't feel either.
Brent Reichenberger: No. I just feel, I'm like, "Oh, I'm awake now."
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. What do I have to do today?
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. And then, if I have an interaction with somebody, if I read the news, those things-
Naomi Nakamura: Open social media.
Brent Reichenberger: ... then I can get... Yeah, exactly. And then, I can get into those moods or whatever. That's what Human Design has also really given me too. I do really feel like Human Design has given me a lot of grace.
Naomi Nakamura: Yes.
Brent Reichenberger: And just to realize that it's been... Oh, there's nothing wrong with me. There is nothing wrong with me and there never was. I'm not broken. That is just my perception of myself, essentially. Not even just myself, my conditioned self. I realize now like, "Oh no." Deep down, again, there's nothing even to fix. That's also something that I think a lot of people maybe misunderstand about-
Naomi Nakamura: Do you also have that feeling when you're looking at another person as well, where you just realize that there was actually nothing wrong with them-
Brent Reichenberger: Yes.
Naomi Nakamura: We're just built differently. I feel like everything you said is 100% true, is I've learned to have more grace for myself, but I've learned to have grace for others too.
Brent Reichenberger: No, absolutely. Absolutely. I mean, especially now, when I come into contact with people who do have an emotional wave, because the way that you think about the Sacral, the way I think about just being a Projector in general, we all are experiencing such different realities literally.
Naomi Nakamura: It's the same situation, but we experience it [crosstalk 00:25:16]-
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly.
Naomi Nakamura: One is neither right or wrong.
Brent Reichenberger: It's all just different perspective. It's like a facet of a diamond is essentially what all of this is for all of us, when it's just a different way for the universe, for consciousness, really to experience itself. We are like the universe experiencing it through all these different lenses. Human Design, for me, gives me language to describe what I am experiencing, as well as a way...
Like a roadmap, essentially, to interact energetically, which when you don't know what you're doing... Like for me, back to frustration, oh man, I lived my life in frustration for so long. The craziest thing about Human Design is that I realized that I wasn't doing things that I love because I didn't even know what I loved. I was literally only doing things out of obligation. I was only doing-
Naomi Nakamura: Or expectation.
Brent Reichenberger: Or expectation, or all those things, just doing what I think I should do. Now I do things that I want to do, because [crosstalk 00:26:27] like-
Naomi Nakamura: Let me ask you a question about that. What's unique about being a pure Generator is that your type and your strategy are very much aligned.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah.
Naomi Nakamura: How does that defined Sacral center play into your decision-making process?
Brent Reichenberger: Really, what it comes down to is, if I don't feel... Because that's the other thing too, is I'm a feeling cognition. That also plays into this, which is-
Naomi Nakamura: Which is a little bit confusing when you're an undefined emotional.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, because the feeling-
Naomi Nakamura: There's a lot of nuance here.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. The cognition, the feeling cognition is rooted in the solar plexus.
Naomi Nakamura: Just for context, those listening, your cognition is your super sense.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Your super power. Like when you really tap into your design, when you really eat for your type, et cetera, et cetera. We all have all those senses, like the clairs et cetera, et cetera. It's not the same thing. But with feeling, I mean, it's so hard to describe because I don't even really know how to put words to it, because it is literally just off feeling.
There's clairsentience, which is like clear feeling. But I don't think it's the same thing. I just know things sometimes and I just feel things.
Naomi Nakamura: Well, you also have that defined spleen. And so, I'm curious, because one of the big questions I asked in Victoria was, "Clarify for me, what does the gut feel like as opposed to the spleen?"
Brent Reichenberger: Okay.
Naomi Nakamura: Because we [inaudible 00:27:55] my gut instincts and then the spleen is primal instincts. So instinctively, how are they different? She talked about the gut having that vibrational feeling, whereas the spleen is more of a knowing.
Brent Reichenberger: Yes. I would agree 100% with Victoria there. For me, my gut, it's a full body feeling. I will sit up taller when something gets my attention that I'm interested in. It's almost like when a dog perks up its little ears, that's what my gut feels like. I've never put it into those words, but it feels right.
Naomi Nakamura: Have you never experimented with the gut only speaks in binary language and not [inaudible 00:28:36]?
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Because, I mean, that's one thing that I feel like is a little frustrating with me with the gut, because especially as a one, I want you to know all of it. I want to know everything about why I'm making this decision, et cetera. The gut doesn't work like that. The gut is like a mechanism that is saying yes or no, period, or also sometimes maybe or not now. But never, ever, ever any extrapolation.
There's no explanation ever given. The difference between the Sacral and the spleen is the Sacral really feels like full body. Again, it really comes through those sounds that I make. Also, it's just that feeling there. The spleen-
Naomi Nakamura: The butterflies in your belly.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah, exactly. And then, the Spleen, for me, a whisper. Sometimes it is almost like a thought that I'm getting. But again, it's just this tiny little voice.
Naomi Nakamura: Like a flash.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah.
Naomi Nakamura: That's how I describe my Splenic authorities. It's these flashes of insight that just happen.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. It's just a thing that's like, "Go there," or, "Turn here," or, "Book this," or, "Do this class." Those tiny little things. What I love about having my definition is that I'll get those little pings and then I can literally ask my Sacral. Okay. Because the thing is, although I have a defined spleen, it's not my authority.
Naomi Nakamura: Right. The gut's always going to over-
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah, exactly. So my Spleen is not-
Naomi Nakamura: It's like having a defined throat.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. It's one of those things where it's like... It gives suggestions. For example, if I come across, say, like a healing modality, that sounds interesting to me. Even let's say, for example, I'm listening to a podcast and they're talking about theta healing or something like that, my spleen will be like, "That, pay attention," basically. A bunch of people will say that the spleen only says something once. In your experience, what have you-
Naomi Nakamura: In my experience, it is my authority. It is my strongest. It says it once, in my experience. If I don't listen to it, it at some point comes back.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah, exactly. That's what I was going to say. That's another big difference between the spleen and the Sacral for me, is the gut is like it's [crosstalk 00:31:05]-
Naomi Nakamura: Won't let go?
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah, exactly. It is a feeling, and that gut feeling, it lingers. It drags on and it's like, "No, something doesn't feel right here." I mean, where is the spleen? It's just like that whisper. I definitely do get things over and over, especially because if I'm not paying attention. But yeah, I do love that again. I feel like it is kind of witching, because I feel like the spleen is... I mean, it's instinct. So-
Naomi Nakamura: I love the way you explain how you... The right relational, how you use both of them.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. I mean, I don't think about it either.
Naomi Nakamura: Because the overthinking has been-
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Overthinking, that's one thing too for a Sacral person. I mean, I know everybody is, but Sacral beings are really prone to overthinking, especially just because that center is prone to so much conditioning because-
Naomi Nakamura: Well, and a lot of people have gut issues. I mean, after a long time.
Brent Reichenberger: I was just about to say, absolutely.
Naomi Nakamura: There is a relational thing there.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. It's interesting. I was actually just reading... I think I read something on Twitter or something, that was like, "We're having a gut epidemic," with all these different gut problems and all these people were reporting it. I was looking at the numbers and I was like 70%. I was like, "That's interesting." I know that number.
All that being said, also what Sacral beings have is the opportunity to wake up and to decondition, because that's something that Ra actually says, is that we as Sacral beings, although we are heavily, heavily conditioned, we also can wake up the quickest, essentially, because, I mean, it can be done. I mean, really, if you just really listen to your gut and really let that lead you. Yeah. It's hard though, like-
Naomi Nakamura: Well, it's hard. But I will say, I think, and I could be totally wrong here, it's almost easier to grasp the concept-
Brent Reichenberger: Yes. Oh, yes.
Naomi Nakamura: ... of listening to the gut as opposed to listening to your spleen.
Brent Reichenberger: Yes. Well, absolutely. But also, it's easy to grasp the concept of the gut. But actually embodying that-
Naomi Nakamura: Embody it. Yes.
Brent Reichenberger: ... that what's difficult. I mean, not even difficult. Okay. Let's see how to explain this. It's easy, or actually rather, it's simple.
Naomi Nakamura: Yes. Simple...
Brent Reichenberger: It is simple to do it, that doesn't mean that it's easy.
Naomi Nakamura: That it's easy.
Brent Reichenberger: No, because it is really just a matter of really just getting into your body and really trying to... Not even trying, just to feel what that part is saying or what it is trying to tell you, because I definitely do have the feelings. But if it comes down to it, if I'm like, "Oh, is it a yes? Is it a no?" It almost always, that's probably a no.
Or sometimes it's an absolutely yes and my mind is just like, "No, this is going to be way too much for us. This isn't safe," et cetera, et cetera. "So I'm going to spin you off and think that the world is ending, because look at the news," and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I feel like that's what my gut really is, a gift, is that it really can just ground me. It can really bring me back to reality. And especially when that open Ajnais just spinning off into all the different dimensions.
Naomi Nakamura: Were you someone who found saying no okay, or was that something that you had to kind of...
Brent Reichenberger: I'm a people pleaser. I am a recovering people pleaser. Or as we say, up until now, I have been a people pleaser. Yeah. I was raised to make others happy. I was raised to be helpful. There's nothing wrong with that.
Naomi Nakamura: And those are great things. Yeah.
Brent Reichenberger: But to the detriment of myself and my happiness. I didn't prioritize my happiness because I didn't think it was important, especially when I wasn't really living my design. I look now and I have the channel of exploration, the 34 to the 10. The 34 is on the Sacral and the 10 is in-
Naomi Nakamura: The 10 is in G center.
Brent Reichenberger: ... the G center. 34, it's power. It's [crosstalk 00:35:17]-
Naomi Nakamura: Isn't that the charisma?
Brent Reichenberger: That's 34/20.
Naomi Nakamura: Okay. 34/20.
Brent Reichenberger: And that's the Manifesting Generator channel. Yeah. I don't have that. I don't have an undefined Throat, as you can tell. All my [crosstalk 00:35:28].
Naomi Nakamura: What's your G center?
Brent Reichenberger: My G center is defined. I have a defined G center. I actually have quite a few gates there. I want to say, it's like all gates but three. I'd have to look. But that's also where my cross is, my inclination cross is. But yeah, the 34 is pure power, and the 10 is all about the love of life. And so, when I'm not putting my power and my energy towards the things that I care about, I am miserable. And that-
Naomi Nakamura: That frustration just sets in.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. That frustration and depression. I was miserable. I didn't love life. To be completely honest, I know it sounds hyperbolic, but I felt dead. I felt like I was just walking around in a husk, essentially. And then, after I really started really living my design, doing things that I really loved, I felt alive and I felt joy in being alive. I can say, honestly, with 100% sincerity, I love myself and that's such a gift.
Naomi Nakamura: Knowing that is the biggest gift. I've had conversations with clients. They've asked me like, "What is the biggest benefit of Human Design?" I said, "Of course, I can only speak from my own personal experience. But to me, it's taught me how to trust myself.
Brent Reichenberger: Yes.
Naomi Nakamura: And then, from there, it's taught me how to love myself.
Brent Reichenberger: Yes. Absolutely. Because you-
Naomi Nakamura: To me, that's really what it is, because when you're able to do those two things, all these other things fall into place.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. I mean, it really is. It's alignment. It's like falling into that line of geometry that's always talked about. It literally is. I had this moment the other day, I was listening to a book... That's actually one thing too that also part of my design, because I'm a right, right being. I listen to podcasts, and whenever... And courses even, and all this other stuff as I am driving, because that's a really great way for me to learn.
Naomi Nakamura: What's your digestion or your determination?
Brent Reichenberger: I am indirect. Yeah. What I was going to say is I was listening to this book and they were talking about the difference between being and doing. I had just a splash of inspiration. I was like, "I didn't come here to do anything. I came here to be. I came here to be an embodied and love being alive." I really do truly believe that is my purpose. But yeah, I'm an indirect, which is interesting.
When I learned that, I also was like, "Oh, Human Design is probably real," because, I mean, I'm a night owl. So what indirect determination, if others don't know that, is essentially we digest things better after the sun sets. It's very vampirey. So the idea is because my brain is passive, it doesn't require as much sustenance to power it. And because my mind is receptive, so it's passive brain receptive mind, what's happening is I am constantly taking in information, all forms of information.
We're talking about electromagnetic wave light is an energy, and it is information. What happens is if you and I were having this conversation walking in the sunlight right now, I don't know how useful I would be, to be honest, because what is happening is just an overload. That's why literally I'm actually sitting in the shade right now. Not in direct sunlight.
I was before. I had to move over because I'm like, "Okay, this will help me focus a little bit better or be present a little bit better." What that really means practically is, generally, I don't try to eat anything too complex before the sun sets. And-
Naomi Nakamura: How's that been working for you? Have you noticed a difference?
Brent Reichenberger: Yes. Yes.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah?
Brent Reichenberger: Especially because, with your determination, if you do eat for your type and if you do follow your determination, that can lead to your cognition being powered on or flipped on. I do. I definitely feel myself being a little bit more intuitive because I am following that a little bit more. I also just know, digestion wise, I just feel so much better. It's weird though because the idea too is that if I do eat an entire meal at 10 o'clock at night, it's great for me. And-
Naomi Nakamura: Whereas a lot of... Conventionally, we're told that's not the best for the body.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. I was just about to say, absolutely, everybody's going to tell you, "That's a terrible idea. You're not going to..." Now, I mean, honestly, if I do that, I wake up feeling wonderful. Oh yeah. Because what it does is it gives me that energy that I am then utilizing in my sleep for restorative sleep, which is also so important for a Generator, for Sacral beans, and I mean, for all of us in general.
Naomi Nakamura: But especially for Sacral.
Brent Reichenberger: But restorative sleep... Yeah, because I think of it as like plugging myself in. If I'm spending all my energy at the end of the day and I go to sleep tired, it literally does just feel like plugging in that lightening port and waking up charged.
Naomi Nakamura: I love that. You have shared so much great information with us on being a Sacral being, and being a Generator, and being a 1/3. I've actually done a lot of readings for Generators, for pure Generators. I can share their chart with them and I can speak to what this means. But to actually hear someone who is that share what their experience is, I think is so valuable and so useful. So thank you for sharing your experience.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Absolutely Thank you so much for having me.
Naomi Nakamura: Where can people connect with you?
Brent Reichenberger: Okay. This is a fun question because I'm having a moment with social media where I'm not exactly sure where I stand. I'm definitely a social media user, and my handle for Twitter and Instagram is TristanReveur. I'm going to spell that. It's T-R-I-S-T-A-N R-E-V-E-U-R. That's on basically everything. But I did actually just create a new Instagram account specifically for my work.
I, in addition to Human Design readings and coaching, I also am a tarot reader. I am in the process of integrating/basically using the Human Design as a lens to view the tarot. Okay. The point of that is that I created a new account, and that's just my name. I will spell that for you because it's also very long. It's B-R-E-N-T R-E-I-C-H-E-N-B-E-R-G-E-R.
Naomi Nakamura: I will have links to all of these things in the show notes.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. I was going to say, I was like, "These poor people." But the thing about that other account is that I'm actually... I'm doing an experiment. Again, my three line, where I am not following anybody on there because it is all about creation and not about consumption. I'm using my Tristan Reveur account as-
Naomi Nakamura: Consumption.
Brent Reichenberger: ... things that I am going to gather to respond to. And then I'm using the other account to do my three line, to really get out there and show what I want to show even if I don't feel ready.
Naomi Nakamura: You know what? I have to share with you. And I've actually never told anyone this, and I haven't even said on the podcast. It was months ago, or maybe even last year, I actually created an Instagram account for this podcast because I've had this podcast for over four years and I was like, "I don't want to start another Instagram account. I can barely keep up with mine."
Brent Reichenberger: Right. Right.
Naomi Nakamura: But I had this thought that came to me that was like, "What if I just create one just for the podcast, just to share things out and experiment what happens?" I created it and I've never posted to it. Nothing's ever been done with it.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. Well-
Naomi Nakamura: But we had that same thought process.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah, absolutely. Well, I mean, I think also we realized too how the algorithm can really affect. I mean, you're literally getting fed the same things that you already are looking at. And so, it can create that echo chamber kind of thing. The reason why I have the other account, it's literally just to be in the moment for what I am responding to right now. But the thing is, I'm the same way though. I actually have not posted a single post. So if they do follow me, if anybody listened to this follows me, I will definitely. But-
Naomi Nakamura: Well, of you're curious about his experience, give him a follow there.
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. I mean, the thing that it really comes down to is that I haven't really gotten a Sacral yes to do my first post on there yet. That's really what that account is going to be about, is my Sacral's in charge. It will let me know when I want to make a post, make a video, whatever. So, yeah.
Naomi Nakamura: It's interesting you say that. I know we're winding down here, but a lot of people who... I've taken programs and courses and they're like, "Well, you have to be consistent on social media, because the algorithm..." I'm like, "I've got to tell you, I'm very inconsistent and I post only when I get this instinct to post something." It's almost like listening to my Spleen really.
Brent Reichenberger: It is listening, I mean, when-
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah, it is.
Brent Reichenberger: Especially if it's instinct, it absolutely is listening to your spleen. So you are doing also what is correct for you.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. I mean, I can have... Like I've planned the whole schedule. This is what I'm going to post this month, and it comes time to post and I can have the post ready, the image, and I'm like, "I don't feel like posting it."
Brent Reichenberger: Right. I mean, and my whole thing is, again, because I'm not strategic. I'm just not. I mean, when it really comes down to it, if I start really creating my business, I'm probably going to have to hire somebody to be strategic for me, because, to be honest, the idea even of making an infographic, planning like when I want... That doesn't really even bring me joy.
So it really is, I feel like my business account, let's say, it's going to be an experiment, to say the least, because I don't really think it's going to be like a typical like, "Oh, what is the Sacral?" Things like that.
But I'm just really excited to do this work. They always talk about, with Generators, and with Sacral beings in general, we really do need to do what we love. And this is what I love. I really do. I-
Naomi Nakamura: That's how you attract people to you.
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. I mean, that's something we didn't even talk about. But the magnetism of the Sacral is incredible. When we talk about the synchronicities that I get, I'm looking around, I'm like, "Is every single license plate in this city a triple digit number? This is crazy." Or a book that I wanted two years ago and said, "Oh no, I'll get it later." And then, two years later, I will be walking down the street. I'll open one of those little mini libraries that they have on street corners, and lo and behold-
Naomi Nakamura: The book is there.
Brent Reichenberger: ... the book that I wanted is literally there. We're not talking like a bestseller. I'm talking about a completely obscure tarot book from an anonymous monk is in this little library. I mean, granted, it is San Francisco. So it's a little bit better [inaudible 00:46:54] like Kansas. But it's incredible. It really is. I realize now that I do, I draw everything to me that I need. And all I have to do is I just have to respond. You ask me-
Naomi Nakamura: We all have this ability in us when we follow our design.
Brent Reichenberger: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. The other thing too, is what it really comes down to is I know what it is like to live in frustration, to live not your design. So I want to help people. I want to help other-
Naomi Nakamura: Because now you know what it feels like to live in your design-
Brent Reichenberger: Yeah. I mean-
Naomi Nakamura: And you're like, "Why would I want to go back to how it was before?"
Brent Reichenberger: Exactly. And not only that. But, I mean, if you want to talk about divine timing, I had to go through that frustration to know really what satisfaction feels like. So, I mean, if any Sacral beings out there just need a chat, I am more than happy to talk to you about it. I can't guarantee that I know all the answers. That's not what any of us are here for. [inaudible 00:47:53].
If anything, my job, I might be there to ask you questions. That's actually, again, also in my design.
The thing too is I'm also, with my Human Design business and things like that, I'm taking it slow. Again, mastery for a Generator, it doesn't have to be something where I have to rush. I'm definitely open to readings to give, but also, it's not something where I feel like I am failing if I don't get a reading every week or something like that, you know what I mean?
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah.
Brent Reichenberger: It's just something that I'm slowly building what I want to do.
Naomi Nakamura: Well, let's end here because I think you and I could just talk forever.
Brent Reichenberger: Absolutely. Absolutely.
Naomi Nakamura: But we'll have to have you back and continue the conversation, but thank you so much for joining me. Thank you so much for your time. I personally loved our conversation and I know our listeners will as well. So thank you.
Brent Reichenberger: Thank you so much for having me. You have a wonderful day.
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
Connect with Naomi on: Instagram
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