Episode 183: Human Design Sacral Types and Their Strategies
Learning about your Type is likely your first entry point into Human Design, and every Type has a Strategy. In this episode, we explore the Sacral Types - Generators and Manifesting Generators. You’ll hear me share:
What are Types and Strategies
What’s the Sacral center in the Human Design Body Graph chart
The difference between Non-Sacral and Sacral Types
A rundown of Generators and Manifesting Generators and their Strategies
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“Let your gut show you the way. Don’t overthink things because when you start to overthink, that’s when you’re disconnected from your gut. And when you’re disconnected from your gut, that’s when you’re tired, fatigued, have low energy - all signs that you’re off track. Because when you’re in alignment and doing something that you love, you’re naturally energetic.”
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Hello, my friends and welcome back to The Live Fab Life Podcast. I'm your host Naomi Nakamura.
Today we’re continuing talking about the Type and Strategies in Human Design.
In the last episode, Episode 182, I talked about the Non-Sacral Type and Strategies – Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors.
So today we're going to be talking about the remaining two Sacral Type and Strategies - Generators and Manifesting Generators.
Before I go on, I want to recap some of the foundational details I shared in the last episode just to set context for you if you haven't listened to Episode 182 yet. And if you have listened to Episode 182, thank you for listening, and stick with me here because you might pick up a few things that maybe you missed the first time.
So, in Human Design, there are five Types. Finding out your Human Design Type is likely going to be your very first entry point into Human Design.
Your Type is really how we start to embrace our differences; it’s what makes us unique.
From a macro perspective, if we take a bird's eye view and we look at all five Types, we can see how they’re complementary and how each Type has a role to play in society.
Now, every Type has a Strategy. Your Strategy is how you're designed to move through the world, how you can navigate through life with the least amount of resistance.
If you follow your Strategy, you’ll find that you'll be able to move through life with more ease and less resistance because you're living in alignment with what energetically is right for you – what’s meant for you.
So your Strategy is how you can best create opportunities in the world to use your gifts – how you can offer your gifts to the world in the best way that it’ll be received. That’s what your Type and Strategy is.
Now, we talked about non-Sacral Types and their Strategies in Episode, so today we're talking about the two remaining Types who are both Sacral Types.
The Sacral Center is one of the nine energy centers in the Human Design body graph chart. It’s where our lifeforce energy comes from – where our life-giving energy comes from.
The Sacral Center is so powerful that when someone has it defined in their Human Design chart, that alone automatically makes them a Generator or a Manifesting Generator - for the Manifesting Generator depending on some other elements in their charts which we’ll get to shortly.
When your Sacral center is defined, this means that you’re generating and giving off the lifeforce energy of this center.
When your Sacral center is open or undefined, you're sensitive and vulnerable to pick up and absorb Sacral center energy from those around you who have it defined.
So, in Human Design, this is what we mean Sacral versus non-Sacral Types; those who have this center defined and those who don't.
Today, we’re talking about the Sacral Types - the Generators and Manifesting Generators.
If you look at someone's human design chart and their Sacral center is defined, this alone makes them Generators – plain and simple. That’s how strong the Sacral center is.
Generators are super cool people. Their natural aura is that they're warm, they're inviting, they're magnetic and if you’re a Generator, you naturally attract and draw people to you, especially when you’re doing something that you love to do.
Because when you’re doing what you love, you create more of that lifeforce Sacral energy, and that’s what attracts people to you.
If you’re a Generator, you have a natural charisma, and people want to be around that – they want more of it.
And when non-Sacral Types, the Manifestors, Projectors and Reflectors, that are around you, well, they’re going to want to use some of your Sacral energy for their own benefit.
So, what I really want to emphasize is that when you're doing what you love, you're naturally creating more energy to share. So, there’s no need to hustle, no need to grind, no need to chase to make things happen.
When you're doing what you love, it doesn't feel like work, because you're just so happy doing it, mastering it.
Because this lifeforce energy is so inherent to you, Generators, you’re the hustlers in the world – the ones who get things done. You provide the energy to create and so your gift to the world is your work.
Now, a lot of Generators tend to feel a little bit off put when they hear that because of the word “work.” They think, “Well I'm just here to work” and it doesn’t sit well with them because they equate “work” with “job.”
So, what I want to offer to Generators is rethink the word “work.” Don't think of “work” as your job. Your gift to the world is not your job. Your gift to the world is your work.
So, think of work in doing whatever it is that you love to do.
You could have a job, but the work that you love to do could be the same thing as your job, or it could be different.
But what you consider your “work,” whatever that one thing that you just love to do is, think of that as your “work.” And when you do that thing, you're creating more energy, and that is your gift to the world.
So, it's really important for you Generators to be passionate about whatever it is that you're putting your energy into. And if you're not, well, that's how you get burned out. If you're in a job that you don't love, you probably have some stress related to it.
And so, again, I know I've said this a dozen times already, but it's true – Generators, when you're doing work that you love to do, you give off a magnetic aura that attracts people and you draw them to you, pull them to you, and they can’t get enough of it – they’re going to want more of whatever it is you're offering.
Now, Generators, your gut shows you the way. When you listen to your gut, and honor your gut, and remember, the Sacral center in the Human Design body graph chart is where your gut is, it's your belly.
And so, because you Generators are all about the Sacral center, so you're all about the gut. When you listen to your gut, and honor the desires of your gut, that's when you know you're on the right track, and doing the right thing.
So, unless you feel like whatever it is you're doing is a “hell yes”, then it should be a “hell no.”
If your gut is telling you, “Hell yes this is what I want to do!”, and you’re super excited about it, then it’s a no brainer – do it! It’s what you're meant to do!
But if it's a hell no, and your gut has this nagging feeling, like dread, in your belly, it’s a “hell no” and you know it’s something's not right for you.
So, go with your gut. I know, that is such a common term, “go with your gut” It's not meant for everyone, but it’s truly meant for Generators.
Let your gut show you the way. Don't overthink it because when you start to overthink, well that's when you're disconnected from your gut. And so when you're disconnected from your gut, that's when you feel tired, fatigue, you're going to have low energy and those are all clear signs that you're off track because when you're in alignment, and when you're doing something that you love, you’re naturally energetic, my Generator friend.
Your signature feeling when you’re in alignment is satisfaction. And when you're not in alignment, in Human Design, we call that you're “Not-Self” and for you, Generators, when you feel that, you feel frustrated.
So, if you ever feel frustration, or you're feeling tired, rundown and burnt out, that's when you want to check in with your gut and see if you're actually doing something that you are passionate about, that lights up your fire, that you WANT to do.
Now, along with your Type, you also have a Strategy, and Generators, your Strategy is to wait for things to come to you so that you can then decide how you want to respond.
You get to choose how to respond to something, but initiating isn't for you. Initiating is only for Manifestors, it's not for anyone else. The rest of us have to wait for something to happen, before we can then take action.
And so, for you, my Generator friend, your Strategy is: To Respond.
The best use of your energy is to wait for something to happen, and then check in with your gut to see how best to respond. Is it hell, yes? Or is it a hell, no” Let your gut show you the way because if your gut isn't on board, then it's really pointless for you.
A couple of tips I have for my Generator friends, is because your gut shows you the way you really need to be in tune with your body - really become embodied with it.
And so, you do that by observation - observation with non-judgement.
I’ve talked about this, observation with non-judgement, in past episodes. I can't remember the specific episodes right now, but I'll find and link to them in the show notes.
So, you really want to observe how you come to feel things. How does your body embody things? If your body and your gut show you the way, observe what it feels like when you respond to work? What does creativity feel like? What do you desire? What does pleasure feel like? What does optimism feel like to you? What feels life affirming? How are you embodying these things?
Take notice as you go about your day and let life come to you so you can respond to it.
So that’s Generators, my friend.
Now, the final Human Design Type is the Manifesting Generators.
Like Generators, Manifesting Generators are Sacral beings, also having defined Sacral centers.
But unlike Generator, Manifesting Generators also have a motor center that connects to the Throat Center.
The motor centers are the Root center which governs our momentum, the Solar Plexus center which governs our emotions, our Heart center, which is all about our willpower, and of course the Sacral center with life force energy.
When someone has a defined Sacral center, and a defined Throat center that connects to one of these motor centers – that’s what makes a Manifesting Generator.
Manifesting Generators are a hybrid between Generators and Manifestors.
Like Generators, you my MG friends, you're also here to make things happen. Your natural aura is your creativity, playfulness, and your agility.
You move with speed and quickness that others, even Generators don't have.
You’re also someone who attracts energy when you’re doing what you love. Your charisma shines through and everyone wants to be around you.
You, my Manifesting Generator friend, you have the most energy of all Types in Human Design. You can get a lot of things done which naturally means you’re great at multitasking, and you actually need less downtime in between your tasks, whatever it is you’re doing.
Don’t get me wrong, you still need downtime and rest, all of the Types do, but you, Manifesting Generator, need it less than the rest of us.
You also have a lot of interests. Because you move with speed and agility, you also have endurance, and that allows you to have a lot of interests. So, it's healthy for you, Manifesting Generator, to have a lot of different kinds of work, hobbies, and other things you’re involved in.
In fact, you actually need a lot of things to capture your attention so that you don't get bored.
All this being said, a common challenge for you my Manifesting Generator friend is that you might feel ashamed or even misunderstood about having different interests or changing your paths. Don't feel guilty about this – this is something that's very natural to you.
So, give yourself permission, and reserve the right to change your mind, as you go through life.
Along those lines, it's important for you, to surround yourself with people who understand this is how you are and are accepting and supportive that you’re going to have a lot of things going on, you're going to have a lot of different interests and your interests are going to change, and it's they’re okay with it and understand that it’s actually very correct for you.
Like our Generator friends, your gut also shows you the way. You too, feel things vibrationally in your gut. So, listen to it. When you honor what your gut is telling you, if it's a “hell yes, then you're on the right track. If you're overthinking, that's when you’re disconnected from your gut. If you're feeling dread, then it should be a “hell no.”
If you’re feeling low energy fatigued or burned out, it’s also a clear sign that you're energetically off track. But since you're a Manifesting Generator, you can quickly get back on track.
And when you do so, your signature is also “Satisfaction.” When you're in alignment, you feel satisfied. And when you're not, when you're in your Not-Self you also feel frustration. So, when you're feeling frustrated, pause, step back and take inventory about why you might be frustrated.
Again, like Generators, you Strategy is also “to respond.” While you are a hybrid Type, and have Manifestor properties, initiating is not for you.
Waiting for things to come to you is how you can best move through life, reducing resistance. Going out and creating a spark and initiating something new just isn’t for you.
You're here to catch the ripple, then put things into action. So, the best use of your energy, the best way to manage it is to wait for something to happen and then let your gut show you what's the best way for you to respond to it. Is that a “Hell, yes?” Or is it a “hell no!”
Some tips for you Manifesting Generators are, because you have different interests that could very well change often, become a constant observer. Regularly review and ask yourself, “Am I still interested in this?” “Is this something I want to keep doing?”, and then prune out what no longer lights you up.
It's okay to let go of something that no longer lights you up. It might be a book club, or a running club, or maybe your knitting circle; and maybe the book club or the, maybe the book club, or running t isn’t your jam anymore. It's okay to let it go, because, again, if you hang on to things that no longer interest you, it’s just going to drain you and then you start to resent it, and eventually hate it, so it's okay to say this isn't for me anymore.
Own it, embrace it. Allow yourself to change your mind. Give yourself permission to be flexible. And remember, when you’re feeling frustrated, pause, stop, and find some clarity by listening to your gut and what it's telling you, and then course correct and change directions.
So, this is my brief overview of the Human Design Types and their strategies. I could go on and on about each of them, but I think it gives you a good idea of what a Sacral Type is, Generators and Manifesting Generators.
Next week I’ll be back talking about your Human Design Authority, and how you make decisions. Because, if you learn nothing else about Human Design, and you only know your Type, Strategy and Authority, it’s still powerful and you can really get a lot out of it just by knowing these three things.
If you have any questions, or if you would like to comment on your observations of your Type and Strategy, come on over to the show notes and leave a comment. The show notes for this episode can be found at www.livefablife.com/183, for Episode 183.
And you can come over and find me on Instagram at @livefablifewithnaomi. I share about Human Design there and in fact, I’m starting a new thing I'm trying out is a test. If you're an avid user of Instagram, then you’re familiar with Instagram stories, and how you can share certain stories exclusively with Close Friends’ audience.
So, if you’re curious to get a peek into the behind the scenes of what’s going on in my life, my coaching work, this podcast, then leave a comment or respond to one of my stories asking to be added to my Close Friends list.
Disclaimer, it's not going to be limited to just Human Design or one exclusive topic. It's going to be whatever it is I’m wanting to share.
We'll see how it goes. It’s merely an experiment that I’d like to try and in my Human Design Chart, that’s my 3rd Line coming through. We haven’t talked about Profile Lines yet, but I’ve got an episode dedicated to it.
Thank you, as always, for listening, as you can tell, I really love talking about Human Design and tying it to our thoughts, habits and behavior, and ultimately our wellbeing. As we cover the foundational aspects of it, I'll start tying it into how it shows up in our health, and how it can either be a tool to support and enhance it, although you can probably see the synchronicities already.
So, I’ll close here - have a great week and I'll see you right back here again next time.
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
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