Episode 111: Common Mistakes Made on the 21-Day Sugar Detox

As a 21-Day Sugar Detox coach, I’ve led dozens of people through the program. And over the years, I’ve seen the same mistakes made over and over again.

So in this episode, I’ve pulled together a collective list of the ten of the most common missteps made and how to avoid them.


Your efforts to eat healthier will far exceed 21 days. But for your first 21 days, the 21-Day Sugar Detox is a great place to get started!
— Naomi Nakamura

Read the Episode Transcript:

Hello, my friend and welcome back to another episode of The Live FAB Life Podcast! If this is your first time listening, I’m your host, Naomi Nakamura.

I hope you enjoyed the holidays, but now we’re here at the start of a new year. And in the last episode, Episode 110, I talked about goals and New Year’s resolutions and asked you what will be your catalyst for change?

For many of you, you want to start eating healthier but you might not be sure what that should look like for you. There’s all different kinds of diets and programs, I mean, I’m not a heavy television watcher but during just a few hours that I watched tv over the past week, the commercials with inundated with Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and I’m not sure what else.

There was a time when I felt overwhelmed by it all too. But if there’s one thing I learned about healthy eating is that the simplest way to do so, that works for EVERYONE, no matter what your bio-individual needs are, is to stop eating junk food. You know foods filled with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils - stuff that’s manmade and not real food.

I think if you start there you’ll begin to get to know your body in a way where you’ll intuitively know what kinds of foods it needs, for each and every season.

And this is why, and long-time listeners have heard me say this over and over again, and I’ll continue to say this over and over again, I think that the 21-Day Sugar Detox is a great program to get started with. And I say get started because your journey along this path will far exceed 21 days. But for your first 21 days, this is a great way to get started!

As a certified coach for the 21-Day Sugar Detox program, I recently took over stories over on the 21DSD Instagram account. That’s a fun benefit we coaches have, to take over the stories for the weekend! It’s so much fun to do because it helps me interact with and get to know the larger 21DSD community.

I get to ask questions and hear from the followers what struggles they had or are having doing the program, what questions they have, and even hearing from the alumni as to what advice they’d give someone who’s embarking on the program for the first time.

I did an episode loosely based on this feedback after my last takeover in October and you can listen to that in Episode 101: 10 Key Things To Do For A Successful 21-Day Sugar Detox.

But for today, we’re going to talk about common mistakes to avoid on the 21DSD. This list is based upon my experience coaching dozens of folks through the program, feedback from the 21DSD community, like I said, over on Instagram, as well as from the free 21-Day Sugar Detox Facebook group.

These are common and easily avoidable mistakes that I’ve seen folks make over and over again, so I thought I’d pull them together in one comprehensive list and discuss them collectively.

But before I do so, I have two updates:

Next week’s episode is also going to be on the 21-Day Sugar Detox and its going to be the most commonly, and not so commonly but super interesting, questions asked. And my second update is that my next 21-Day Sugar Detox group coaching program is coming up very shortly! So as 21DSD coaches, we have the liberties of structuring our coaching programs however we like, while still following the framework and guidelines of the program.

After a few years of trying different things like coaching for just the 21-days and even stretching it out to five or even six weeks, I’ve settled on offering a four-week group coaching program. So the first week is a prep week where I will coach you through setting yourself and your kitchen, your family, your office - whatever you need to prep for it, up for success. During this first week, there aren’t any dietary changes, that’ll start in the second week.

So what does a group coaching program look like? Well, I have four live calls using Zoom, an online meeting platform where we connect via video and/or audio. And you can connect using your phone through an app or on your computer. There’s a Facebook group for daily support and although this is a group program, I like to make sure each person is set-up for beyond the program, so I have a 15-minute coaching call with each personally individually AFTER the program.

And one thing I’m doing just for this round is offering a bonus private consult on stocking a healthy kitchen. This is a new service that I’m going to start offering so those who join my January 21DSD program will get it for free!

You can check out all the details and register at www.livefablife.com/21dsd

Okay, that’s enough for updates - on to the show!

After years of coaching, observing and talking to many of you, there are common mistakes that I’ve seen people make over and over again, so I’ve compiled it into one collective list that hopefully, you’ll find helpful as you prepare for your 21DSD program, or perhaps are gearing up to do it again.

Number 1: Not knowing the program guidelines

I see this a lot, especially in the 21-Day Sugar Detox Facebook community where people attempt to do the program without knowing what the basic program rules are.

A part of me hates to use the word, “rules”, but when you’re trying to make a change, and for most people, quitting sugar is significant, because sugar has been thought to be more addicting than tobacco or even heroin, then you’re gonna need some guidelines. I mean, if you didn’t then you wouldn’t be trying to do the program, right?

When I see this happen, someone asks a question where they CLEARLY haven’t done any research into looking for the most basic information, I’m always taken aback by it.

Gosh, if you’re going to join an entire community and do this program, wouldn’t you want to know what’s allowed and what’s not? Yes, the group is there for support, but only after you’ve done the basic work and made the effort to know what level of the program is appropriate for you and what’s allowed for your level and what’s not.

I know this sounds ridiculous, but folks, it happens more often than you’d believe.

Number 2 - Not having and reading through the books

Okay, so maybe you found the free quiz to figure out what level you should follow and found the free Yes / No list for it.

But my friends, there are so many more resources out there for you, namely one, two, or all three of the 21-Day Sugar Detox books!

Yes, there are printed books that the program is based on that you can buy to help you through the program! Sure you have the free group, but you get what you pay for, and I would behoove you to invest in at the very least, the 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide.

I mean, I give it to each person who joins my group coaching program, because that’s the resource I want them to have in their hands, in addition to the guidance and leadership I provide. The books are about $20 on Amazon. If you have a tablet you can even get it for less by purchasing the Kindle version!

I actually have both a hard copy and the Kindle version because when I travel, there are certain books that I want to have access to at all times in case I want to reference something or make a recipe from it. The 21DSD books are among them.

The books have so much rich resources I promise you, you’ll rely upon beyond the 21 days of the program. Set yourself up for maximum success - its worth the investment!

Number 3: Overreaching on your level

When new detoxers are taking the assessment to determine what level is best for them, we always say, “don’t be a hero” meaning, don’t overreach.

If you’ve never tried to give up sugar before, stick to Level 1 - there’s no shame in starting at the beginning. If you’ve never tried to give up dairy before, stick to Level 2. It’s fine. Start easy and if you need to, or want to, work your way each level. Just, as I said, if you’ve never tried to eat healthy, or even give up sugar before, don’t attempt Level 3 the first time you do this program.

We want you to be successful, you want to be successful - don’t set yourself up to fail before you even get started.

Number 4: Don’t eat meager meals!

Getting hungry in between meals is usually when bad choices happen. So how do you NOT get hungry between meals? Make sure your meal has plenty of protein and fat. Want to test this out? Have a breakfast of cereal and milk and measure your hunger status and your need to snack until lunch. On another day, have some eggs, bacon and sauteed kale, which by the way if you scramble your eggs, is a really quick breakfast to make, and then see how satiated you are all morning.

A lot of times, our meals are lacking the right proportion of macros and nutrients which makes us seek out snacking that usually ends up being some sugary treat. Follow the “How to build a 21DSD plate” in the 21-Day Sugar Detox Daily Guide and you will notice a significantly reduced urge to snack.

Number 5: Doubting your ability to succeed before you even try

You know that famous quote, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

If I had a dollar for every time I heard, “Oh I could never do that….”

The stories that you tell yourself, the words that you use, becomes your reality. Whatever energy you put out in the world, is the energy you’ll get back.

So if you’re listening to this, then you must have some kind of interest in doing this program, on some level or another. And if this is true, don’t count yourself out before you even try it! And I mean a genuine effort in trying!

Number 6: Not preparing yourself or making it a priority

Following on on Number 5, if you’re not going to make the effort to genuinely try by making the program a priority, what’s the point?

If you choose to do this program, commit to giving it all you’ve got. You owe it to yourself!

Number 7: Not understanding why you’re doing it

Okay so, you know how to get past doubting your ability to do this program and making it a priority? You understand why you want to do this, to begin with. So when you get lazy, or it feels hard, you go back to “your why.”

And if your why is big enough, it’ll help you stay the course. If “your why” is also your catalyst for change, which is what the last episode, Episode 110, was all about - so go listen to it, if “your why” is your catalyst for change, it will help you stick to the plan for the entire 21-days.

Number 8: Comparing your progress / results to others

While communities and support groups are fantastic resources to help you through the process, you’re also going to be exposed to other people’s experiences. Some people may have pretty big results early on, while others, perhaps you, may not.

This can feel discouraging, and you might wonder what you’re doing wrong and why you’re aren’t seeing the same results. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED!

When it comes to anything health-related, no one has your exact genetics, health history, lives in your exact environment, or experiences the same life stressors as you do. In other words, an apples-to-apples comparison is impossible. So how could any comparison be plausible?

Just stick to your course and single-focused on your own journey.

Number 9: Not being open to trying new-to-you foods

If you’ve haven’t really tried healthy eating, and perhaps you eat more of the standard American Diet, there are foods that may be new-to-you when doing the program. Be open to trying them.

I’ve heard people say, “Well I can’t do the program because don’t eat “your kind” of food.”

My friend, when you try the 21DSD, you’re embarking on a major life change. You signed up for the program because you WANT this change. Just remember, nothing changes, if nothing changes.

If you aren’t willing to be adventurous and try new foods, how are you going to be successful with the program? You’re probably not happy eating the foods you’re currently eating, if you’re here for the program, so open yourself up to trying new things.

I’m not saying you have to like it, but I do expect you to at least try them.

Number 10: Trying to do the 21DSD alone

I’m a coach who believes that coaches need coaches too. Because having a coach means having someone in my corner. It means having someone to bounce ideas off of, to guide me through the process I’m working through, to talk me off a ledge which I get in my own way, to encourage me when I get discouraged, but mostly to do the thinking for me, so it’s one less thing taking up brain space.

This is why I have a running coach - so I don’t have to come up with running workouts and training plans by myself.

Do I know how to do those things? Sure? I’ve been running for over a decade but having someone just give me a plan and support me through it so valuable.

It’s why I have a personal trainer - to put together workouts and lead me through them, making corrections and adjustments to make sure I’m maximizing my experience.

Do I know how to work out in a gym? Yes, I’ve been doing it regularly since 2004, but again - having that coach saves me brain space - one less thing I have to think and process, I just have to do the plan they give me.

Now, with the 21DSD, you already have the plan - for free. But how can you make that plan work for you, personalized to fit your life?

Who will answer your questions that you may not feel comfortable asking in a free Facebook group with thousands of people?

Who can you send a quick email and photo to while you’re in the grocery store, to ask if a specific brand is compliant?

Who will show up for you weekly to personally guide you through the program?

A coach can. Now some people come to the program with the capacity to make it through uncoached, but equally, there are droves of people, given the questions that are asked in the free forums, who could really use a coach.

If you know that you could really benefit from working with one, then do it. It’s an investment in yourself and in your health. And when it comes down to it, is there any more important investment than that?

If you’re listening to this episode at the time it’s been released, as I mentioned at the start of the show, my next group coaching program is coming up and starts on Monday, January 20th.

If you’re listening to this after that date, check my website for the next upcoming group coaching program. I typically run one program a quarter, four times a year - sometimes less, sometimes more.

You can visit www.livefablife.com/21dsd for all the details. And if you have any questions, feel free to reach out via my website, there’s a form you can fill out on the Contact page.

Or tune into next week’s episode, where I’ll answer all the commonly asked questions that I received from my past two 21DSD Instagram stories takeover on the program.

So for a quick recap:

  • Not knowing the program guidelines
  • Not having and reading through the books
  • Overreaching on your level
  • Eating meager meals
  • Doubting your ability to succeed before you even try
  • Not preparing yourself or making it a priority
  • Not understanding why you’re doing it
  • Comparing your progress / results to others
  • Not being open to trying new-to-you foods
  • Trying to do the 21DSD alone

If any of these resonate with you, please, know that it doesn’t have to be this way, and avoiding them will set yourself up for a success sugar detox!

Okay, that’s it for this week and the first episode of 2020!

As always, thanks for listening and we’ll see you right back here again next week!

Naomi Nakamura is a Functional Nutrition Health Coach. She helps passionate, ambitious high-achievers who are being dragged down by fatigue, burnout, sugar cravings, poor sleep, unexplained weight issues, and hormonal challenges optimize health, find balance, and upgrade their energy so they can do big things in this world.

Through her weekly show, The Live FAB Live Podcast, programs, coaching, and services, she teaches women how to optimize their diet, support their gut health, reduce their toxic load, and improve their productivity, bringing work + wellness together.

Naomi resides in the San Francisco Bay Area and can often be found exploring the area with her puppy girl, Coco Pop!

Connect with Naomi on: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest


Episode 112: Answering Frequently Asked Questions about the 21-Day Sugar Detox


Episode 110: What Will Be Your Catalyst for Change?