Episode 193: Human Design Profile Lines - What's Your Personality?

The Live FAB Life Podcast Episode 193: Human Design Profile Lines - What's Your Personality?

Human Design encourages us to explore our true selves versus our conditioned selves and embrace our natural gifts. Your Human Design Type is how our energy functions in the world, our Authority is how we’re meant to make decisions, and our Profile Lines are our personalities. It adds another “flavor” that, in combination with other parts of our design, makes us unique!

In this episode, we explore the six Profile lines and I share how learning about my Profile Lines 1 and 3 resonated with me.

Listen to the Episode:

193: Human Design Profile Lines - What's Your Personality?
Naomi Nakamura: Functional Wellness & Human Design Coach

Your Type is how your energy works in the world, your Authority is how you’re meant to make decisions, but your Profile Lines adds another layer to your design. You and I can both be Projectors, or we can have the same Authority, but our Profile Lines add another “flavor,” on top of that. It’s another layer that, in combination with other parts of our design, makes us unique!
— Naomi Nakamura

Read the Transcript:

Hello there and welcome to The Life FAB Life Podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura.

In recent episodes, we’ve covered the foundational elements of Human Design; Types and Strategies in Episodes 182 and 183, Authority in Episode 184, then, from Episodes 185-188, the nine energy centers.

These are the things covered when you have a Human Design reading with me. But there is one additional thing that we look at in my foundational readings that I haven’t dedicated an episode to yet - and that’s the profile lines - and that's what we're talking about today!

If you’ve seen my Instagram bio, I list that I’m a “1 /3 Splenic Projector. My Type is a Projector, and since I'm a Projector, we know that my Strategy is to “Wait for the invitation.”

I have a Splenic Authority which is why I say I’m a “Splenic Projector, but the “1 / 3” – these are my Profile Lines.

So, what are Profile Lines? In Human Design, the profile lines are your personality!

Your Type is how you’re meant to function and how your energy works, your Authority is how you’re meant to make decisions, but your Profile Lines adds another layer to your design.

You and I can both be Projectors, or we can have the same Authority, but our Profile Lines add another “flavor” if you will, on top of that. It’s another layer that, in combination with other parts of our design, makes us unique!

Learning that I was a “1 / 3” and what that meant was a large part of Human Design helping me to feel validated in who I am. Sometimes we might have been made to feel shy, embarrassed, or ashamed about who we are or how we behave, but a large part of that is our personality and I think we need to brace those aspects of ourselves.

Perceptions around how we should or shouldn't become about because of societal and cultural norms and perceptions, i.e., conditioning.

But Human Design is here to encourage us to explore our true selves versus our conditioned selves and that our true selves are our gifts and it’s nothing to feel embarrassed about or hideaway. Those are the parts of us that make us unique and when we lean into our true selves and follow our design, that’s how we can live with more flow and ease, and less angst and friction.

So, getting back to my profile lines, what does it mean to be a “1 /3?”

Well, let’s start with the order of the numbers. The first number in your profile lines is how you see yourself. The second number is how the world sees you.

So, in my profile lines, the “1” is how I see myself, and the “3” is how the world sees me. When the numbers come together, that's what completes your personality.

There are six different profile lines so the lines will only range from 1-6. There is no 7, 8, 9, etc. So, you can see the number of different combinations that are possible.

Let's get through the different Profile Lines, start with the One-line, of course!


Ones are known as “investigators” because we need to get to the bottom of things. When we have an interest in something, we will dive in and research it until we feel that we have a solid understanding of it. We find safety in knowledge and information.

So, it’s perfectly normal for me, having a One-line to be piqued while watching something on tv and pull up Wikipedia or Google and read everything I can about it.

Some might call One’s “know-it-alls” but it’s not that we have to know everything, we just want to know everything about what we’re interested in.

And when we don’t feel that we know enough, that’s when we feel insecure. We don’t feel prepared, qualified, or that we measure up.

For example, after having my first Human Design reading at the start of the pandemic, I began studying Human Design on my own for about, I don't know, six months?

I still didn’t feel that I knew enough, so I took a certification program to dive in deeper. At the time, I wasn’t sure how or if I even wanted to incorporate it into my coaching work; my main motivation was that I needed to know more.

As I did, I knew I was going to bring it into my health coaching. So last December, I started doing readings for friends and family, and then early in the year, quietly taking on clients.

And then as the year progressed, I slowly talked about it in bits and pieces here on the podcast and on Instagram, but I didn’t feel adequately prepared until just recently, in Episode 190, when I shared how I was pivoting my coaching approach and centering it around Human Design.

Everyone involved in my Human Design community, and in my personal sphere of influence told me that I was more than ready to really dive into and give it a go, much earlier than I actually did, but I had to wait until I reached a preparedness level where I felt confident, I could do good work and provide value to my clients.

So, if you know someone who’s a “1”, trust that they know their stuff because if they didn’t feel competent, they wouldn’t be talking about it.

And if you have a “1” profile line, give yourself permission to go down rabbit holes to research and investigate. It’s who you are, it’s what you do. And if you’re called a “know-it-all” wear that badge with pride because you likely DO know it all – or at least you know more than most!


Twos are sometimes called “hermits” and that is because those who have a “2” in their Profile Lines thrive with alone time.

They have shyness and are oblivious to their natural gifts, but those gifts are honed, developed, and refined when they have alone time. Alone time is how a 2-line rejuvenates. It's how they're able to nourish themselves. Hermit time is very healthy and necessary for these people.

So, if you have a “2” Profile Line, carve out time for yourself. And if you don’t have a “2” line yourself, but know someone who does, support this need that they have and give them the space so they can hermit. You’ll all benefit from it!


If you have a “3” in your Profile Lines, as I do, you are an experimenter. You learn best through trial and error; you need to experience things for yourself.

And because we’re experiential people, it’s important to understand that there’s no such thing as failure – because our wisdom comes from our trial-and-error process, from our learned experiences.

So, if you have a “3-line” and you have a fear of failure, or a need for perfection, as I did at one point, let it go. Reframe how you think about failure. We all learn through experiences, whether you have a 3-line or not, but especially for those with a 3-line, it’s who you are.

And with that comes resiliency because we’re doing things for ourselves and not taking anyone’s word for it. And if something doesn’t work out, we pick ourselves up, learn from it, and gain wisdom from the experience. If you know someone with a 3-line, be supportive of their need for exploration, for their need to go out and try and experience things.

And if you have a 3-line, not only do you gain wisdom from your experiences, it’s also important to share your wisdom. This is how you can help and serve others.


Fourth line people are relationship builders. They’re all about communities and networking.

They have a gift for building relationships and cultivating community, and when they're with the right community, they can share their message and be deeply influential.

If you have a 4 in your Profile Lines your best opportunities are going to come to you from people that you already know, from people that you have an established relationship.

So, it's really important for you to nurture your relationships because that’s how you thrive and that's how you best contribute to the world - through your relationships.

So, get clear on what kind of communities you want to be a part of, and what kind of communities you want to cultivate.


Interestingly enough, of all the readings I’ve done so far, I haven’t done very many with those who have a five in their Profile Lines – just a handful, but boy did it resonate!

Those with a 5-line have leadership qualities about them. They have a message that’s meant to be shared and when it is, they’re looked to as leaders.

Others view 5-lines as someone they can learn from, who can support them through whatever journey that they’re currently on because 5-lines somehow show others what potential they have, what they’re capable of.

The thing about 5-lines, however, is to know when their purpose has been served, and then remove themselves when that happens. Let the person’s journey continue but your time in is has concluded.

When they withdraw themselves, they can recuperate and rejuvenate from that experience to gear up for the next that’ll inevitably come their way.

Again, I haven’t done a lot of readings with 5th line Profiles, but for those who I have, this really described them to a tee!

Six’s: The sixth Profile Line is about Role Models. So, a lot of the 6-line is based upon the 3-line, which you’ll recall is all about trial and error and learning through experiences.

So, the 6-line is really about the timing of your life.

If you have a 6-Line, the first 30 years of your life might have felt unstable, rocky, maybe even traumatic.

But when you hit the age of 30, you move through the next phase of your life where life experiences don’t feel so traumatic anymore, and gradually, what you experienced in your first 30 years because of your wisdom.

As you know, some parts of Human Design is based on Astrology, and I think in Astrology when you turn 30, they call it your first “Saturn Return.”

I'm not an expert in Astrology, by any means, but with the 6-line, there is some correlation here.

As you move from age 30 to 50, as you get older, the wisdom that you acquired through your life experiences, molds you into becoming the role model that you wish you had.

This is really powerful for a 6-line to hear.

I’ve done a lot of readings for people with 6-lines, many of them in the mid-late ’30s. And when I share this part of their Human Design with them, they get very emotional. There have been many tears shed because they feel this so deeply.

Some have even commented that their first 30 years feel like a lifetime ago because it's so different from the life they're living now; energetically just feel so different for them, and they truly feel like they’re evolving to become the role model they wish they had.

So that, in a nutshell, at a very high level, are the 6 Profile Lines in Human Design.

As you get into different number combinations, and you can do the math and know that there are many possible number combinations but understand that each combination has a different flavor.

Remember, the order of the numbers matter – the first number being how you see yourself, and the second being how the world sees you. And the combination of both is your full personality.

And so, like the rest of your chart, when you aren't leaning into your Profile Lines, you aren't living into your full potential and embracing who you completely are.

Like I mentioned at the start of this show, in my foundational readings, I cover Type, Strategy, Authority, the nine energy centers, and Profile Lines. So when you book one, this is what we focus on.

But if you're not quite ready for reading yet, I really wanted to provide an affordable and creative way to help you, if you're brand new to Human Design, get to know your design.

So, I created the “Get to Know Your Human Design” guide. It's a free PDF that's about 27 or 28 pages and walks you through, first, where you can find your Human Design chart.

Once you look at it, you're going to know that it’s not intuitive to decipher and you’re gonna need some help understanding it, and that’s what this guide is meant to do.

However, if once you go through the guide and you’re feeling ready for the next level of understanding when you sign up for that guide, you're going to receive a code to get 15% off when you book a reading with me. And along with that, you’ll get a few emails that walk you through what to expect in that experience.

I have links to all those things in the show notes, that you’ll find at www.livefablife.com/193, for Episode 193, and I'm going to list all of the previous episodes mentioned earlier there as well.

That's it for this week! As a preview for the next few episodes, I’ll be joined by guests who will be sharing their Human Designs, which are different than mine, and how they lean into and experience it.

So, thank you for being here, for your time and attention and I’ll see you right back here again next week – bye for now!

Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.

She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.

She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.

Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!

Connect with Naomi on: Instagram | Pinterest


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