Episode 188: Exploring Human Design Manifestation Centers: Throat & G-Center

The Live FAB Life Podcast Episode 188: Exploring Human Design Manifestation Centers: Throat & G-Center

What does manifestation mean to you?

Concluding with the 4-part mini-series on exploring the nine energy centers in the Human Design chart, in this episode, we explore the final two energy centers, the centers of manifestation - the Throat and G-Centers. 

You’ll hear me share:

  • What the Throat and G-Centers represent and governs

  • What it means for each center to be defined or undefined

  • How each manifestation center brings about our truth

Listen to the Episode:

I lean into my Splenic authority to get a sense of, who is safe for me to open myself up to, because with having an undefined G-Center and I’m want to make sure I’m not around someone who is unhealthy to be around.
— Naomi Nakamura

Read the Transcript:

Hello, my friend and welcome back to The Live Fab Life Podcast. If this is the first time you're listening, I'm your host Naomi Nakamura, and this episode is the final installment of a four-part mini-series that I've been doing on the Human Design energy centers.

So, for a brief recap, in Episode 185 I discussed the FOUR motor centers - the Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Ego centers.

In Episode 186, I discussed the TWO pressure centers, again, the Root center, because it’s a motor and a pressure center, as well as the Head center.

Then in the last episode, Episode 187, I talked about the THREE awareness centers - the Ajna, which is the center for mind awareness, the Spleen, which is the center for body awareness, and the Solar Plexus which, in addition to being a motor center, is also an Awareness center and is the center for Emotional Awareness.

As I’ve mentioned, there are nine energy centers and we've talked about seven of them.

So today is the final installment on the last two centers - the Throat center and the G-Center, which are the manifestation centers.

With each center being embodied by an organ in the body, the Throat center is embodied by the throat and the thyroid.

Figuratively it's embodied by communicating and manifesting. It governs communication manifestation that happens through communication, self-expression, using your voice, and speaking your truth.

This is one of two energy centers that I have defined. I have a defined Spleen and a defined Throat.

For those of us who have a defined Throat center, we’re meant to express our truth consistently. We're meant to use our voice in a consistent manner.

And, depending on what other centers in our charts are connected to the Throat center, this communicative energy can be expressed in different ways – audibly or vocally, mentally through the Ajna, emotionally through the Solar Plexus, spontaneously through the Spleen – you get the idea.

So, you can look at the Throat center as the energetic hub for incoming messages from the other centers, that can be communicated through the Throat center.

So, it only makes sense that not honoring the energy of the Throat center, not honoring what it wants to express, not communicating or speaking our truth, what we want, and desire will create can create dysfunction in the organ it embodies – in this case – the throat and thyroid.

Let's think about this for a minute, particularly in relation to my Human Design.

For a long time, particularly in my youth and young adult years. I didn't know what my voice was. And what I did know, I didn't have the comfort level or felt empowered to express it - to express my voice speak my truth.

Learning Human Design all these years later really brought it perspective. In hindsight, I’m like, “Ohhhh, I see it now.” Because, for those of you who know my story, you’ll recall that I struggled with hypothyroidism aka a low functioning thyroid.

I first suspected that I had a thyroid dysfunction back in 2009. It's something that runs in my family, and I was showing typical symptoms, but it was dismissed by my general practitioner.

But, my instincts, my Splenic Authority, told me not to let this go, that there was something more there. So, I kept investigating, asking questions and seeking help. It turns out I did, I do have a thyroid dysfunction - hypothyroidism, a sluggish thyroid. I took medication to treat the immediate symptoms, while also using holistic treatments.

One of the holistic practices is learning to speak your truth. That requires confidence which I didn't have, particularly in my younger years. It took getting out of my comfort zone.

As I’ve talked about throughout this mini-series, on the other side of fear is freedom, and this is 100% true. When you get past your fears, you feel free. On the other side of fear, you feel empowered and that’s one of the ways that helped to build up my self-confidence to speak my truth.

Ultimately, it’s led to this podcast, in which I speak my truth. As much as I do this podcast to help others like you who listen in, to explore the topics that we talk about, selfishly, this podcast has also been just as much for me as it's been for you.

It's really helped me to hone in on my voice and take a stand for what I believe in, and really share my perspectives.

In full transparency, I haven’t done any lab work to measure my thyroid levels since the pandemic started, so I don’t know how my thyroid is performing now. But, as I’ve shared, while lab work provides critical information, results from snapshots in time.

I can tell you that I’m feeling, consistently, leaps and bounds better than when I was in the depths of my hypothyroidism. While some days are better than others, generally speaking, I feel so great.

I feel free and empowered. I've learned how to manage my energy, and I believe that it’s had a direct impact on my thyroid function.

This is just one way that Human Design has helped me take ownership, take a leadership role in my own health, in my self-healing journey.

Now, if you have an undefined Throat center, you can express yourself in different ways, it's not always consistently the same way or in the same tone.

I know when I’ve talked about undefined centers, I’ve used the word, “inconsistent” which can have negative connotations, but that's not how it's intended here. It just means that the energy of the centers is not expressed in a fixed way.

So, with an undefined Throat center, your voice can be expressed in a range of possibilities. And most of the time how it’s expressed is going to depend on the people that you're around and the environment that you're in.

Remember, when you have a defined energy center, and this applies to all energy centers, if a center is defined, it’s a center where you emanate and you give off, rather than absorb, the energy of the center.

Whereas if you have an undefined energy center, and again it doesn't matter which one, undefined centers are where you are open to picking up and absorbing the energy of the center from another.

So, let’s think about this. This means that your undefined centers are where your vulnerabilities lie. It's where we’re open to conditioning. But it's also where we have the potential to gain the most wisdom.

So, if your Throat center is undefined, your voice can come through in a multitude of different ways, many times based upon who you're around, and what situations you're in because you're prone to pick up the energy from those around you.

So, this is something to be mindful of. If you feel pressured to speak and it doesn’t feel right for you, then that may not necessarily be the best way for you to express yourself. There are other ways of communicating - mentally, emotionally, instinctually.

Another way to think of an undefined Throat center is that because you’re vulnerable to pick up on energy outside of yourself, you can sense when something needs to be expressed. So perhaps, you can also be a voice for others and those who aren't able to speak for themselves. I think that’s really special.

The last thing I want to say about the Throat center is that we all feel physical sensations in our throats. Clearing your throat, coughing, feeling a lump in your throat. So, think about that, when that happens, are you feeling something that needs to be expressed? What do you need to speak up about? I've felt that before, and when that energy is honored, that's how you feel free and empowered.

The other manifestation center is the G-Center. I find this center fascinating; there's something unique about it. When you look at the Human Design chart, the G-Center is just below the Throat center, right in the middle of the chart.

Literally, it's embodied by the liver and figuratively, the G-Center is about our sense of self and direction in life. It's also about love. The G-Center governs our self-identity, love, and what direction we're taking in life.

If you have a defined G-Center, you have a strong sense of self – to put it simply - you know who you are.

Where you can get out of alignment is when question this or try to be someone you’re not. So, if you change, or your idea of who you are changes, it can feel confusing and chaotic. But remember, this sense of self is innate to you, and deep down, you still know who you are.

Be wary of succumbing to expectations of who others think you should be. You do you because you know who you are.

Along with having a strong self-identity, you also have a strong sense of what direction in life to take, what your mission in life if. Not everyone has that surety about this, so with this fixed energy comes the ability, which you have, to help others find the clarity as to what direction is meant for them. Just don't expect everyone to go where you're going, because we all have our own different directions to take in life.

Now, if your G-Center is undefined for you, as it is for me, you’re adaptable! We’re adaptable people because we’re going to adapt to whoever we're around and whatever environments, we're in.

This can be fun because we can fit in and explore different places, or it can be overwhelming and confusing because we may not know where we're supposed to be, where we're meant to be.

We can also be adaptable with our identities. Remember, undefined centers are where we’re vulnerable to conditioning, and so there may be people who expect us to be certain things or behave in certain ways, but we may not always fit their expectations. Or maybe we’ve changed. We’re no longer who we were before because we’re adaptable and not everyone is able to adapt to change.

Just know that there’s no shame around this. Feeling like you aren’t living up to another person’s expectations of you can affect your self-esteem, especially if you’re going through a period where you're asking yourself, “Gosh, do I know who I even am?!” I can relate to this - I experienced times like this myself.

There was a time when I thought I was a weak person because someone pointed out to me, not in the most supportive way, that I was shady. Because they thought that I behaved one way with one person, and another way with another person.

In hindsight, I could see how they could think that, but I wasn't making conscious changes; it wasn't conscious at all. It wasn't intentional or malicious and I most certainly wasn't trying to be someone I’m not.

But being told that made me feel bad about myself, and it led me to question myself asking, “Who am I?”

In hindsight, now I understand that as an undefined G-Center, I pick up on the identities and adapt myself to others.

And that was my opportunity for self-growth – to explore who I was so that I can differentiate between my baseline and when I’m picking up on the energy of others.

And this is where we must be protective of our boundaries and in this case, who we allow in and whose energies we open ourselves up to.

I lean into my Splenic authority to get a sense of, who is safe for me to open myself up to, because with having an undefined G-Center and I'm want to make sure I’m not around someone who is unhealthy to be around.

Before I wrap things up on the G-Center, let’s talk about how it’s embodied by the liver. If I were to summarize my health journey, I can boil it down to these main challenges I had - digestive issues with SIBO and IBS, adrenal and thyroid dysfunction, and then non-alcoholics fatty liver disease.

Yes, I have (had?) a liver condition. It’s one of those things that was discovered by chance as a byproduct of doing other lab work.

Without going into too many details, there's nothing to be concerned with right now because I’m already doing the things that my doctors would have prescribed me to do – eat a nutrient-dense diet, avoid alcohol and sugary foods with high fructose corn syrup sugary foods which are really bad for liver disease, etc.

My doctors said to just continue to do what I was already doing, and it’d be something that we monitor. It hasn’t gotten any worse, nor it hasn't gotten any worse, but I just found it interesting as I’ve learned more about Human Design, and my Human Design specifically.

The more I learn, the more I can see correlations between my Human Design, and the health challenges I've had.

I find the whole thing so fascinating and it’s why I really think that Human Design is a powerful tool that can help us to take a leadership role in and use it in our self-healing journeys.

The last thing I want to say, at least for today, about the G-Center is that when it's so important for those of us who have this center undefined to be around people who are supportive in giving us the space and the freedom to explore this expansiveness that we have in our lives from being so adaptable to the changing environments around us.

So, this rounds out the basics of Human Design! We talked about the Types, and I broke it up into Sacral vs Non-Sacral Types in Episodes 182 and 183. Then we talked about Authorities in Episodes 184 - Type, Strategy, and Authority

Then we explore the nine Human Design energy centers, and that's the basics of Human Design.

I’ll get into this when I talk about Profile lines, but as a 1 / 3, it was so important for me to provide this foundational information for you before I get into other parts of Human Design, like the variables and primary healthcare system which I find so fascinating and can’t wait to explore with on a granular level.

So, if the past few episodes have left you feeling like, “Okay, get on with it already, we’re gonna get on with it!”

But don’t forget that Type, Strategy, Authority and the nine energy centers are critical to understand before getting into those more advanced topics.

And with that, I'm going to end here. I hope that you’ve found this as fascinating as I do, and I can't wait to share more.

As always thank you so much for listening, I always appreciate your time and attention, and we'll see you again here next week. Bye.

Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.

She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.

She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.

Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!

Connect with Naomi on: Instagram | Pinterest


Episode 189: Reflections on Growing Up As A Projector Surrounded by Generators & Manifesting Generators


Episode 187: Exploring Human Design Awareness Centers: Ajna, Spleen, Solar Plexus