Episode 182: Human Design Non-Sacral Types and Their Strategies
Learning about your Type is likely your first entry point into Human Design, and every Type has a Strategy. In this episode, we explore the Non-Sacral Types - Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors. You’ll hear me share:
What are Types and Strategies
What’s the Sacral center in the Human Design Body Graph chart
The difference between Non-Sacral and Sacral Types
A rundown of Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors and their Strategies
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“What feels natural to you, may not feel natural to me – it’s YOUR gift. Human Design is what highlights this for us and shines a light on the subtleties and things about ourselves that we take for granted.”
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Well, hello my friend, and welcome to The Live Fab Life Podcast. I'm your host, Naomi Nakamura.
For the rest of the summer, and likely into much of the Fall, we’re going to be diving into laying out the foundation of Human Design so you can start to see the synchronicities of how it can be such a powerful tool in managing stress and avoiding fatigue and burnout.
In the past two episodes, Episodes 180 and 181, I explained what Human Design is, and how it takes bio-individuality, the idea that there is no one diet that works for everyone, beyond your plate.
Because as we know, general blanket statement advice isn’t useful, because it doesn’t embrace our uniqueness.
But there are times that we’re out of touch with who we are and what makes us unique and Human Design is a great way to remind us of our gifts and bring us back into our genius. And I'm hoping that as I share more about Human Design with you, that you'll have the same experience with it as I have.
So, in this episode, and the next one as well, we’re going to be covering the different Types and Strategies in Human Design.
There’s five Types, and each type has a Strategy.
I thought about going through a laundry list of explaining each Type, what their characteristics and attributes are, but what I decided to do instead is to group this topic into two episodes, because there's a lot of information to cover.
So, this episode is going to be on the non-Sacral Types and their Strategies, and then the next episode, Episode 183, is going to be on the Sacral Types and what their strategies are.
Knowing what your Type is likely to be your first entry point to Human Design, and your Type is how we start to embrace our differences, what makes us unique.
From a macro perspective, if we collectively look at all five Types, we can see how they complement each other and how each Type has a role to play in an ideal society. But before I go any further, I want to say that if you learn and embrace nothing else about Human Design other than your Type and Strategy it’s still going to help you as you navigate through life – that’s how powerful they are.
Now as I said, there are five Types, and each Type has a Strategy. Your Strategy is how you’re designed to navigate through life with the least amount of resistance. So, if you follow your Strategy, you’re going to find more ease because you're in alignment with what, energetically, is right for you. Your Strategy is how you can best create opportunities to use your gifts.
In order to explain what non-Sacral vs Sacral Types are, I need to talk briefly about the Sacral center. The Sacral center is one of the nine energy centers in the Human Design body graph chart. It’s where our lifeforce energy comes from. It’s so powerful that when someone has the Sacral center defined in their chart, this alone automatically makes them a Generator or a Manifesting Generator (depending on other elements of their chart). When your Sacral center is defined, you’re generating and giving off the energy of this center. When your Sacral center is undefined, you’re vulnerable to pick up and absorb the energy of the Sacral center from others.
So, this is what we mean by Sacral and Non-Sacral Types; Sacral being those who have this center defined, Generators and Manifesting Generators. Today we're talking Non-Sacral Types – Manifestors, Reflectors and Projectors– which is my Type.
Non-Sacral Types are pretty chill people. We have a natural calmness about us and we’re sensitive people because like I said we absorb the Sacral energy from the Sacral Types around us. We take their Sacral energy in, and we can amplify it for a period of time. But because we’re Non-Sacral Types, we can’t sustain their Sacral energy. So, it’s critical that we know we have to manage our energy, allowing ourselves plenty of time for rest and renewal. If we don’t, well, that’s how we can experience fatigue and burnout.
So, let's into each of the non-Sacral Types, with Manifestors.
Unlike Projectors and Reflectors, Manifestors ARE able to create their own energy, but unlike Generators and Manifesting Generators, they don’t have defined Sacral centers.
Manifestors are direct, they make an impact, and they know exactly what they want. So, it’s important for Manifestors to acknowledge and own desires - what is it that they want.
Manifestors are here to initiate, to bring forth new ideas. Initiation is their gift to the world. They don’t have to wait for something to happen for them to take action. None of the other Human Design Types can do this.
So, if you are a Manifestor, ask yourself, “What sparks am I here to create?”
The Manifestors’ aura is to push things away, and when they do, they’re able to make space and create energy for new things to come forth.
So, if you're a Manifestor, don't play small. You’re not meant to play small. You’re a born leader.
If you’ve been conditioned or at some point in your life, been made to feel like you’re “extra”, “too much,” or people have felt threatened or offended by, know that there's nothing for you to be apologetic about – this is who you are. Own it - you're meant to do whatever it is you want to do.
Like I said, you’re the only Type that doesn’t need to wait for something to happen to take initiative. Just go and do it.
But don’t forget, you’re a non-Sacral Type, so energy management is critical. You’re going to need to manage your energy highs with your lows, don’t put so much expectation on yourself or your pace of productivity.
Every Type has a Strategy, and the Strategy for Manifestors is to inform others of what they’ve decided to initiate.
Manifestors, you want to inform others of your decisions AFTER you make them, but before you take action. Why? You might make a decision and start to take action, but when people feel unprepared or taken by surprise by it, their reactions can create resistance for you.
So, Manifestors remember, you don’t need to wait for anyone, or get anyone’s permission to start something, but you do want to INFORM people of it to avoid resistance. Think of it as managing expectations, and by doing so, you’re establishing healthy boundaries.
One last note for Manifestors, when you feel Peace, you know that you’re living in alignment with your design. It’s when you feel Anger that you know that you’re not.
Next let's look at Projectors. I’m a Projector so I love talking about Projectors. Like Manifestors, Projectors are a non-Sacral Types.
But unlike Manifestors, we don’t create our own energy. Rather, Projectors can be vulnerable to picking up, amplifying, and being conditioned by the energies of others which makes us sensitive people.
So, it's really important for us to differentiate what’s actually authentic to us versus what we're picking up and amplifying from others. And when we’re able to do that, have the recognition to know when to release what we don’t need anymore – a healthy way for Projectors to establish boundaries.
Projectors have an aura that’s penetrating allowing us the ability to see the big picture, and to deeply see other people.
So, if you think about it, because we have this deep sensitivity to see, feel, and absorb, we need to:
Give ourselves time to process the take things we take in Afford ourselves down time, and alone time to focus
Projectors, we're the guides. We absorb and organize where the Manifestors initiate and push energy away.
Projectors, our ability to read the room, if you well, to see the big picture and to really take things in means that we see things differently. As such, we’re here to show others that there’s different ways of doing things, that working hard doesn’t always equate to success, that there’s more efficient ways to get things done. If there was one thing about my Type that resonated with me, well, this is it.
Our gift to the world is our ability to understand people, to understand situations, and how to be a guide to make life more efficient and effective.
So, it's important for us Projectors to reframe what work and success means so that we can define it. Because how it's done before, may not be the best way to do it now.
Like Manifestors, it’s important for Projectors to prioritize energy management. Being non-Sacral Types, with undefined energy centers that make us open to pick up energy from others, we’re susceptible to fatigue and burnout.
So, my fellow Projectors, take rest when you need it. Be careful not to rely on stimulants or substances like coffee or Red Bull.
We don't have the sustainable energy of the Sacral center. Sacral Types, when they’re doing something that they love, they create more energy! We don’t do that, though we can be made to feel that way when we’re around Sacral Types since we can pick up on their energy. But at the end of the day, our Sacral centers are undefined so it’s not something that we can sustain in the long-term.
When it comes to Strategy, the Strategy for Projectors, is to Wait for the Invitation.
If you’re hearing this for the first time, it might take a bit to process. It takes a while to learn. I’m still learning it and I imagine I’ll continue to learn it for years to come.
In theory, I get it. In fact, I've witnessed and experienced it, but there's still a lot to learn, so if this is new to you, let yourself absorb it.
So, what does it mean to Wait for the Invitation?
Well, it means that we need to be recognized for what we have to offer and then invited to share it – literally and/or energetically.
If an invitation is extended the person doing so recognizes whatever gift or thing that you have to offer is of value. They recognize you as the expert that can share it with them, and they're opening up and asking – inviting you to share more. Think of it as giving advice. When you’ve given, or even been offered unsolicited, unwelcome advice, how well is it received? Likely not very well. The same goes as offering something without an invitation. It’s likely to fall flat.
The crux for us Projectors is that we’re not experienced to know what invitations look or feel like. So, the onus is on us, Projectors, to learn how to discern when an invitation is being extended - when someone is open and receptive for whatever it is that you have to share.
When we wait for the invitation, that’s when we feel success! Success isn’t something that needs to be earned, it’s a matter of waiting for the right moment. And we don’t wait for the right moment, for the invitation, and things fall flat, that’s when we’re bitter. That’s the Not-Self for Projectors.
Manifestors feel Peace or Anger, Projectors feel Success or Bitterness.
Now, the third and final non-Sacral Type that we're covering today are Reflector. I'm gonna be honest with you, Reflectors are different beings. They’re very rare and unique, making up only 1% of the population, so it makes sense that they’re the Type I relate to the least. Or rather, I’m still learning how to relate to them.
What makes someone a Reflector is that not only are they non-Sacral Types, meaning that they have an undefined Sacral center, but they don't have ANY defined centers in their Human Design chart.
So, remember we said that Undefined and/or Open centers means that someone is sensitive and vulnerable to picking up and amplifying the energies from others? Because Reflectors have no definition in their charts, they’re VERY sensitive people.
So, it's important for Reflectors to surround themselves with people who are healthy for them. I mean, it’s important for all of us to do, but particularly for Reflectors since they’re so vulnerable to pick up on the energy of those near to them.
I like to think of Reflectors, as kinda like the consciousness of society.
We have the Manifestors who initiate and bring forth the ideas, the Generators and Manifesting Generators who build and create, the Projectors who organize and guide, and then the Reflectors who mirror what's going on with the collective.
They reflect on what's going on with society, with humanity. Reflectors can show us what's working again for the collective and what’s not. They feel it through their experiences, reflecting the energy of the people, situations, environment - the community around them, which is why, like I said, it makes me think of Reflectors as the consciousness of society.
They feel things very deeply, showing us what our highest potential is, and also, when we’re living in our shadows. Their purpose here is to guide the collective towards a peaceful and cooperative direction. Because their charts are so undefined, it can be challenging for Reflectors to know who they are or wonder if people “see” them for who they are, versus what energy they’re picking up and amplifying from others.
So, they need time to process what’s taking place around them. So, the Strategy for Reflectors is to follow the lunar cycle.
The lunar cycle is 28 days, so it’s best for Reflectors to allow themselves the lunar cycle to process what they're trying to decide.
They can use the lunar cycle to track how they feel over the course of the 28 days and use the time to process where they’re being conditioned, where they're picking up and amplifying other people’s energy versus where they can really step into their purpose.
So that’s the Types and Strategies of the three non-Sacral Types – Manifestors, Projectors and Reflectors - in Human Design.
Some questions for you to think about:
Are you a non-Sacral Types? If so, how did this resonate with you? If you’re a Sacral Type, do you know a non-Sacral Type and how do these traits show up in them? If you know your Type, have you experimented with your Strategy? What happened?
I love to talk about all things Human Design, so come on over to the e show notes for this episode at www.livefablife.com/182 for Episode 182 or come over to my Instagram @livefablifewithnaomi and look for the post on this episode and leave a comment there.
I'm really curious to hear from you about your Type and Strategy.
Next week, in Episode 183, we’re going to cover the Types with defined Sacral Centers - the Generators and Manifesting Generators. Collectively, they make up about 70% of the population so a lot of you!
Before I close this episode, I’d like to share a personal experience with you.
In my full-time job, I’m a Program Manager, a Project Manager and this work comes to me so naturally that honestly, 95% of the time it doesn’t feel like work. In fact, my work doesn’t even take up my full day – I can’t remember the last time I worked a solid 8+ hours.
For a long time, I felt really guilty about this, and I would discuss this with my former manager, who’s been a 2-time guest on the show, in Episodes 121 and 129.
I’ll never forget what she told me. She said, “Naomi, you need to understand that your skills and ability to organize us and keep us on track is not something that we can do ourselves. I can’t do it, and you know the people on our team can’t do it. It’s just not a skill that we have. So, understand that this is your gift and you’re really good at it and we need you. And the reason that it comes so easy for you is because it's such a natural thing for you. So just because it's not taking up eight hours of your day doesn’t mean anything. You work very efficiently, and you get the job done.”
We had this conversation like five or six years ago, long before I’d ever heard of Human Design.
So, this is not to say that every Projector needs to be a Project or Program Manager, that’s not it at all. But I share this because I realized that what seems so natural to me is not something that comes natural to other people. It’s MY gift.
What comes natural to you, may not come natural to me – it’s YOUR gift. And Human Design is what highlights this to us and shines light on the subtleties and things that we may take for granted about ourselves.
That’s it for this episode, so I’ll see you right back here next week for Episode 183.
Thanks, bye!
Naomi Nakamura is a Health x Human Design coach who’s creating a healthier society through aligned energy.
She blends a bespoke mix of Functional Nutrition and Human Design to help others shift into alignment to leverage and correctly manage their energy to support their body, mind, and spirit.
She believes that when we embrace our authenticity and lean into our bio-individuality, we naturally live a life of freedom, empowerment, and optimal health.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
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