Episode 130: Finding Ease & Alignment Through Human Design with Victoria Jane
I believe that a significant part of being healthy is feeling at-ease, free of tension, and living in alignment with who are. Human Design is a powerful tool that can help us reconnect with our true selves.
Joining me to introduce the concept of Human Design is Victoria Jane.
Victoria is a Human Design Reader and Coach. Her mission is to guide growth-oriented folks to use Human Design to live vibrantly - with less hustle and more flow.
After a decade in Silicon Valley achieving everything she thought she was “supposed to” - a coveted career, great salary, and all the free snacks, she was forced to face the harsh reality that she was also exhausted, burnt out, and in danger of doing irreparable damage to her health.
As she searched for how to heal not just her body, but also her spirit, she discovered Human Design. Learning her unique design changed her life. It helped her reconnect back into living in alignment with her energy and intuition, giving her permission to let go of the “shoulds” and start living for herself.
In this episode you’ll hear us discuss:
What is Human Design
The 5 Energy Types of Human Design
How Human Design can enhance your work, relationships, and virtually every aspect of your life
I also share how learning about my Human Design profile as a Projector has shifted my mindset and how I show up in the world.
“Knowing your Human Design energy type is so important because it gives us guidance on what is the best way to share our gifts with the world and how we can be most in flow with our natural energetic strength.”
Read the Episode Transcript...
Naomi Nakamura: Hello my friends and welcome to Episode 130 of The Live FAB Life Podcast. I'm your host Naomi Nakamura. And if you know anything about me, you know how much value I place on mindset and personal development and using different tools such as personality profiles to really develop a sense of awareness as to who we are.
And I think that goes a lot in how we interact with people, how we approach our work, our mindset around different things. And I think in order to truly be healthy, those things have to be positive. We have to be in a positive place to feel happiness. And if we don't feel those things, we might not be healthy.
And so I have been a big fan of things like the Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin, things like the Enneagram. I'm a big fan of the Five Love Languages. And more recently I got into Human Design. I did not know anything about it until a few months ago when a friend and I were looking into it. We both took the free online profiles to find out, what our energy type is, and we got these reports that you truly have no way of interpreting what they mean.
So I put it on the back shelf for a little bit until I was introduced to a Human Design Coach who I recently had a reading with. I cannot tell you how validating, and how I felt seen after having my chart interpreted and read to me.
If you've never heard of Human Design, don't worry. That's what we're going to get into in this episode. So, joining me as a guest is Victoria Jane. Victoria is a Human Design Reader and Coach based here in California. Her mission is to guide growth-oriented people. like, you and I to use Human Design to live vibrantly with less hustle and more flow.
Now, I did not know this at the time that I interviewed Victoria, but in our chat, I came to learn that after a decade of working in Silicon Valley, achieving everything that she thought she was, “supposed” to do, she had that coveted career with some really lucrative and growing tech companies.
She had a great salary, you know, and you get all those free snacks that come with those us startups. And she was earth quaked into the harsh reality that she was exhausted, and she was burnt out. And it became a real danger because she was doing irreparable damage to her health. So, she searched for how to heal, not just her body… But her spirit. And through that journey, she discovered Human Design. And I want to pause for a minute because how many of you have a very similar journey to Victoria? I mean, I've talked about how I've been in Silicon Valley for 20 years and how I went through my own experience with burnout and with adrenal fatigue and how I was doing damage to my health.
And so I had no idea before we recorded this, interview that our journeys were very similar. So, after discovering Human Design, she learned her unique design and that really changed her life. And it reconnected her back to living in alignment with her energy and her intuition, which she really forgotten how to do.
Despite, you know, all of these efforts she was taking towards self-care and knowing her Human Design, it gave her permission to let go of the “should” and start living for herself. From this experience, she has become so passionate about sharing Human Design with others and teaching others how to boldly live their truth. And that has exactly been my experience in having my, my chart read and having a reading with Victoria and she has so much knowledge to bring to the table. I think even just hearing her voice, you will automatically feel at ease. She has such a soothing voice. It's great for podcasting, especially on this topic.
But I don't want to leave you more suspense. So, with that, let's just get to the show.
Hello Victoria, welcome to the show.
Victoria Jane: Hi, I'm so excited to be here. Thank you.
Naomi Nakamura: I am excited to have you here. A couple of weeks ago, I had a reading with you. It was profound for me, and we'll get into all the reasons why, you are someone who guides people through Human Design.
Victoria Jane: Yeah,
Naomi Nakamura: I don't feel like a lot of people know what Human Design is. I had an inkling of it. I think they told you that a couple of weeks prior to us meeting a friend and I looked up our Human Design types, not even really knowing what it was. You know, we're really into the different types of, I guess, personality profiles with the Enneagram and there's the Fascination Advantage and all of these things. You know, we thought this is another one that we looked up our types.
And you know, we get this chart like, well, we don't even know what this means, so we'll get into all of that in a minute. But can you share with us your background and what it is that you do and how you even got into this work?
Victoria Jane: Yeah. Oh my gosh. And thank you for those kind words in the beginning. Yeah. So, my background, I am a Human Design Reader and Coach and I've been doing that publicly for not that long, but I've been really studying Human Design for about the last three years.
Prior to officially sharing this work with the world, I worked in tech and business and Silicon Valley for a decade, but it was super out of alignment for me. I had grown up with a background of being really achievement-oriented, meaning to really be kind of like the star, the A-Plus student, all of that. And as a result, kind of followed this path that a lot of my peers did of, you know, going into the private sector, excelling at their jobs, and kind of continuing to move up in that way, which was fun, kind of.
But it was like I mentioned earlier, out of alignment with my natural intuition and energy. And as a result, I had a number of health issues pop up starting in 2017.
When put my mind to something, I really go for it, so I basically changed everything in my life and lifestyle, you know, food, exercise, sleep, whatever.
And I had already been super healthy before, riding my bike every day to work and meditating every day and blah, blah, blah. And it finally got to the point where I was like, “Oh, I literally changed everything except for work stress.”
And I think that's like the biggest thing. So, there was definitely a rock bottom at some point where I had to actually take medical leave and it was a pretty low moment for me, facing the fact that, you know, this idea of who I wanted to be wasn't who I really was or am. And in that whole journey I discovered Human Design and Human Design is, you touched on earlier, it's this whole complex system that ultimately gets at what is the most inflow way to. Live your life. What's the most inflow way to use your energy in a way that doesn't burn you out?
Make decisions from a place of self-trust and empowerment. And when I learned about my own chart, it was this simultaneous feeling of feeling so seen and so recognized in a way that I never had before. Because as we'll get to you, we're both projectors, so we're in the minority of how society operates.
And then on the other hand there was also this recognition of maybe like grief of like, wow, I really have not been living this way and I feel so, so far from this golden vision of what my life could be like. And that was really the beginning of taking the action to shed things that were not really great for me.
So that's a long-winded way of saying that's how I got here. And happy to go into any, any of those little pockets you want to.
Naomi Nakamura: Well, I want to understand, what did it look like changing everything about your life in addition to your whole career and your work?
We live in the Bay Area. It's expensive to live here, and what you did is a major, major life change.
And so what did that look like? That got you to the point where you said, “I'm doing this. This is worth it for me. I know this is a risk, but my health is too important for me not to take this.”
Victoria Jane: Well, I think it's important to set the context of around 2017 when my health issue started. I did my yoga teacher training in 2012 and that was kind of like the beginning of my like whole self-discovery process that kind of continued.
And then by 2017 I was really digging into also kind of like reparenting and shadow work and like kind of like childhood trauma. So, all of that was simmering in the background while I had these health issues pop up. So first it was blood sugar stuff and gut stuff.
And I actually for six months, like nonstop, I had a yeast infection, which when I look back on it and like, “How did I go to work every day?” But I did. And so, I was changing. Yeah, I got like so into like, you know, don't eat this and eat that. And that also threw me for a trip because I had some disordered eating when I was in high school and early college.
Naomi Nakamura: That is stressful in and of itself too.
Victoria Jane: Oh my gosh. Time-restricted eating and just like tracking all the stuff. I'm a big like data person. I look back, I have like Google docs and notes of like all sorts of, I would take my blood sugar like every morning for a long time.
Naomi Nakamura: I still have those strips!
Victoria Jane: Yeah, totally. And I have to catch myself because, um, even now, like I have a friend and she has gotten into blood sugar stuff and it kind of kicked me off on this, like, “Oh, maybe I should take it back out and like see how I'm doing.” But anyways, for a couple years, like, was making all these health and lifestyle changes.
And again, I was already super healthy and there's part of me that's like, “How can I be prediabetic when I can like squat and dead with like more than my body weight and do pull-ups and like blah, blah, blah?” And you know, doctors are telling me like, “Oh, well either there's nothing wrong with you.” That was one I got a lot, or “Oh, well you're just too stressed. So, like just don't be stressed.”
And it was like literally I meditate every day, what do you want me to do? Right. And looking back, I'm like, okay. I see your point, but like they didn't deliver the message in a way that truly could have helped me. Right. Like when doctor literally gave me a book on stress and I was like, “Here, like read this.”
Naomi Nakamura: At least you got the book!
Victoria Jane: Yeah.
Naomi Nakamura: I mean, my doctors tell me like, “Well, some people are just this way.”, and I'm like, I don’t think people are meant to have severe IBS.
Victoria Jane: Yeah. That was a couple of years. And then simultaneously, a big shift was I had. One of my big shadows was being dumb.
Like I always thought I was always so nervous in meetings because everyone else at work had gone to Stanford and I hadn't. And like just all sorts of stuff that was all made up in my head. And I finally got over that. And I think at that point my health stuff had stabilized a little bit. And so, I was like, “Oh great. I don't need anything from this job that I'm in to validate me. And I feel like I'm working really hard.” And that could have been a point when I could have gotten off and like taken an exit. But instead I decided to get another job that was more stressful.
But it was important for me to do that because I also let you go back to your original question. Like it wasn't just a health rock bottom that brought me to that point of being brave enough to make a change. It was also all the spiritual work that I was, or not. I wouldn't even call it spiritual work. It was just like the self-work that I was doing at the time to see myself for who I was and for all the things I had been doing that were motivated by other people's values.
So, in this new job, there were a series of weird things. We were talking about insomnia before we started recording. Like the job was stressful, but then we also had like some new neighbors move in that made noise all the time.
That like, that also was like a whole insomnia thing. And there were just like different things that happened that made my life like increasingly like, I just couldn't live it the way I was living it. And finally, I think it was like, yeah, we had canceled an international vacation. I was just like, I can't go.
I'm like too tired. I canceled like a 4th of July vacation. I was so grumpy at everyone I had and then like a bunch of hormonal issues came up. I had like lost my period, which had only ever happened when I was really restricting foods. I was like, Oh, this is like. Really bad.
Naomi Nakamura: And then you just don't like how you feel. You almost don't recognize the person who you are because you recognize that your behavior that you're putting out work. Does it match who the person inside it.
Victoria Jane: At the time though, at the time I was like,
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah, at the time you don't recognize it, but when you look back, you're like, there was
Victoria Jane: such a disconnect there
Naomi Nakamura: who I was at that time and who I actually truly believe that I feel like I am.
Victoria Jane: Yeah. So, I think one of the moments was sitting in my therapist office and telling her like how tired I was and like I had lost my period and blah blah. And she was like, that's like a serious like health issue. And I had for so long just been like, not totally well, but I didn't even realize it was a problem.
And it's like sometimes, you know, we put up these walls to not feel what's going on. Cause it's like, how could we better if we did?
Naomi Nakamura: I feel like that's the entire tech industry.
Victoria Jane: And so it took like one person sitting in marrying back to me like. You're like not doing great right now, and then just like sobbing and so I finally worked up the courage to be like, “Okay, I'm going to take a few months off cause like all of my health is not working out.” That was kind of like the first poking a hole and like being able to see outside of like the matrix I had created for myself of like, “Oh, I can take some time away from work and I'm not like a shitty person and things don't fall apart.”
I can just do that. And it's like, okay, what. And so, after that I was like, all right, well, it seems like I really can't keep doing this. And I finally admitted it to myself. Practically speaking, like you touched on, it's really scary. It's like it's expensive to live here. Like. I had never not gotten a paycheck before.
You know, since working and even though, you know, I was in a job that like I'm living off savings right now where I could save up and that's certainly a privilege I did have to overcome all these abundance mindset, like scarcity mindset as well. Oh, like I always need to be saving money. It's going to run out.
I have this weird thing where I was like, what if it all just runs out? People in my life were like, what do you mean? You've saved up enough money to live off for like a year, like what do you mean? Just going to run out as like, I don't know, like what if it just disappeared.
Naomi Nakamura: It's a valid concern that we're living in right now…
Victoria Jane: Yeah. But it's just like some of the things, you know, we have to catch ourselves with, like the stories we tell ourselves.
Naomi Nakamura: So I'm assuming or guessing Human Design played a factor in your journey in working through those things. So, can you tell us how you came to be introduced to Human Design and, and what your practice was like and becoming a coach for it? And really what is it? Is it like the Enneagram? Is it something that's deeper? There's, I know there's elements like astrology. What is it based upon?
Victoria Jane: So, yeah, I love this because I also love the Enneagram. I actually, the Enneagram I encountered in college in a business class, surprisingly enough, although I feel like the Enneagram too, can be very spiritual.
So to me, the differences, so Human Design is, it talks about our energy. That's like kind of the main thing. And it pulls from the teachings for the Kabbalah, the Chakra system and Astrology.
And it's funny cause like if you kind of go on Instagram or listen to a lot of other Human Design teachers, there's a lot of spiritual kind of like leanings.
But the founder himself, he was an atheist. And the science of it is actually similar to how astrology. Works-ish. I don't actually, I don't know too deeply, but the neutrinos that kind of, which I like to have atomic particles constantly streaming through the universe when we're born. They kind of imprint on us in a certain way, and so that's how the chart comes through the way it does. Enneagram, to me is like much more about “What are our motivations?” And in some ways, this is actually purely my opinion now, but it's like we come in with our soul lessons, right? And we pick like an Enneagram type that is going to teach us like, what are the wounds that we need to overcome? And like, you know, it's not so much nurture to me, but like if you, for example, I'm a Five, if you were born as a Five.
I feel like I would just come in with this disposition of, okay, I'm kind of a little fearful about things. I've always feeling like people are interrupting me and intruding. And that's for me to get over and learn how to really integrate into the direction of the eight. So there's a connection there and I don't know what it is yet and I'm still puzzling over it cause I'm a Projector and want to know.
Naomi Nakamura: I relate cause I'm a Projector too. But I can also see within my own self Human Design, reading along with my Enneagram, along with my, Four Tendencies, I can see all of these similarities or crossovers or themes that make up me. And it's just so interesting.
But Human Design, it's based upon someone's birthday, the month date, year, their actual specific time that they're born. I called my mom and had her pull out my birth certificate. I'm like, “I need to know the exact minute”, and she's like, “Why do you need to know this?”, and then where you were born. Am I missing something else?
Victoria Jane: Yep. No, that's it. Exactly right. We want to know the exact, it's the time of the position, right? So that's why the location matters too, for times when conversion stuff, but to what you were speaking to earlier, I know there's something so elegant about all of these systems coming together and it's like, but it's all true. And they're all talking about the same thing.
Naomi Nakamura: And the interesting part, and we'll get into this, is how these things manifest physically. So, you were talking about your health. And these things, they might sound woo to some people. I am personally of the belief that there's no such thing as woo woo because it's all part of the human experience.
Victoria Jane: I’d argue it's just what science hasn't caught up to yet.
Naomi Nakamura: Yes, exactly. But just for some background information, how were you introduced to this and how did you become a coach for it?
Victoria Jane: Yeah, so I came across Human Design when I was doing all of this kind of like deeper inner work that I touched on earlier. One of my teachers was like, you should know what type you are and stuff. And I started looking into it and I was like, Oh, my gosh, this is so true.
In terms of getting to where I am now, I just kind of like studied a lot. There's a few big Human Design folks in this space and certain ones I've resonated with.
So Zoe, if people are familiar with her, she has. Like a reader training course, but Human Design is actually not that old. The founder Rau, he channeled it in the late eighties and there's like an official institution of Human Design that has like a formal program, but it's many years long. And Naomi, you bought the book, so you'll see the language is very dense and so you can get certified that route.
But I personally haven't. I'm super open about that. My study has been with other teachers and kind of integrating it in my own language.
Naomi Nakamura: I love that. So, can you talk about the different types and go over what the different types are at a, at a very high level, because I know you can go very deep on each type. There's even subtypes within types, but for those who are being introduced to Human Design, what are the main types?
Victoria Jane: Totally. So, energy type is the kind of foundational thing to know. So, if you look up your chart, you'll see like all the shapes and numbers and whatever. And then usually there'll be words, there's a few different sites you can get them on or free, and there'll be the section with words, and it'll say what type you are.
So you can either be a Manifestor Generator, Manifesting Generator. And those first three that I just named, there are considered energy types. So, these are people who when they're doing something they love, they create more energy. They fill themselves up, they can keep going. They could be planning their thing and forget to eat. They could be working all day and just like want to do more. And then the last two types are Projectors and Reflectors. And these two types, they're considered non-energy types. So even when they're doing their favorite thing in the world, they'll need to rest a little bit. That's kind of the high level.
And the reason why knowing your energy type is so important is not only is it about how your energy naturally works, but it gives some guidance on what is the best way to share your gifts with the world and how you can be most in flow with your natural energetic strength.
Naomi Nakamura: I was just going to say, I am looking at the profiles. I would have thought that I was something like the Generator because that's how I've lived my life my whole life and finding out that I'm a Projector and then learning more about it through our reading together, it removed a lot of guilt. Because as I push, push, push, I would feel the need to have to take a break because they felt so tired. And then I thought, well, why can't I push through this? What's wrong with me?
But hearing that I’m actually a Projector and the way that my body and my brain reacts and behaves is actually in alignment with that, it validated a lot of. I guess, my experience every day and it, like I said, it removed a lot of guilt about I should be this way. And related to that, I've actually been working with an Embodiment guide / coach / teacher, who she immediately picked up on the fact that a lot of the things that I'm feeling in my body are centered around mindset of having around this need to have to and how I really need to learn to not push and just let things naturally emerge and happen.
And I literally had that session with her, but we had that discussion like the week before you and I had the reading and. When we had my reading my mind, I just like going everywhere cause I'm like, Oh, my gosh, this is exactly what we just talked about in this other thing I did.
So you're a Projector too?
Victoria Jane: Yeah. This is why Human Design is so powerful and I'm so passionate about sharing it because that sense of relief that we can give ourselves the acceptance, the self-love that confidence in like, okay, this is how I work, and like it is going to be different from other people, but Oh well, right?
We talk so much about diversity and how important that is, and yet this is another layer of it. There's energetic diversity. Some people think, “Why is it so hard for us to take break, right?” Like, I think in general, you know, I tell all the Projectors I read for it. It's great to take breaks, but even Generators, and we'll talk about the other types of MG’s, there'll be like, yeah, but I'm like tired. And it's like, cause we so value as society going all the time.
Right. And if anything, where we are right now, kind of current events wise is a great, it's a great change of pace. You know,
Naomi Nakamura: especially working in the tech world like you have, and like I do now, it's that constant drive, to be ahead of the curve and to get things done yesterday and wake up at 5:00 AM get that other thing done.
And that's literally what I did today. It's like I have to get up at five because our six o'clock meeting, they asked me to postpone it so I had to get to my computer. So, it is what it is, and I'm working through some of those things, but knowing what I know about myself, I can now know how I can manage myself in that space and establish boundaries in a way that still works for me.
And I think that's really the power of what this is, is really learning who you are. I don't know about you, but I grew up with Asian parents, and this is not me being stereotypical. This is really how it was my family every day. It was be the best at school, get straight A's. And so that drive is really instilled in you, but it's really a learned behavior.
Victoria Jane: Yeah. And that’s patterning that can happen in Human Design lingo. It's called conditioning. Like we all have it, right? It's like we all grew up with, you know, the voice of society or media or just even well intentioned, uh, adults, teachers, caretakers, who they have their way of doing things. And I think it's very much kind of the old model of like, somebody else has the best advice. Somebody else can tell you the right way to do things. And I feel like increasingly what we're learning together is only, you know, your own. Oh, you know what's going to be right for you.
Naomi Nakamura: A lot of times we don't trust ourselves, and I think this is a tool to help us really learn who we are and build that awareness to, again, give us the validation that actually that gut feeling of who I am actually really is who I am and this is how I can lean into it.
Victoria Jane: Yeah. Yeah, exactly. So let, just to take a step back for Projectors, the reason why they're non-energy beings, and same with Reflectors, is because they don't have this defining characteristic of having a defined sacral center. So, in the chart, you'll see there's a bunch of shapes. They represent different centers where we can send out energy.
So if it's colored in, it means you're always producing that energy within you. And so, for non-energy types, we don't have this really powerful life force energy that if you, if you're looking at your chart, you are a Generator or a Manifesting Generator that you have. And so, for all the other folks, it's really learning the lesson of like you are not meant to really.
Kind of like tie your work to how productive you are because that's not your strong suit. Right. And it's not to say that the Generators and the MG’s are here to be working all the time and like slaves and slogging away, but it's that for them, their energetic purpose is to really cultivate that sacral energy as just giving a reading the other day and someone came up with this great analogy.
Its like you have this woodstove inside of you. And then like when you do the right things for yourself, you're throwing on more logs and then that furnace gets hot and it heats up the whole room and everyone around you gets like all cozy and they can benefit versus you have the stove and you're not following what lights you up and you don't have any light and warmth to share.
So those two energy types Generators and Manifesting Generators, their overall energetic purpose is to really pursue the things that are only. Like a hell yes. I'm so excited to do this because it lifts themselves up and it lifts everyone else up and it's the old way of thinking about things is it's a fixed pie.
Like, if I do something good for me, it takes away from you. When that is not the case. That's not how nature works, right? When a tree grows so many fruits, it does so because it wants to be able to slick, share more seeds and grow more trees in the world, but it also benefits all the creatures and people that get to eat that delicious fruit.
And it's like kind of a similar thing with the sacral energy. You follow what lights you up and then it lifts everyone else around you to fund it. Cause that is like second chakra energy, right? It's like Lakshmi, it's all the gold and jewels and all that.
And then the other, the other energy type is Manifestors. And I'll just touch on that. So, they're really like the people who can just decide they want to do something, and it happens, they can literally speak it. If you look at your chart and you’re a Manifestor, the center kind of where your throat is, is colored in, and it means that you can just kind of like have this urge and then follow that energy because you naturally have that strength, that ability to speak to, I want to, I want to make this happen, and people will listen to you.
Whereas the other types, the other energy types, they don't have that, and so if they just try to push and make something happen, it'll fall flat.
Naomi Nakamura: It's not their natural gift.
Victoria Jane: It's not their natural gift. Exactly. And yet when you come in as a Manifestor, it's like you have this ability to just go and do something, but it's also a lesson.
It's like sometimes Manifestors can have some shadow around, well, can I really show up as big and bright as I want to be? Like, I don't want to upset. People are like, Oh, you're so difficult. Like try to get along with everyone. Right? A lot of those things can happen when you're, especially when we're younger.
And so learning how to own and just a fun, playful way like I am. You are not here to make yourself small. You're not here to play by other people's rules. You're going to make up your own. And so, their strategy is to really, if you look at Human Design lingo, it's to initiate and then to inform. So, like everybody else, we can't just start something.
So we need Manifestors to go out and do whatever it is they want to do, because then we can join in. Right? They are like the people who are like, I'm going to go, you know, I'm going to go in a grocery run. Like who wants stuff? And like everyone else can like say, Oh, I need this, I need that. But without them, it wouldn't have happened.
Naomi Nakamura: You can have someone who you admire and someone maybe who you see as a leader and they’re a Manifestor and so you try to emulate them, but you're not. And so, you might be falling flat because you know it's not natural to you.
Let me take myself, for example, you shared with us what a Generator does. In my patterning, the way I've lived, my life has reflected that of a Generator. But yet I'm tired all the time. And I almost wonder how many people who have adrenal fatigue might be Projectors because they're operating in something that's not their alignment, you know? And so, when I learned that I am a Projector and I don't have this center of energy, it just makes it so much sense to me. And I can see how this is what I mean by being out of alignment, how I was operating out of alignment.
Victoria Jane: Yeah. Well, and the thing is, it's not that Projectors are low-energy people. It just means that we can be so energized when we're doing something, we're into and we're with a big group of people who also have energy.
Like we can get excited by that cause where we're open, we amplify. Right? You can feel into the energy of the room and like go even higher. Right? But we also need to take breaks. We also need to step back. We can't be on a hundred all the time because we're not creating that. We don't have like a consistent story trying to emulate that other energy when it's just not natural to you and you can't sustain it all the time.
Similarly, Manifestors. They have energy, but they also don't have the sacral energy specifically. It will be specific to the person, but they'll have a different kind of energy and so for them, they also work in spurts, right? They're quite quick and they'll be like, I'm going to do like 400 things, and then they'll need to take like a little bit of a pause. So anyone can really fall prey to the, I need to be like Generator.
Even I would say even Generators, if they're forcing themselves to do things that they don't want to do, right? If they're like, Oh, I really need to show up. At this job that I don't like every day because that's like what I'm supposed to do.
Naomi Nakamura: So there's Manifestors, Manifesting Generators, Projectors…
Victoria Jane: Generators, and then Reflectors.
Reflectors. Yeah. If you're a Manifestor, you want to inform an initiate. If you're a Generator or an MG, you want to only pursue the things that let you up, which also means saying, no to things that don't. So, you gotta make sure to do both parts.
Projectors - I don't know if we explicitly said our strategy is to wait for the invitation because we don't want to be too wasteful with our energy, and because we naturally are here to be the guides of society.
We tend to be able to see something in a really unique way or make things more efficient. And so often it's like where the people who are like, I know how to solve all your problems, but we have to stop ourselves from just like spewing all over people, right? Because that would be a waste of our really precious resources. So that's why waiting for the invitation is really important for Projectors. It's like making sure that there's going to be a receptivity that our, what we're sharing is going to be truly valued.
And then lastly, Reflectors, let's talk about them. So, they are the rarest, there are only 1% of the population and their energetic purpose in our society because whatever energy type you are, you are so, so worthy, so loved, so valued - we need you.
And Reflectors, their purpose is to reflect back to everyone else how we're feeling. And the thing is, if you look at a Reflectors chart - none of the centers are filled out. Everything is open. And so as a result, whoever they're with, wherever they are, they totally can like tune into the energy and literally become, you know, whoever they're hanging out with in the moment.
So they can be with one group of people and be like, yes, that's so exciting. I want to go do that thing. And like, this is so me. And then in another moment, being in a different setting and it's like, Oh, my gosh, I'm like so into this other thing, you know, like, I'm going to be a writer. Whereas like, you know, three hours ago they were like, I'm going to be an architecture or whatever.
These are silly examples, but, you get what I'm saying?
Naomi Nakamura: I can see how they could be misunderstood.
Victoria Jane: Oh my gosh, right. Cause it's like as soon as like we're able to talk, people are like, Oh, so what do you want to be like? Who are you? What do you like? What are you all about? And for the Reflectors, it's like, it's truly changing all the time because their purpose is so, it's like, you know, they spend the whole day kind of like with all the different groups of people.
And then in my mind, kind of the archetype is like, they're the ones, if we were in a camp together that are standing by the fire at the end of the night and like telling stories about like how the day went and we hear the stories and we're like, Oh yeah, like that's neat. Like I feel so seen in that. And so, they need to be so, you know, porous and ever changing because that's really what they're here to do, you know?
But one reflection compared to another, they could be like totally different people, you know, based on like who their crowd is.
Naomi Nakamura: 1% of the population.
Victoria Jane: Yeah. Because we don't need, you know, like one person can really have a pretty big community. Right.
Naomi Nakamura: Have you ever done a reading for a Reflector?
Victoria Jane: Have I? I haven't done a reading for one. Not like a, not a formal one, but I know of a couple of Reflectors in my life, and so I've like taken a peek.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. Just for context, is there any famous person you know who's Reflector?
Victoria Jane: Yeah, so in the blogging space,
Naomi Nakamura: I guess, is there a famous person for each type that maybe people can just,
Victoria Jane: Yeah, yeah. So, Sandra Bullock is a Reflector, but I feel like it's not a great example because I don't know. She was just an actress. Right. And if you know Amma, the Hugging Saint. She's just this like woman who like goes around hugging people and like totally heals them through like, just this like deep well of like love that like, I dunno, like pours out of her being, which I feel like is very, cause she can just totally like see people.
And then a more maybe accessible example is if people are in like kind of the wellness blog space. Um, the Balanced Blonde is a Reflector. You know, she has a community and is very much like interacting with people and like reflecting back to sharing her story and sharing her story. Like her audience is like, Oh, yeah, like I really resonate with that. I feel seen, like I'm not alone. So famous Projectors, I'm trying to think, I'm not very good with celebrities, but I just did a reading for a health coach on my story today. Her name is Rachel Barber and I did her reading for her and she is just so living in alignment in particular, she was talking about how for work, she like just doesn't force herself to do too much and she's like more abundant than she ever has been. Also, if people are familiar with To Be Magnetic, so Lacey is a Projector.
Okay. Generators, Beyonce and Oprah. I feel like those are like really good, like classic examples where it's like. You know when Beyonce is like making her music, everyone feels good, when Oprah sharing her stuff. Everyone's just like, yeah,
Naomi Nakamura: Right.
Victoria Jane: Manifestors. So, these are, again, people with like a very distinct division of their own world, right? So, the author JR Tolkien and or JK Rowling. It's like pretty divisive, right? Some people are like, I hate Harry Potter. I think it's so dumb. But other people like, no, I want to be in that whole thing with you.
And then MG’s. So, and I don't know that I was so clear about this before - Generators, they have the sacral MG’s, they also have a cycle, but they have this additional throat connection. And so MG’s are a little more multi-passionate than Generators. Usually. They get kind of like more spontaneously excited about things. And then at the same time. They need to also allow themselves to shed the things that they don't want to keep doing because they master things so quickly. So Tony Robbins is an MG and he's just like such a powerhouse.
Naomi Nakamura: You also see that there are people who may be, if they're not quite in alignment yet, might feel because they have so many interests. Might also overwhelm themselves.
Victoria Jane: Yes, for sure. And then also, sometimes I talk to Generators who are like, but I'm interesting, I have lots of interests. And they're like, why am I not an OMG? And so I want to clarify like even I have many interests, quote unquote, right. The quality of it for an MG is that they will be so excited about something like out of nowhere. And they're also really good at like, like I know one mg who is like, yeah, I'm just like into pottery for two months and like, I'm still good at it and now I'm over it.
Naomi Nakamura: Right? Or I'm going to like, so get into hobbies and things like that. I only say that cause I have a friend who, as I shared with her that I had my reading and she's like, well, I'm a Manifesting Generator. And as you read through this book and we have discussions on what you just said, I'm like, Oh, I get her now.
Victoria Jane: Yeah. It's like
Naomi Nakamura: She's into so many different things.
Victoria Jane: Well, and here's the thing. We all come in with a chart that we had so that we can achieve our highest. Purpose. There is no better or worse chart, just like there's no like good or bad Enneagram type, right? It's just there for us to motivate us in the right ways.
And so if you're an MG, you are here to show people that the non-linear path is so valid and wonderful and every single GMG is going to, their different interests are going to come together in a way that is totally unique. So it's like they're supposed to be into like writing a book and then maybe, maybe not, pick it up like 20 years later.
Naomi Nakamura: I love it. It's so fascinating. So, going back to what I did, and you know, I typed in my information on this free website and got a chart, and if you've ever seen a chart, you will look at it and you will be like. I have no idea what any of this means because it is, it's like a human body. The outline of a human body with different triangles and different parts of the body with numbers everywhere.
So that's why you're needed interpret what all those things mean. But when somebody gets their chart and you help them do a reading, like then what? You know, we can have all this information, but then what?
Victoria Jane: I'm really glad you touched on this because similarly, like my own journey was like, okay, I need to like go make a bunch of changes and this is why I work with people one-on-one. Because oftentimes I'll read for someone and let's say, let's say it's like you here about a career question. They're like, I don't like my job and I want to know what my purpose is. And I'm like, okay, well, you know, you're really good at it.
And it was just making a few examples up, but each of those numbers are, are his skills, right? So, it's like maybe you're really good at storytelling, right? And maybe you're really good at like seeking out experiences in life, but they're like, well, I don't know. Like I, I don't feel like I can, I was told that I needed to always play it safe. I’m scared of using my voice. And so, then there's this whole journey of, you know, I mentioned like doing shadow work and like healing the nervous system.
Naomi Nakamura: I really don't know what shadow work is. Victoria Jane: Yeah. So, it comes from Karl Young and this idea that, you know, there are the parts of ourselves that are deemed good, right?
It's like, Oh, being like a hard worker. Good. Right? Or being nice is good. There are these other parts of ourselves that we have to reject. So, it's, you know, maybe being bitchy is not okay. Maybe being lazy would be another one or stupid, right? It's like you can kill all of the negative things, and so that all gets put in what is called the shadow.
So it's like the part of herself that has been rejected. When we do that, we've created a split, right? It's like there are parts of me that are okay and there are parts of you that are not okay. And so, when we start to try to live more in alignment, it's like, well, like you were mentioning before, I felt such a sense of relief.
Like it was okay to be take rest, but why was it not okay to take rest before? Cause I was going to be lazy, right? So, it's this work of reclaiming the part of ourselves that our self that is lazy, integrating that back in so we can show up as our whole self and owning it.
Naomi Nakamura: There's a couple of words you said there that I just want to call out or that you've said since we started talking is knowing my chart, but also having a reading with you so that I'm able to interpret it has made me feel so validated and seen and I'm open to sharing how this integration process, how I perceive it for myself is one of the things we talked about in my reading for myself is how I'm a guide and how using storytelling is really something that is a gift of mine, and it really helped validate me with this podcast because, you know, when I started, I actually wanted to do it for two years before I actually started, and then I finally just rip the band aid off and did it.
But it validated for me because in this approach I take with my podcast is, yes, I might have doctors on and other subject matter experts and thought leaders and authors, but I also have people who are clients and who are friends, but I feel like their voice matters and they have something important to share with the world. And I really talk about topics in the context of storytelling, and I call it “real people's stories” because I feel like maybe that's just my Projector-ness, but I feel like that's really what resonates and connects us as people.
And so I might be a health coach, but you know, I'm not a doctor. I'm not a licensed professional, but at the same time, that doesn't mean that I can't talk about these things and I can't share what I have to share or give a platform for someone else to share their story as well.
So that was one way that was really validating for me in addition to all the ways we already talked about.
Victoria Jane: Yeah. I'm so happy to hear that. And I would be curious to know, like in those two years where you were sort of sitting on it, like what was holding you back?
Naomi Nakamura: Who am I to do this?
Victoria Jane: Yeah, exactly. So that's like one example of I was working or talking to another woman who was like, yeah, I don't know how I feel about like using my voice. Like I feel like I'm annoying and like taking up too much space and it's like, where do we pick all this up? Right? So just to drive it home, like, no, you're trying to, it's just the first piece. But then are we going to really embody it and live it.
Naomi Nakamura: And then getting to back to the science part of it.
You know, at the time and to a degree, I still am struggling with some thyroid issues and I feel like when people talk about thyroid health issues, it always goes back to Hashimoto's, which is an autoimmune condition of if. I don’t not have that, but that doesn't mean that just because I don't have an autoimmune condition, that does not mean that I don't have thyroid issues and in the holistic space, a part of the healing process for thyroid issues is speaking your voice and speaking your truth because your thyroid is in your throat. And if that's stifled, its seen as affecting your thyroid. So, this really all comes together.
Victoria Jane: Totally. Yeah. I mean, depending on what, lineage, as you study, it's like there are some systems of belief around how disease emerges from the energetic body first, right?
So it's like if we're out of alignment in our energy, then that is a form of stress, right? And so, if we're not using the throat energy correctly, if that's stress on the throat and then it can manifest absolutely in all these physical things,
Naomi Nakamura: I just feel like if you aren't in alignment on some level, there's an angst in you.
Victoria Jane: Or some kind of like tension. It's not flowing. Yeah. Yeah, totally.
Naomi Nakamura: I definitely see the value of how a Human Design knowledge can help someone, not just in their career, but in what is their life purpose and what is the work that they should be doing. And if you have a full-time job in whatever it is that you do and you love it, this is not telling you that you need to change your career or whatever, but how can you create a situation in your current job, or whatever it is you're in to bring more of the traits of your energy type…
Victoria Jane: Yes.
Naomi Nakamura: …to be in alignment with that.
Victoria Jane: Yes, totally. Because sometimes I talk to people and they're like, can you just tell me what I should do?I don't like my career right now, so what should I do. Like, I can't tell you that because all of the things we're talking about is what are your energetic strengths.
So, like, for example, the person who loves their job, like maybe it would be so helpful for them to know that their strongest gift is being able to form bonds with people.And you can do that in any job, right? But maybe you're so good at making people feel comfortable, whatever. And you know, traditionally, I don't know that that's a strength that we tell kids, like, Oh, you're so good at making sure everyone feels comfortable and you're really good at breaking the ice. But if you know that now, you can really like recognize yourself for it.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. It's funny you should say that. When I was in, it was kindergarten or first grade, I don't remember, cause they had the same teacher for both those years. In my paren/teacher conference, my teacher literally told my mom that I was in know-it-at-all. That has not scarred me cause I was like, “Yes, I know!”, but you know, but nobody knows that I'm like a Projector. like, I'm a guide, I'm a guide and I get that. I have to wait for the invitation now, but I can see how I might've been perceived that way.
Victoria Jane: Well, that's another really beautiful example of shadow potentially, where like clearly it's not affecting you, you own it.
But for someone who maybe was really like toxically shamed for that, of course they're not going to want to lean into their gifts, their, you know,
Naomi Nakamura: I'm going to make them some small.
Victoria Jane: Yes, but I love that story so much. I can literally picture like little, you know, five-year-old, like actually I do know it all. Like, thank you.
Naomi Nakamura: I know when my mom was like, “Your teacher says you're a know-it-all. I'm like, because I know!
Victoria Jane: Oh, I love it. I love it so much.
Naomi Nakamura: So what other ways do you help people integrate it into their lives? You know, outside of maybe work or career? Although I feel like that's a major one, cause we spend so much time with our work and in the work that I do as a coach, I see so much unhappiness and health issues tied back to people like they hate their lives. And a lot of the reason why they hate their lives is because job.
But what are some other ways that you've seen or help people integrate this to other aspects of their lives?
Victoria Jane: Totally. Yeah. So, I mean, I think at the highest level, it's just like trusting your intuition, right? Like that self-trust and developing that. If you learn that, then you can figure out everything else on your, on your own, any situation. I think health issues is another one. It's sort of related to work, but it's more around like focusing on like feeling really burnt out and exhausted and like, Okay. Let's take a step back and like think about, you know, what do you want your life to look like? Like that transition point. Because I've been there, you know, and I so understand.
I wish I had someone to support me there at that moment. I'd also specifically like being able to look at that person's chart to see like where they might be overextending themselves versus taking on energy from someone else.
Relationships is another big, really fun one. Either the person who is manifesting in a new partner, being able to look at like their manifestation style and the ways in which they really want to show up, or for people that are in relationship, in partnership already looking at the two charts side by side and seeing like, here's how you can communicate better. Like this is what one person needs. And like this is how the other person's energy works.
Naomi Nakamura: How you complement each other.
Victoria Jane: Totally like there are some people who, you know, were attracted to people.
If you look at like the lines were going a little deeper. Now when two lines connect, it creates what's called a channel, and so we're attracted to people that can often bridge our channels. It's basically like you have a chart for the relationship where it's the overlap of your tooth, so that's like a whole other separate fund.
Naomi Nakamura: Do you do readings for couples? That must be so interesting.
Victoria Jane: It's super fun because just how you feel about yourself, like so validated. It's like now you can see each other.
That's like sacred relationship.
So yeah, I feel like I rattled off quite a bit there, but it's truly like abundance issues is something else that's related to work But I've also, you know, just to give people a little bit of insight
Naomi Nakamura: We're actually having you come and talk to our Beautycounter team because so much of the work that we do is very related to personal development.
It's about people who maybe have never done a sales job before and they've signed up for this and they said, yes, they want to do this, but then all of these things come up for them. That they find themselves living in fear and you know, they desperately want to do this work, but there's so many things we need them back.
Or you know, the way that best practices that maybe like the brand teaches them how to go about doing our business is not in alignment with them. And so, we're going to have a conversation about how to take your energy type and maybe bring that into your business and how it is that you can show up and using your natural gifts .I think that's going to be so powerful for some of the ladies on our team. So, I'm excited for that in a couple of weeks.
Victoria Jane: Same. Same. And also, just because it reinforces like there is no one formula for success. It's so individual. So, I'm really excited too.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. Well, the work that you do is so powerful, my friend.
So how can people connect with you and you know, if they go online and get their reading and look at this chart and be like, what in the world, don't even try to interpret it on your own. Like just save yourself the energy because you won't be able to. Just call Victoria.
Victoria Jane: Thank you for the shout out. I was the person who was like, I'm going to figure this out.
Naomi Nakamura: Totally, I think I even paid $14.99 for the additional information. Oh yeah. And I told Diane, I'm like, Oh, even after that, I don't even know what all that means.
Victoria Jane: I wouldn't recommend it cause sometimes the. lingo is very like, what do these words mean? But yeah, so if people want to book a reading with me, I would love, love, love to chat with them, or you.
My Instagram handle is going to be @VictoriaJane.HD.
Naomi Nakamura: I'll share that so you can link it ] to the show notes.
Victoria Jane: But yeah, I just DM me if, I guess if you don't use it. Do people not use Instagram if they listen to this?
Naomi Nakamura: Um, check the show notes for this episode and there'll be ways to connect with her there.
And if you guys want my perspective, I mean clearly, I loved my reading, but if you want any me to share any more details about my experience, reach out to me personally, again, on DM, on Instagram or via my website.
People can also email you via Instagram too, cause there's that button where you just click. Email, which I feel like myself included. I overlook all the time.
Victoria Jane: Oh, that's right.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah, exactly. So, reach out to me directly and I'm happy to share any more insights that I can to answer questions that you have, but
Victoria Jane: Thank you so much.
Naomi Nakamura: I feel like we could have many shows on this.
Victoria Jane: I know we could. We could for sure, but it was such a pleasure to at least, just to dive into the very, very beginning bit and I hope, I hope it was helpful.
Naomi Nakamura: Yeah. I did not know you had a background working in tech until I watched your Instagram stories today and you share, and I thought that is literally like my audience, so I resonate so much.
Victoria Jane: Yup. Just sharing a little bit more about my background. I hope. You got connects with people in some way.
Naomi Nakamura: I'm thank you so much for coming on.
Victoria Jane: Thank you.
Naomi Nakamura is a Functional Nutrition Health Coach. She helps passionate, ambitious high-achievers who are being dragged down by fatigue, burnout, sugar cravings, poor sleep, unexplained weight issues, and hormonal challenges optimize health, find balance, and upgrade their energy so they can do big things in this world.
Through her weekly show, The Live FAB Live Podcast, programs, coaching, and services, she teaches women how to optimize their diet, support their gut health, reduce their toxic load, and improve their productivity, bringing work + wellness together.
Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!
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